< Psalms 104 >

1 Bless, O my soul, YHWH! YHWH, my God, You have been very great, You have put on splendor and majesty.
Yabi Ubangiji, ya raina. Ya Ubangiji Allahna, kana da girma ƙwarai; kana saye da daraja da ɗaukaka.
2 Covering Himself [with] light as a garment, Stretching out the heavens as a curtain,
Ubangiji ya naɗe kansa da haske kamar riga ya shimfiɗa sammai kamar tenti
3 Who is laying the beam of His upper chambers in the waters, Who is making thick clouds His chariot, Who is walking on wings of wind,
ya kafa ginshiƙan ɗakin samansa a kan ruwaye. Ya maido da gizagizai suka zama keken yaƙinsa yana hawa a kan fikafikan iska.
4 Making His messengers—the winds, His ministers—the flaming fire.
Ya mai da iska suka zama’yan saƙonsa harsunan wuta kuma bayinsa.
5 He has founded earth on its bases, It is not moved for all time and forever.
Ya kafa duniya a kan tussanta; ba za a iya matsar da ita ba.
6 The abyss! You have covered it as with clothing, Waters stand above hills.
Ka rufe ta da zurfi kamar da riga ruwaye sun tsaya a bisa duwatsu.
7 They flee from Your rebuke, They hurry away from the voice of Your thunder.
Amma a tsawatawarka ruwaye suka gudu da jin ƙarar tsawanka suka ruga da gudu;
8 They go up hills—they go down valleys, To a place You have founded for them.
suka gudu a bisa duwatsu, suka gangara zuwa cikin kwaruruka, zuwa wurin da ka shirya musu.
9 You have set a border, they do not pass over, They do not turn back to cover the earth.
Ka kafa iyakar da ba a iya tsallakawa; ba za su ƙara rufe duniya ba.
10 He is sending forth fountains in valleys, They go on between hills.
Ya sa maɓulɓulai suka zuba ruwa cikin kwaruruka; yana gudu tsakanin duwatsu.
11 They water every beast of the field, Wild donkeys break their thirst.
Suna ba da ruwa ga dukan namun jeji; jakunan jeji suna kashe ƙishirwansu.
12 The bird of the heavens dwells by them, From between the branches They give forth the voice.
Tsuntsaye sarari suna sheƙunansu kusa da ruwan; suna rera cikin rassa.
13 Watering hills from His upper chambers, The earth is satisfied from the fruit of Your works.
Yana wa duwatsu banruwa daga ɗakinsa na sama; ƙasa tana ƙoshiya da amfanin aikinsa.
14 Causing grass to spring up for livestock, And herb for the service of man, To bring forth bread from the earth,
Yana sa ciyawa tă yi girma saboda shanu, tsire-tsire domin mutum ya nome, suna fid da abinci daga ƙasa,
15 And wine—it makes the heart of man glad, To cause the face to shine from oil, And bread—it supports the heart of man.
ruwan inabi yakan sa zuciyar mutum tă yi murna, mai kuwa yakan sa fuska tă yi haske, abinci kuma da yake riƙe zuciyarsa.
16 The trees of YHWH [are] satisfied, Cedars of Lebanon that He has planted,
Ana yi wa itatuwan Ubangiji banruwa sosai, al’ul na Lebanon da ya shuka.
17 Where birds make nests, The stork—the firs [are] her house.
A can tsuntsaye suke sheƙunnansu; shamuwa tana da gidanta a itatuwan fir.
18 The high hills [are] for wild goats, rocks [are] a refuge for hyraxes,
Manyan duwatsu na awakin jeji ne; tsagaggun duwatsun mafaka ne ga rema.
19 He made the moon for seasons, The sun has known his place of entrance.
Wata ne ke ƙididdigar lokuta, rana kuma ta san sa’ad da za tă fāɗi.
20 You set darkness, and it is night, Every beast of the forest creeps in it.
Ka yi duhu, sai ya zama dare, sai dukan namun jeji a kurmi suka fito a maƙe.
21 The young lions are roaring for prey, And to seek their food from God.
Zakoki sun yi ruri sa’ad da suke farauta suna kuma neman abincinsu daga Allah.
22 The sun rises, they are gathered, And they crouch in their dens.
Rana ta fito, sai suka koma shiru; suka koma suka kwanta a kogwanninsu.
23 Man goes forth to his work, And to his service—until evening.
Mutum yakan tafi aikinsa, zuwa wurin aikinsa har yamma.
24 How many have been Your works, O YHWH, You have made all of them in wisdom, The earth is full of your possessions.
Ina misalin yawan aikinka, ya Ubangiji! Cikin hikima ka yi su duka; duniya ta cika da halittunka.
25 This, the sea, great and broad of sides, There [are] moving things—innumerable, Living creatures—small with great.
Akwai teku, babba da kuma fāɗi, cike da halittun da suka wuce ƙirga, abubuwa masu rai babba da ƙarami.
26 There ships go—[and] leviathan, That You have formed to play in it.
A can jiragen ruwa suna kai komo, kuma dodon ruwan da ka yi, yă yi wasa a can.
27 All of them look to You, To give their food in its season.
Waɗannan duka suna dogara gare ka don ka ba su abincinsu a daidai lokaci.
28 You give to them—they gather, You open Your hand—they [are] satisfied [with] good.
Sa’ad da ba su da shi, sai su tattara shi; sa’ad da ka buɗe hannunka, sukan ƙoshi da abubuwa masu kyau.
29 You hide Your face—they are troubled, You gather their spirit—they expire, And they return to their dust.
Sa’ad da ka ɓoye fuskarka, sai su razana; sa’ad da ka ɗauke numfashinsu, sai su mutu su kuma koma ga ƙura.
30 You send out Your Spirit, they are created, And You renew the face of the ground.
Sa’ad da ka aika da Ruhunka, sai su halittu, su kuma sabunta fuskar duniya.
31 The glory of YHWH is for all time, YHWH rejoices in His works,
Bari ɗaukakar Ubangiji ta dawwama har abada; bari Ubangiji yă yi farin ciki cikin aikinsa,
32 Who is looking to earth, and it trembles, He comes against hills, and they smoke.
shi wanda ya dubi duniya, sai ta razana, wanda ya taɓa duwatsu, sai suka yi hayaƙi.
33 I sing to YHWH during my life, I sing praise to my God while I exist.
Zan rera ga Ubangiji dukan raina; zan rera yabo ga Allahna muddin ina raye.
34 My meditation on Him is sweet, I rejoice in YHWH.
Bari tunanina yă gamshe shi, yayinda nake farin ciki a cikin Ubangiji.
35 Sinners are consumed from the earth, And the wicked are no more. Bless, O my soul, YHWH. Praise YAH!
Amma bari masu zunubi su ɓace daga duniya mugaye kuma kada a ƙara ganinsu. Yabi Ubangiji, ya raina. Yabi Ubangiji.

< Psalms 104 >