< Proverbs 16 >

1 Arrangements of the heart [are] of man, An answer of the tongue from YHWH.
Kawpoek ing khawkhaannaak taw thlanghqing a hutna awm nawh, awi hlatnaak taw Bawipa venna kaw ni.
2 All the ways of a man are pure in his own eyes, And YHWH is pondering the spirits.
Thlang ing amah poeknaak awh a lam boeih boeih thyym sak hy, cehlai Khawsa ingtaw kawlung ni a toek.
3 Roll your works to YHWH, And your purposes are established,
Na bibi boeih Bawipa kutawh hal lah. Cawhtaw na ngaihnaak boeih ni soep pe kaw.
4 YHWH has worked all things for Himself, And also the wicked—for a day of evil.
Khawsa ing a hoei soepkep boeih ce Amah kawngaih amyihna a sai boeih ni, khawsak amak leekkhqi a zoseetnaak khawnghii awm sai pe hy.
5 Every proud one of heart [is] an abomination to YHWH, Hand to hand—he is not acquitted.
Ak oek qu kawlungkhqi boeih Bawipa ing tuih nawh, kawlung kutoet mai seiawm, a toel kaana am hlah ti kawm uh.
6 Iniquity is pardoned in kindness and truth, And in the fear of YHWH Turn aside from evil.
Qeennaak ingkaw awitak ing thawlhnaak dip sak thai nawh, Khawsa kqihchahnaak ing thlang ngawh thawlh ceh taak thai hy.
7 When a man’s ways please YHWH, even his enemies, He causes to be at peace with him.
Khawsa ym kawina thlang ing khaw a sak awhtaw, a qaalkhqi mi qoepqui cana awm haih thai hy.
8 Better [is] a little with righteousness, Than abundance of increase without justice.
Amak thyymna theem khawzah huh anglakawh ak thyymna theem a khoeh huh leek hy.
9 The heart of man devises his way, And YHWH establishes his step.
Thlang, ak kawlung ing a sai ham kawi khawkhan moe, a khawngkham khqi boeih cetaw Khawsa ing a sawi ni.
10 An oath [is] on the lips of a king, In judgment his mouth does not trespass.
Sangpahrang am hui lai awh ak thyym awitlyknaak awm nawh, am khakhui awhkawng amak thyym awi ap cawn ti kaw.
11 A just beam and balances [are] YHWH’s, All the stones of the bag [are] His work.
Ak thyym tahnaak ingkaw tehnaak taw Bawipa a koena awm nawh, tahnaak sawngsa khui awhkaw ak qih boeih awm Amah a sai ni.
12 Doing wickedness [is] an abomination to kings, For a throne is established by righteousness.
Sangpahrangkhqi ing amak thyymna bibi tuih uhy, ngawlhdoelh ce dyngnaak ingawh cak sak ham ami ngaih awh.
13 Righteous lips [are] the delight of kings, And he loves whoever is speaking uprightly,
Ak thyym hui am lai ce Sangpahrangkhqi ing ym unawh, awithyym kqawn ce lungna uhy.
14 The fury of a king [is] messengers of death, And a wise man pacifies it.
Sangpahrang kawsonaak taw thihnaak a dyihthingna awm nawh, cehlai thlakcyi ingtaw ak kawsonaak dip sak hy.
15 In the light of a king’s face [is] life, And his goodwill [is] as a cloud of the spring rain.
Sangpahrang a mikhai a hlampannaak awh hqingnaak awm nawh, ak kawzeelnaak taw khawtlan coeng a hu awhkaw cingmai amyih na ni.
16 To get wisdom—how much better than gold, And to get understanding—to be chosen [more] than silver!
Sui anglakawh cyihnaak taak ve leek soeih mah hy! Oeih, ngun lakawh zaaksimnaak tyk ve leek soeih mah hy!
17 A highway of the upright [is] to turn from evil, Whoever is preserving his soul is watching his way.
Thlakdyng a cehnaak lam ing thawlh qei hy; a lam ak ngaihtaak thlang taw a hqingnaak ak ngaihtaak thlangna awm hy.
18 Pride [is] before destruction, And before stumbling—a haughty spirit.
Oek qunaak taw plamthamnaak a hai benna cet nawh, soekloeknaak awm tluuknaak a hai benna ak cet ni.
19 Better is humility of spirit with the poor, Than to apportion spoil with the proud.
Thlak oek qu ingqawi thlang a khawh quk tei ak lakawh thlak khawdeng ingqawi thlak kaina phaih qu nawh awm leek ngai hy.
20 The wise in any matter finds good, And whoever is trusting in YHWH, O his blessedness.
Toelnaak awi ak ngai thlang taw a khawsak vaan kawm saw, Khawsa ak ypnaak thlang taw a zoseen thlang ni.
21 For the wise in heart is called intelligent, And sweetness of lips increases learning.
Kawlung ak cyi taw khawksiim thlangna awm kawm saw, awih tui ing simnaak pung sak hy.
22 Understanding [is] a fountain of life to its possessors, The instruction of fools is folly.
Zaaksimnaak ve ak takkhqi ham taw hqingnak tui a phytnaak na awm nawh, thlakqawkhqi ham toelnaak ve qawnaak na coeng hy.
23 The heart of the wise causes his mouth to act wisely, And he increases learning by his lips,
Thlakcyi ak kawlung ing a huui cawngpyi nawh, am lai simnaak ing tawmsap pe hy.
24 Sayings of pleasantness [are] a honeycomb, Sweet to the soul, and healing to the bone.
Awih leek taw khaawi amyihna, hqingnaak hamna aawi dikdik nawh, quh ham sadingnaak ni.
25 There is a way right before a man, And its latter end—ways of death.
Thlang kawpoek awh lam ak thyymna ak dang a boetnaak awh thihnaak lamna ak awm lam awm hy.
26 A laboring man has labored for himself, For his mouth has caused [him] to bend over it.
Bi ak bi ing awk ai ngaihnaak camawh bi sai nawh, phoen phyinaak hamna bibi hy.
27 A worthless man is preparing evil, And on his lips [is] as a burning fire.
Thlak so soek ing theem amak leek sai ham poek nawh, am khaawh maih ling awm hy.
28 A contrary man sends forth contention, A tale-bearer is separating a familiar friend.
Kawpoek amak leek ing hqehnaak syn nawh, thlang theetnaak ing beqoepkhqi kqeng sak hy.
29 A violent man entices his neighbor, And causes him to go in a way [that is] not good.
Khawsak amak leek ing a imcengkhqi sykzoek nawh seetnaak lam panpyih khqi hy.
30 Consulting his eyes to devise contrary things, Moving his lips he has accomplished evil.
A mik ak hiim ing theem amak leek poeknaak ham hiim nawh, a huui ak cymbyp ing seetnaak pha sak hy.
31 Grey hairs [are] a crown of beauty, It is found in the way of righteousness.
Lukqawk sampai taw boeimangnaak lumyk ni; dyngnaak ing ni huh thaina a awm hy.
32 Better [is] the [one] slow to anger than the mighty, And the ruler over his spirit than he who is taking a city.
Kawkdung thlang taw thlang thakawm lakawh leek ngaih nawh, kawso ak yhthai thlang taw khaw ak tlyk lakawh leek ngai hy.
33 The lot is cast into the center, And all its judgment [is] from YHWH!
Taicung taw phai khanawh hlamna awm seiawm ak thyym laitlyknaak taw Bawipa koe ni.

< Proverbs 16 >