< Proverbs 14 >
1 Every wise woman has built her house, And the foolish breaks it down with her hands.
Wonke owesifazana ohlakaniphileyo uyayakha indlu yakhe, kodwa oyisithutha uyayidiliza ngezandla zakhe.
2 Whoever is walking in his uprightness is fearing YHWH, And the perverted is despising Him [in] his ways.
Ohamba ngobuqotho bakhe wesaba iNkosi, kodwa ophambene ngendlela zakhe uyayidelela.
3 A rod of pride [is] in the mouth of a fool, And the lips of the wise preserve them.
Emlonyeni wesithutha kulentonga yokuzigqaja, kodwa indebe zabahlakaniphileyo ziyabagcina.
4 Without oxen a stall [is] clean, And great [is] the increase by the power of the ox.
Lapho okungekho izinkabi khona umkolo uhlanzekile, kodwa kulesivuno esinengi ngamandla enkabi.
5 A faithful witness does not lie, And a false witness breathes out lies.
Umfakazi othembekileyo kaqambi amanga, kodwa umfakazi wamanga uphafuza amanga.
6 A scorner has sought wisdom, and it is not, And knowledge [is] easy to the intelligent.
Odelelayo udinga inhlakanipho, kodwa kayikho; kodwa ulwazi lulula koqedisisayo.
7 Go from before a foolish man, Or you have not known the lips of knowledge.
Suka phambi komuntu oyisithutha, nxa ungayikunanzelela kuye indebe zolwazi.
8 The wisdom of the prudent [is] to understand his way, And the folly of fools [is] deceit.
Inhlakanipho yokhaliphileyo yikuqedisisa indlela yakhe, kodwa ubuthutha bezithutha buyinkohliso.
9 Fools mock at a guilt-offering, And among the upright—a pleasing thing.
Izithutha ziyakloloda ngesono, kodwa phakathi kwabaqotho kulomusa.
10 The heart knows its own bitterness, And a stranger does not interfere with its joy.
Inhliziyo iyazi ukubaba kwayo ngokwayo, lowemzini kahlanganyeli lentokozo yayo.
11 The house of the wicked is destroyed, And the tent of the upright flourishes.
Indlu yabakhohlakeleyo izachithwa, kodwa ithente labaqotho lizahluma.
12 There is a way—right before a man, And its latter end [are] ways of death.
Kukhona indlela ebonakala ilungile emuntwini, kodwa ukuphela kwayo zindlela zokufa.
13 Even in laughter is the heart pained, And the latter end of joy [is] affliction.
Lekuhlekeni inhliziyo isebuhlungwini, lokuphela kwaleyontokozo lusizi.
14 The backslider in heart is filled from his ways, And a good man—from his fruits.
Ohlehlela nyovane ngenhliziyo uzasutha ngezindlela zakhe, kodwa umuntu olungileyo uzasutha ngaye ngokwakhe.
15 The simple gives credence to everything, And the prudent attends to his step.
Ongelalwazi ukholwa lonke ilizwi, kodwa olengqondo unanzelela ukuhamba kwakhe.
16 The wise is fearing and turning from evil, And a fool is transgressing and is confident.
Ohlakaniphileyo uyesaba, asuke ebubini, kodwa isithutha siyathukuthela, silitshapha.
17 Whoever is short of temper does folly, And a man of wicked schemes is hated.
Ophangisa ukuthukuthela wenza ubuthutha, lomuntu wamacebo amabi uzazondwa.
18 The simple have inherited folly, And the prudent are crowned [with] knowledge.
Abangelalwazi badla ilifa lobuthutha, kodwa abakhaliphileyo bazathwala umqhele wolwazi.
19 The evil have bowed down before the good, And the wicked at the gates of the righteous.
Ababi bakhothama phambi kwabalungileyo, labakhohlakeleyo emasangweni abalungileyo.
20 The poor is hated even of his neighbor, And those loving the rich [are] many.
Umyanga uzondwa langumakhelwane wakhe, kodwa abathanda onothileyo banengi.
21 Whoever is despising his neighbor sins, Whoever is favoring the humble, O his blessedness.
Odelela umakhelwane wakhe uyona, kodwa olomusa kubayanga ubusisiwe.
22 Do they who are devising evil not err? And kindness and truth [are] to those devising good,
Kabaduhi yini abaceba okubi? Kodwa umusa leqiniso ngokwalabo abaceba okuhle.
23 In all labor there is advantage, And a thing of the lips [is] only to want.
Kumtshikatshika wonke kulenzuzo, kodwa inkulumo yendebe ibanga inswelo kuphela.
24 The crown of the wise is their wealth, The folly of fools [is] folly.
Umqhele wabahlakaniphileyo uyinotho yabo; ubuthutha bezithutha buyibuthutha.
25 A true witness is delivering souls, And a deceitful one breathes out lies.
Umfakazi oqinisileyo uyophula imiphefumulo, kodwa ophafuza amanga ungumkhohlisi.
26 Strong confidence [is] in the fear of YHWH, And there is a refuge to His sons.
Ekuyesabeni iNkosi kulethemba eliqinileyo, labantwana bakhe bazakuba lesiphephelo.
27 The fear of YHWH [is] a fountain of life, To turn aside from snares of death.
Ukuyesaba iNkosi kungumthombo wempilo, ukusuka emijibileni yokufa.
28 The honor of a king [is] in the multitude of a people, And the ruin of a prince in lack of people.
Lusebunengini babantu udumo lwenkosi, kodwa kusekuswelekeni kwabantu ukuchitheka kombusi.
29 Whoever is slow to anger [is] of great understanding, And whoever is short in temper is exalting folly.
Ophuza ukuthukuthela ulokuqedisisa okukhulu, kodwa ophangisa ukuzonda ukhulisa ubuthutha.
30 A healed heart [is] life to the flesh, And rottenness to the bones [is] envy.
Inhliziyo ephilileyo iyimpilo yenyama, kodwa umhawu uyikubola kwamathambo.
31 An oppressor of the poor reproaches his Maker, And whoever is honoring Him Is favoring the needy.
Ocindezela umyanga uthuka uMenzi wakhe, kodwa olomusa koswelayo uyamdumisa.
32 The wicked is driven away in his wickedness, And the righteous [is] trustful in his death.
Okhohlakeleyo uwiswa ebubini bakhe, kodwa olungileyo ulethemba ekufeni kwakhe.
33 Wisdom rests in the heart of the intelligent. And it is known in the midst of fools.
Inhlakanipho ihlala enhliziyweni yoqedisisayo, kodwa okuphakathi kwezithutha kuyaziwa.
34 Righteousness exalts a nation, And the righteousness of peoples [is] a sin-offering.
Ukulunga kuphakamisa isizwe, kodwa isono silihlazo ebantwini.
35 The favor of a king [is] to a wise servant, And one causing shame is an object of his wrath!
Umusa wenkosi usencekwini ehlakaniphileyo, kodwa intukuthelo yayo izakuba kwethela ihlazo.