< Philippians 2 >
1 If, then, any exhortation [is] in Christ, if any comfort of love, if any fellowship of [the] Spirit, if any yearnings and mercies,
Wu, wumi winu mu Kilisitu gakuvapela makakala? Wu, uganu waki ukuvapolesa mitima? Wu, muvi na umonga na Mpungu Msopi na kuhengelana lipyana na kutangatilana mwavene?
2 fulfill my joy, that you may mind the same thing—having the same love—of one soul—minding the one thing,
Kangi mumemesa luheku lwangu ndava nivii na liholo limonga na uganu umonga na mtima umonga na chila chenikuchilonda chimonga.
3 nothing in rivalry or vainglory, but in humility of mind counting one another more excellent than yourselves—
Mkoto kuhenga lijambu loloha kwa mhutanu amala kumeka, nambu kwa ungolongondi mwavene kila mundu amlola muyaki kuvya wabwina kuliku mwene.
4 do not each look to your own, but each also to the things of others.
Kila mmonga akotoka kulonda mambu gegakumhekesa mwene ndu nambu alonda mambu gakuvaganisa vandu vangi.
5 For let this mind be in you that [is] also in Christ Jesus,
Ndi mumitima yinu mvyai na mtima wuwowo yilayila yeavili nayu Kilisitu Yesu.
6 who, being in the form of God, thought [it] not something to be seized to be equal to God,
Pamonga mwene avili cheavili Chapanga nambu aloli lepi kuvya cheavili Chapanga ndi lijambu la kukamulilana.
7 but emptied Himself, having taken the form of a servant, having been made in the likeness of men,
Nambu mukugana kwaki mwene agalekili goha genago, akajikita ngati mtumisi na avelekiwi na kuvya mundu ngati vandu voha,
8 and having been found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself, having become obedient to death—even death of a cross,
Ajingologwisi na kuyidakila mbaka kufwa hata kufwa pamsalaba.
9 for this reason, also, God highly exalted Him, and gave to Him a Name that [is] above every name,
Ndava yeniyo Chapanga amkwihili neju mbaka kunani neju, ampeli liina likulu kuliku mahina goha,
10 that in the Name of Jesus every knee may bow—of heavenlies, and earthlies, and what are under the earth—
muni muutopesa wa liina la Yesu, viumbi vyoha kunani na pamulima na pahi ya mulima, vifugama palongolo yaki,
11 and every tongue may confess that Jesus Christ [is] LORD, to the glory of God the Father.
na kila mundu ajova hotohoto kuvya Yesu Kilisitu ndi ukulu, kwa ukulu wa Chapanga Dadi.
12 So that, my beloved, as you always obey, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling,
Vankozi vangu, panakavili na nyenye mwaniyidakili magono goha, na hinu penivii kutali na nyenye muyendelela kuhenga matendu ago. Gegilandana na usangula winu kwa kuvagaya na kuyogopa mbaka usangula winu pewikamilika.
13 for it is God who is working in you both to will and to work for His good pleasure.
Muni Chapanga ndi mweihenga lihengu mugati yinu, na kuvapela mnogo wa kugana kugakita mambu geakugagana mwene.
14 Do all things without murmurings and deliberations,
Muhenga kila chindu changali kung'ung'uta amala mhutanu,
15 that you may become blameless and pure children of God, unblemished in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you appear as luminaries in the world,
muni muvya vana va chakaka va Chapanga changabuda, mwemtama pamulima uwu uhakau na vandu vevakumbudila Chapanga. Mwiganikiwa kung'asima pagati yavi ngati cheying'asima ndondo kunani kulihundi,
16 holding forth the word of life, for rejoicing to me in regard to [the] Day of Christ, that I did not run in vain, nor did I labor in vain;
kuni mukamulila malovi gegileta wumi. Muni nivya na chindu cha kumekela mu ligono lila la kuwuya Kilisitu ndava yati yilolekana hotohoto kuvya makakala gangu na lihengu langu vyayagili lepi waka.
17 but if I also am poured forth on the sacrifice and service of your faith, I rejoice and am glad with you all,
Sadika yinu kwa Bambu na lihengu linu ndi ngati luteta lweluwusiwa kwa Bambu. Na ngasi yangu yiyitiwayi na luteta lwenulo, genago gakahumila yati niheka pamonga na mwavoha nyenye.
18 because of this you also rejoice and are glad with me.
Mewawa nyenye mvya na luheku, yikuvagana kuheka pamonga na nene muluheku lwinu.
19 And I hope, in the Lord Jesus, to send Timotheus to you quickly, that I also may be of good spirit, having known the things concerning you,
Hinu Bambu Yesu nihuvalila kumtuma Timoti kwinu, muni anikangamalisa mtima peniyuwana malovi gavi chemwiyendelela
20 for I have no one like-minded, who will sincerely care for the things concerning you,
Nivii lepi na mundu yungi ngati Timoti mweakuvahololela kwa mtima woha ngati mwene.
21 for the whole seek their own things, not the things of Christ Jesus,
Vangi vilola mambu gavi vene kuliku kulola mambu ga Yesu Kilisitu.
22 and you know his proof, that as a child [serves] a father, he served with me in regard to the good news;
Mwavene mumanyili kuvya Timoti cheajilangisi kuvya ihotola, mwene na nene, ndi ngati mwana na dadi tihengili lihengu pamonga nayu kukokosa Lilovi la Bwina.
23 I indeed hope to send him, when I may see through the things concerning me—immediately;
Hinu nihuvalila kumtuma kwinu bahapo penimanya gala gegakunikolela kuni kuchifungu.
24 and I trust in the LORD that I will also come quickly myself.
Nene namwene nimhuvalila Bambu kubwela kwinu magono gagaga.
25 And I thought [it] necessary to send to you Epaphroditus—my brother and fellow-workman and fellow-soldier, and your apostle and servant to my need,
Niwene chabwina kumtuma kwinu mlongo wangu Epafloditi, muhenga lihengu muyangu na linjolinjoli muyangu. Mwenuyo ndi mjumbi winu mwemwamtumili anitangatila gala genigana.
26 seeing he was longing after you all, and in heaviness, because you heard that he ailed,
Ana mnogo uvaha wa kuvalola mwavoha nyenye, na aviniswi mtima neju ndava nyenye muyuwini kuvya avi mtamu.
27 for he also ailed near to death, but God dealt kindly with him, and not with him only, but also with me, that I might not have sorrow on sorrow.
Ena, alwalili hati papipi na kufwa. Nambu Chapanga amhengili lipyana, lepi mwene, nambu mewa na nene muni nikotoka kuvya na mvinisu.
28 The more eagerly, therefore, I sent him, that having seen him again you may rejoice, and I may be less sorrowful;
Hinu nigana neju kumtuma kwinu, muni pamukumlola mpata kuheka kavili, na ungolongondi wangu uniwuka.
29 receive him, therefore, in the LORD, with all joy, and hold such in honor,
Ndi mumpokela kwa luheku ndava mwenuyo ndi mlongo muliina la Bambu. Yikuvagana kuvatopesa vandu vevavi ngati mwene,
30 because on account of the work of the Christ he drew near to death, having hazarded life that he might fill up your deficiency of service to me.
ndava mwene avi hati papipi na kufwa ndava ya lihengu la Kilisitu, na kuyoka wumi waki muni ahotola kunitangatila nene mtangatilu wula mwangahotola kunipela nyenye.