< Proverbs 26 >
1 As snow in summer, and as rain in harvest, So honor [is] not fitting for a fool.
榮譽の愚なる者に適はざるは夏の時に雪ふり 穡收の時に雨ふるがごとし
2 As a bird by wandering, as a swallow by flying, So reviling without cause does not come.
3 A whip is for a horse, a bridle for a donkey, And a rod for the back of fools.
馬の爲には策あり 驢馬の爲には銜あり 愚なる者の背のために杖あり
4 Do not answer a fool according to his folly, Lest you are like to him—even you.
愚なる者の痴にしたがひて答ふること勿れ 恐くはおのれも是と同じからん
5 Answer a fool according to his folly, Lest he is wise in his own eyes.
愚なる者の痴にしたがひて之に答へよ 恐くは彼おのれの目に自らを智者と見ん
6 He is cutting off feet, he is drinking injury, Who is sending things by the hand of a fool.
7 The two legs of the lame have been weak, And an allegory in the mouth of fools.
跛者の足は用なし 愚なる者の口の箴もかくのごとし
8 As one who is binding a stone in a sling, So [is] he who is giving honor to a fool.
9 A thorn has gone up into the hand of a drunkard, And an allegory in the mouth of fools.
10 The Former of all [is] great, And He is rewarding a fool, And is rewarding transgressors.
愚なる者を傭ひ流浪者を傭ふ者は すべての人を傷くる射手の如し
11 As a dog has returned to its vomit, A fool is repeating his folly.
狗のかへり來りてその吐たる物を食ふがごとく 愚なる者は重ねてその痴なる事をおこなふ
12 You have seen a man wise in his own eyes, More hope of a fool than of him!
汝おのれの目に自らを智慧ある者とする人を見るか 彼よりも却て愚なる人に望あり
13 The slothful has said, “A lion [is] in the way, A lion [is] in the broad places.”
惰者は途に獅あり 衢に獅ありといふ
14 The door turns around on its hinge, And the slothful on his bed.
15 The slothful has hid his hand in a dish, He is weary of bringing it back to his mouth.
16 Wiser [is] the slothful in his own eyes, Than seven [men] returning a reason.
17 Laying hold on the ears of a dog, [Is] a passer-by making himself wrath for strife [that is] not his own.
18 As [one] pretending to be feeble, Who is casting sparks, arrows, and death,
旣にその鄰を欺くことをなして我はただ戯れしのみといふ者は 火箭または鎗または死を擲つ狂人のごとし
19 So has a man deceived his neighbor, And has said, “Am I not playing?”
旣にその鄰を欺くことをなして我はただ戯れしのみといふ者は 火箭または鎗または死を擲つ狂人のごとし
20 Fire is going out without wood, And contention ceases without a tale-bearer,
薪なければ火はきえ 人の是非をいふ者なければ爭端はやむ
21 Coal to burning coals, and wood to fire, And a man of contentions to kindle strife.
22 The words of a tale-bearer [are] as self-inflicted wounds, And they have gone down [to] the inner parts of the heart.
23 Silver of dross spread over potsherd, [Are] burning lips and an evil heart.
24 A hater pretends by his lips, And he places deceit in his heart,
恨むる者は口唇をもて自ら飾れども 心の衷には虚偽をいだく
25 When his voice is gracious do not trust in him, For seven abominations [are] in his heart.
彼その聲を和らかにするとも之を信ずるなかれ その心に七の憎むべき者あればなり
26 Hatred is covered by deceit, Its wickedness is revealed in an assembly.
たとひ虚偽をもてその恨をかくすとも その惡は會集の中に顯はる
27 Whoever is digging a pit falls into it, And the roller of a stone, it turns to him.
坑を掘るものは自ら之に陷らん 石を轉ばしあぐる者の上にはその石まろびかへらん
28 A lying tongue hates its bruised ones, And a flattering mouth works an overthrow!
虚偽の舌はおのれの害す者を憎み 諂ふ口は滅亡をきたらす