< Proverbs 12 >
1 Whoever is loving instruction, is loving knowledge, And whoever is hating reproof [is] brutish.
Ko ljubi nastavu, ljubi znanje; a ko mrzi na ukor, ostaje lud.
2 The good brings forth favor from YHWH, And the man of wicked schemes He condemns.
Dobar èovjek dobija ljubav od Gospoda, a èovjeka zlikovca osuðuje.
3 A man is not established by wickedness, And the root of the righteous is not moved.
Neæe se èovjek utvrditi bezbožnošæu, a korijen pravednijeh neæe se pomaæi.
4 A virtuous woman [is] a crown to her husband, And as rottenness in his bones [is] one causing shame.
Vrijedna je žena vijenac mužu svojemu; a koja ga sramoti, ona mu je kao trulež u kostima.
5 The thoughts of the righteous [are] justice, The counsels of the wicked—deceit.
Misli su pravednijeh prave, a savjeti bezbožnijeh prijevara.
6 The words of the wicked [are]: “Lay [in] wait for blood,” And the mouth of the upright delivers them.
Rijeèi bezbožnijeh vrebaju krv, a pravedne izbavljaju usta njihova.
7 Overthrow the wicked, and they are not, And the house of the righteous stands.
Obaraju se bezbožni da ih nema, a dom pravednijeh ostaje.
8 A man is praised according to his wisdom, And the perverted of heart becomes despised.
Prema razumu svom hvali se èovjek; a ko je opaka srca, prezreæe se.
9 Better [is] the lightly esteemed who has a servant, Than the self-honored who lacks bread.
Ko se snebiva, a ima slugu, bolji je od onoga koji se velièa a hljeba nema.
10 The righteous knows the life of his beast, And the mercies of the wicked [are] cruel.
Pravednik se brine za život svojega živinèeta, a u bezbožnika je srce nemilostivo.
11 Whoever is tilling the ground is satisfied [with] bread, And whoever is pursuing vanities is lacking heart,
Ko radi svoju zemlju, biæe sit hljeba; a ko ide za besposlicama, bezuman je.
12 The wicked has desired the net of evildoers, And the root of the righteous gives.
Bezbožnik želi obranu oda zla, ali korijen pravednijeh daje je.
13 The snare of the wicked [is] in transgression of the lips, And the righteous goes out from distress.
Zlome je zamka u grijehu usana njegovijeh, a pravednik izlazi iz tjeskobe.
14 One [is] satisfied [with] good from the fruit of the mouth, And the deed of man’s hands returns to him.
Od ploda usta svojih siti se èovjek dobra, i platu za djela svoja prima èovjek.
15 The way of a fool [is] right in his own eyes, And whoever is listening to counsel [is] wise.
Bezumniku se èini prav put njegov; ali ko sluša savjet, mudar je.
16 The fool—his anger is known in a day, And the prudent is covering shame.
Gnjev bezumnikov odmah se pozna, ali pametni pokriva sramotu.
17 Whoever utters faithfulness declares righteousness, And a false witness—deceit.
Ko govori istinu, javlja što je pravo, a lažni svjedok prijevaru.
18 A rash speaker is like piercings of a sword, And the tongue of the wise is healing.
Ima ko govori kao da maè probada, a jezik je mudrijeh lijek.
19 The lip of truth is established forever, And a tongue of falsehood for a moment.
Istinita usta stoje tvrdo dovijeka, a jezik lažljivi za èas.
20 Deceit [is] in the heart of those devising evil, But for counselors of peace—joy.
Koji zlo misle, prijevara im je u srcu, a radost je onima koji svjetuju na mir.
21 No iniquity is desired by the righteous, And the wicked have been full of evil.
Nikaka nesreæa neæe zadesiti pravednika, a bezbožnici æe se napuniti zla.
22 Lying lips [are] an abomination to YHWH, And steadfast doers [are] his delight.
Mrske su Gospodu lažljive usne; a koji rade vjerno, mili su mu.
23 A prudent man is concealing knowledge, And the heart of fools proclaims folly.
Pametan èovjek pokriva znanje, a srce bezumnijeh razglašuje bezumlje.
24 The hand of the diligent rules, And slothfulness becomes tributary.
Ruka radljiva gospodariæe, a lijena æe davati danak.
25 Sorrow in the heart of a man bows down, And a good word makes him glad.
Briga u srcu èovjeèijem obara; a dobra rijeè razveseljava.
26 The righteous searches his companion, And the way of the wicked causes them to err.
Pravedniku je bolje nego bližnjemu njegovu; a bezbožnike zavodi put njihov.
27 The slothful does not roast his game, And the wealth of a diligent man is precious.
Ljenivac neæe peæi lova svoga, a u vrijedna je èovjeka dobro dragocjeno.
28 In the path of righteousness [is] life, And in the way of [that] path [is] no death!
Na putu pravde život je, i kuda ide staza njezina nema smrti.