< Psalms 112 >

1 Praise YAH! [ALEPH-BET] O the blessedness of one fearing YHWH, He has greatly delighted in His commands.
¡Aleluya! Inmensamente feliz es el hombre que teme a Yavé, Que grandemente se deleita en sus Mandamientos.
2 His seed is mighty in the earth, The generation of the upright is blessed.
Sus descendientes serán poderosos en la tierra. La generación de los rectos será bendita.
3 Wealth and riches [are] in his house, And his righteousness is standing forever.
Suficiencia y riquezas hay en su casa, Y su justicia permanece para siempre.
4 Light has risen in darkness to the upright, Gracious, and merciful, and righteous.
Luz resplandece en las tinieblas para el recto. Es bondadoso, compasivo y justo.
5 The man—good, gracious, and lending, He sustains his matters in judgment.
Anda bien el hombre que es bondadoso y presta. Mantendrá su causa en el juicio.
6 For he is not moved for all time; For the righteous is a continuous memorial.
Porque él nunca será conmovido, El justo será recordado para siempre.
7 He is not afraid of an evil report, His heart is prepared [and] confident in YHWH.
No tendrá temor de malas noticias. Su corazón está firme, confiado en Yavé.
8 His heart is sustained—he does not fear, Until he looks on his adversaries.
Su corazón está sostenido. No temerá hasta que mire desde arriba a sus adversarios.
9 He has scattered—has given to the needy, His righteousness is standing forever, His horn is exalted with glory.
El reparte libremente a los pobres. Su justicia permanece para siempre. Su poder es exaltado con honor.
10 The wicked sees, and has been angry, He gnashes his teeth, and has melted, The desire of the wicked perishes!
Lo verá el perverso y se angustiará. Crujirá sus dientes y se consumirá. El deseo de los perversos perecerá.

< Psalms 112 >