< Proverbs 1 >

1 Proverbs of Solomon, son of David, king of Israel:
Men pwovèb Salomon, pitit David la, ki te wa peyi Izrayèl.
2 For knowing wisdom and instruction, For understanding sayings of intelligence,
Pwovèb sa yo la pou fè moun konnen sa ki rele gen sajès ak bon levasyon, pou yo konprann lè moun lespri ap pale ak yo.
3 For receiving the instruction of wisdom, Righteousness, judgment, and uprightness,
Pwovèb sa yo la tou pou moutre moun jan pou yo viv avèk konprann, pou yo gen bon kondit, pou yo pa fè lenjistis, pou yo mache dwat nan lavi.
4 For giving to simple ones—prudence, To a youth—knowledge and discretion.
Y'ap louvri lespri moun ki manke konprann, y'ap bay jenn gason yo konesans ak konprann.
5 (The wise hear and increase learning, And the intelligent obtain counsels.)
Se pou moun ki gen konesans koute sa ki nan pwovèb yo, pou yo ka mete sou sa yo konnen deja. Se pou moun ki gen lespri koute sa ki nan pwovèb yo, pou yo ka konnen ki jan pou yo mennen bak yo pi byen,
6 For understanding a proverb and its sweetness, Words of the wise and their acute sayings.
konsa, y'a ka konprann sans tout pwovèb ak tout parabòl, sans tout pawòl k'ap soti nan bouch moun ki gen bon konprann yo ak koze tout moun pa ka konprann.
7 Fear of YHWH [is the] beginning of knowledge, Fools have despised wisdom and instruction!
Lè ou gen krentif pou Bondye, se lè sa a ou konmanse gen konesans. Moun fou pa konn valè sa yo rele gen konesans, yo refize aprann.
8 Hear, my son, the instruction of your father, And do not leave the law of your mother,
Pitit mwen, koute papa ou non lè l'ap ba ou bon levasyon! Pa janm bliye sa manman ou te moutre ou!
9 For they [are] a graceful wreath to your head, And chains to your neck.
Menm jan bèl foula mare nan tèt ak kolye pase nan kou bay pi bèl aparans, konsa tou konsèy papa ou ak manman ou ap fè anpil pou ou.
10 My son, if sinners entice you, do not be willing.
Pitit mwen, lè moun k'ap fè sa ki mal vle detounen ou, pa kite yo pran tèt ou.
11 If they say, “Come with us, we lay wait for blood, We watch secretly for the innocent without cause,
Si yo di ou: Vini ak nou non! Ann anbiske kò nou pou n' touye moun. Ann pare pèlen pou nou pran inonsan yo, san yo pa gen anyen ak nou.
12 We swallow them as Sheol—alive, And whole—as those going down [to] the pit, (Sheol h7585)
Ann vale yo tou vivan, tankou simityè ki pa janm refize mò. Ann vale yo tout ankè tankou kadav y'ap antere. (Sheol h7585)
13 We find every precious substance, We fill our houses [with] spoil,
N'a jwenn tout kalite gwo richès, n'a plen kay nou ak tout bagay n'a pran.
14 You cast your lot among us, One purse is—to all of us.”
W'a jwenn pa ou nan tou sa n'a pran. Va gen yon sèl kès pou nou tout.
15 My son! Do not go in the way with them, Withhold your foot from their path,
Pitit mwen, pa mache avèk moun konsa! Pa mete pye ou kote moun sa yo pase!
16 For their feet run to evil, And they hurry to shed blood.
Yo toujou dèyè pou fè sa ki mal. Pou ti krik ti krak, yo mete san deyò.
17 Surely in vain is the net spread out before the eyes of any bird.
Kisa ou konprann ou fè lè ou kite zwezo wè ou ap tann pèlen pou li?
18 And they lay wait for their own blood, They watch secretly for their own lives.
Se konsa moun sa yo pran nan pèlen yo menm yo pare a. Yo tonbe nan pyèj yo mete a, yo mouri.
19 So [are] the paths of every gainer of dishonest gain, It takes the life of its owners.
Nan chache genyen sa ki pa pou ou, se ou ki lakòz malè rive ou. Se sa menm ki pou rive tout moun ki pa wè pase vòlò.
20 Wisdom cries aloud in an out-place, She gives forth her voice in broad places,
Koute byen. Sajès ap rele nan lari, l'ap pale byen fò sou plas piblik.
21 She calls at the head of the multitudes, In the openings of the gates, In the city she says her sayings:
L'ap rele nan tout kalfou, nan pòtay lavil yo, toupatou kote tout moun ka tande.
22 “Until when, you simple, do you love simplicity? And have scorners desired their scorning? And do fools hate knowledge?
L'ap di: Bann egare! Kilè n'a sispann renmen fè tenten? Kilè n'a sispann pran plezi nou nan pase tout bagay nan betiz? Kilè moun fou yo va soti pou yo aprann?
23 Turn back at my reproof, behold, I pour forth my spirit to you, I make known my words with you.
Se pou n' koute m' lè m'ap rale zòrèy nou. M'ap di nou tou sa ki nan tèt mwen, m'ap fè nou konnen tou sa m' konnen.
24 Because I have called, and you refuse, I stretched out my hand, and none is attending,
Ki jan nou ye konsa? Mwen rele nou, nou fè tankou nou pa tande m'. Mwen lonje men ban nou, nou fè tankou nou pa wè m'.
25 And you slight all my counsel, And you have not desired my reproof.
Anhan! Se konsa sa ye? Nou voye tout konsèy mwen te ban nou yo jete byen lwen nou. Nou refize kite m' korije nou.
26 I also laugh in your calamity, I deride when your fear comes,
Konsa, lè n'a nan ka, m'a ri nou. Lè malè va fè nou tranble, m'a pase nou nan rizib.
27 When your fear comes as destruction, And your calamity comes as a windstorm, When adversity and distress come on you.
Lè malè va tonbe sou nou tankou yon van siklòn, lè tray va pase sou nou tankou yon toubouyon, lè lapenn ak kè sere va pran nou,
28 Then they call me, and I do not answer, They seek me earnestly, and do not find me.
le sa a, n'a rele m', mwen menm yo rele sajès, men mwen p'ap reponn nou. N'a mache chache m' toupatou, men nou p'ap jwenn mwen.
29 Because that they have hated knowledge, And have not chosen the fear of YHWH.
Nou pa t' vle wè konesans, nou te toujou refize gen krentif pou Bondye.
30 They have not consented to my counsel, They have despised all my reproof,
Nou pa t' janm vle koute konsèy m' t'ap ban nou, nou te toujou derefize koute m' lè m' t'ap korije nou.
31 And they eat of the fruit of their way, And they are filled from their own counsels.
Se pou nou rekòlte sa nou te simen an. Se pou nou sibi konsekans vye konsèy nou t'ap swiv yo.
32 For the turning of the simple slays them, And the security of the foolish destroys them.
Moun ki san esperyans yo mouri paske yo refize aprann. Bann moun fou yo menm, yo pa pran anyen pou anyen, se sa k'ap pèdi yo tou.
33 And whoever is listening to me dwells confidently, And [is] quiet from fear of evil!”
Men, moun ki koute sa m' di yo jwenn lasirans, y'a viv ak kè poze, yo p'ap bezwen pè anyen.

< Proverbs 1 >