< Proverbs 16 >

1 Arrangements of the heart [are] of man, An answer of the tongue from YHWH.
Zolinga za mu mtima ndi za munthu, koma kwa Yehova ndiye kumachokera yankho.
2 All the ways of a man are pure in his own eyes, And YHWH is pondering the spirits.
Zochita zonse za munthu zimaoneka zabwino pamaso pake, koma Yehova ndiye amasanthula zolinga zako.
3 Roll your works to YHWH, And your purposes are established,
Pereka ntchito zako zonse mʼmanja mwa Yehova, ndipo zolinga zako zidzachitikadi.
4 YHWH has worked all things for Himself, And also the wicked—for a day of evil.
Yehova amachita zonse ndi cholinga chake, ngakhale anthu oyipa kuti aone tsiku latsoka.
5 Every proud one of heart [is] an abomination to YHWH, Hand to hand—he is not acquitted.
Munthu aliyense wodzikuza amamunyansa Yehova. Koma dziwani izi: Iwo sadzakhala osalangidwa.
6 Iniquity is pardoned in kindness and truth, And in the fear of YHWH Turn aside from evil.
Chifukwa cha chikondi chosasinthika ndi kukhulupirika, munthu amakhululukidwa machimo ake; chifukwa cha kuopa Yehova munthu amapewa zoyipa.
7 When a man’s ways please YHWH, even his enemies, He causes to be at peace with him.
Pamene makhalidwe a munthu akondweretsa Yehova, ngakhale adani ake amakhala naye mwa mtendere.
8 Better [is] a little with righteousness, Than abundance of increase without justice.
Kuli bwino kukhala ndi zinthu pangʼono zozipeza mwachilungamo, kusiyana ndi kukhala ndi zinthu zambiri zozipeza popanda chilungamo.
9 The heart of man devises his way, And YHWH establishes his step.
Mtima wa munthu umalingalira zochita, koma Yehova ndiye amakhazikitsa njira zake.
10 An oath [is] on the lips of a king, In judgment his mouth does not trespass.
Mawu a mfumu ali ngati mawu ochokera kwa Mulungu; ndipo pakamwa pake sipalakwa poweruza mlandu.
11 A just beam and balances [are] YHWH’s, All the stones of the bag [are] His work.
Miyeso ndi masikelo achilungamo zimachokera kwa Yehova; miyala yonse yoyesera ya mʼthumba anayipanga ndi Yehova.
12 Doing wickedness [is] an abomination to kings, For a throne is established by righteousness.
Kuchita zoyipa kumanyansa mafumu, pakuti chilungamo ndiye maziko a ufumu wake.
13 Righteous lips [are] the delight of kings, And he loves whoever is speaking uprightly,
Mawu owona amakondweretsa mfumu. Iyo imakonda munthu woyankhula choonadi.
14 The fury of a king [is] messengers of death, And a wise man pacifies it.
Ukali wa mfumu ndi mthenga wa imfa, koma munthu wanzeru amawupepesa ukaliwo.
15 In the light of a king’s face [is] life, And his goodwill [is] as a cloud of the spring rain.
Kuwala kwa nkhope ya mfumu kumapatsa moyo; ndipo kukoma mtima kwake kuli ngati mitambo ya mvula nthawi ya chilimwe.
16 To get wisdom—how much better than gold, And to get understanding—to be chosen [more] than silver!
Nʼkwabwino kwambiri kupeza nzeru kupambana golide. Kukhala womvetsa bwino zinthu nʼkwabwino kupambana ndi kukhala ndi siliva.
17 A highway of the upright [is] to turn from evil, Whoever is preserving his soul is watching his way.
Msewu wa munthu wowongoka mtima umapewa zoyipa; wopenyetsetsa kumene akupita amasunga moyo wake.
18 Pride [is] before destruction, And before stumbling—a haughty spirit.
Kunyada kumafikitsa ku chiwonongeko, ndipo munthu wodzikuza adzagwa.
19 Better is humility of spirit with the poor, Than to apportion spoil with the proud.
Nʼkwabwino kukhala ndi mtima wodzichepetsa pakati pa anthu oponderezedwa, kusiyana ndi kugawana zolanda ndi anthu onyada.
20 The wise in any matter finds good, And whoever is trusting in YHWH, O his blessedness.
Munthu womvera malangizo zinthu zimamuyendera bwino, ndipo wodala ndi amene amadalira Yehova.
21 For the wise in heart is called intelligent, And sweetness of lips increases learning.
A mtima wanzeru amatchedwa ozindikira zinthu, ndipo mawu ake okoma amawonjezera nzeru.
22 Understanding [is] a fountain of life to its possessors, The instruction of fools is folly.
Kumvetsa zinthu ndi kasupe wa moyo kwa iwo amene ali nako, koma uchitsiru umabweretsa chilango kwa zitsiru.
23 The heart of the wise causes his mouth to act wisely, And he increases learning by his lips,
Mtima wanzeru umathandiza munthu kuyankhula mwa nzeru, ndipo mawu ake amawonjezera nzeru.
24 Sayings of pleasantness [are] a honeycomb, Sweet to the soul, and healing to the bone.
Mawu okometsera ali ngati chisa cha njuchi, amakoma mu mtima ndipo amalimbitsa thupi.
25 There is a way right before a man, And its latter end—ways of death.
Pali njira ina yooneka ngati yowongoka kwa munthu koma kumatsiriziro kwake ndi imfa.
26 A laboring man has labored for himself, For his mouth has caused [him] to bend over it.
Njala ya munthu wantchito imamuthandiza kulimbikira; njalayo imamukakamiza kuchitapo kanthu.
27 A worthless man is preparing evil, And on his lips [is] as a burning fire.
Munthu wopanda pake amakonzekera kuchita zoyipa ndipo mawu ake ali ngati moto wopsereza.
28 A contrary man sends forth contention, A tale-bearer is separating a familiar friend.
Munthu woyipa mtima amayambitsa mikangano, ndipo miseche imalekanitsa anthu okondana kwambiri.
29 A violent man entices his neighbor, And causes him to go in a way [that is] not good.
Munthu wandewu amakopa mnansi wake, ndipo amamuyendetsa njira imene si yabwino.
30 Consulting his eyes to devise contrary things, Moving his lips he has accomplished evil.
Amene amatsinzinira maso ake amalingalira zinthu zokhota; amene amachita msunamo amakonzeka kuchita zoyipa.
31 Grey hairs [are] a crown of beauty, It is found in the way of righteousness.
Imvi zili ngati chipewa chaufumu chaulemerero; munthu amazipeza akakhala moyo wolungama.
32 Better [is] the [one] slow to anger than the mighty, And the ruler over his spirit than he who is taking a city.
Munthu wosapsa mtima msanga amaposa munthu wankhondo, munthu wowugwira mtima wake amaposa amene amalanda mzinda.
33 The lot is cast into the center, And all its judgment [is] from YHWH!
Maere amaponyedwa pa mfunga, koma ndiye Yehova amene amalongosola zonse.

< Proverbs 16 >