< Proverbs 26 >

1 As snow in summer, and as rain in harvest, So honor [is] not fitting for a fool.
Menm jan moun pa bezwen tann pou fè gwo fredi nan sezon chalè, ni pou lapli tonbe nan sezon rekòt, konsa tou, moun san konprann pa bezwen tann pou yo fè lwanj li.
2 As a bird by wandering, as a swallow by flying, So reviling without cause does not come.
Madichon pa ka fè ou anyen si ou pa antò. Se tankou ti zwezo k'ap vòltije sou branch bwa, ziwondèl k'ap vole nan syèl la yo ye.
3 A whip is for a horse, a bridle for a donkey, And a rod for the back of fools.
Fwèt pou chwal, baboukèt pou bourik, baton pou do moun ki san konprann.
4 Do not answer a fool according to his folly, Lest you are like to him—even you.
Pa reponn moun sòt yo menm jan yo pale a, pou ou pa parèt sòt menm jan ak yo.
5 Answer a fool according to his folly, Lest he is wise in his own eyes.
Reponn moun sòt yo dapre jan yo pale a, w'a fè yo wè se moun sòt yo ye.
6 He is cutting off feet, he is drinking injury, Who is sending things by the hand of a fool.
Yon moun ki voye yon moun sòt fè komisyon, se tankou si li te koupe janm li. Se traka l'ap chache bay tèt li.
7 The two legs of the lame have been weak, And an allegory in the mouth of fools.
Yon moun ki san konprann sèvi ak yon pwovèb menm jan yon moun bwete sèvi ak move janm lan.
8 As one who is binding a stone in a sling, So [is] he who is giving honor to a fool.
Fè lwanj yon moun ki san konprann, se tankou si ou te mare wòch la anvan ou tire fistibal la.
9 A thorn has gone up into the hand of a drunkard, And an allegory in the mouth of fools.
Yon moun san konprann k'ap bay yon pwovèb, se tankou yon moun sou k'ap chache wete yon pikan nan dwèt li.
10 The Former of all [is] great, And He is rewarding a fool, And is rewarding transgressors.
Patwon ki pran nenpòt moun san konprann osinon nenpòt moun k'ap pase nan lari pou travay pou li, se yon danje pou tout moun.
11 As a dog has returned to its vomit, A fool is repeating his folly.
Menm jan yon chen tounen vin manje sa li vonmi, se konsa moun san konprann yo ap toujou fè sa y'ap fè a.
12 You have seen a man wise in his own eyes, More hope of a fool than of him!
Gen plis espwa pou yon moun ki san konprann pase pou yon moun ki mete nan tèt li li konprann.
13 The slothful has said, “A lion [is] in the way, A lion [is] in the broad places.”
Parese a di: Gen bèt nan bwa sou wout la. Gen yon lyon nan lari a.
14 The door turns around on its hinge, And the slothful on his bed.
Parese a ap vire adwat agoch nan kabann li, menm jan yon pòt ap vire louvri fèmen sou gon li yo.
15 The slothful has hid his hand in a dish, He is weary of bringing it back to his mouth.
Parese a pran kiyè l' nan men l'. Men, pou l' leve l' mete nan bouch li, se yon pakèt afè.
16 Wiser [is] the slothful in his own eyes, Than seven [men] returning a reason.
Parese mete nan tèt li li gen plis konprann pase sèt moun lespri ki konn sa y'ap di.
17 Laying hold on the ears of a dog, [Is] a passer-by making himself wrath for strife [that is] not his own.
Moun k'ap foure bouch nan koze ki pa gade l', se tankou moun k'ap rale ke chen li jwenn sou gran chemen.
18 As [one] pretending to be feeble, Who is casting sparks, arrows, and death,
-(we vèsè pwochen)
19 So has a man deceived his neighbor, And has said, “Am I not playing?”
Moun k'ap mache twonpe moun, apre sa pou li di: Aa monchè! Se jwe mwen t'ap jwe, moun konsa tankou moun fou k'ap voye bwa dife ak wòch pou touye moun.
20 Fire is going out without wood, And contention ceases without a tale-bearer,
Kote ki pa gen bwa, pa gen dife. Kote ki pa gen tripòt, pa gen kont.
21 Coal to burning coals, and wood to fire, And a man of contentions to kindle strife.
Chabon kenbe recho a limen. Bwa pa kite dife a mouri. Konsa tou, moun ki renmen chache kont toujou ap pouse dife.
22 The words of a tale-bearer [are] as self-inflicted wounds, And they have gone down [to] the inner parts of the heart.
Tripotay dous nan zòrèy moun ki vle tande yo. Sa mache nan san yo.
23 Silver of dross spread over potsherd, [Are] burning lips and an evil heart.
Yon moun ki gen bèl pawòl nan bouch li men ki gen move kè, se tankou bèl penti sou bwa pouri.
24 A hater pretends by his lips, And he places deceit in his heart,
Ipokrit ki rayi moun toujou ap bay bèl pawòl. Men, nan kè l', se twonpe l'ap twonpe moun.
25 When his voice is gracious do not trust in him, For seven abominations [are] in his heart.
Lè l'ap pale konsa, ou pa bezwen kwè l', paske nan fon kè l', se mechanste ase ki genyen.
26 Hatred is covered by deceit, Its wickedness is revealed in an assembly.
Li te mèt kache sa, tout moun gen pou wè mechanste l'ap fè yo.
27 Whoever is digging a pit falls into it, And the roller of a stone, it turns to him.
Moun k'ap tann pèlen pou lòt se yo menm k'ap pran ladan li. Moun ki konmanse woule wòch la, se li menm ankò wòch la ap kraze.
28 A lying tongue hates its bruised ones, And a flattering mouth works an overthrow!
Fòk ou rayi yon moun vre pou fè manti sou li. Lè w'ap flate moun, se tèt ou w'ap fè tò.

< Proverbs 26 >