< Numbers 24 >

1 And Balaam sees that [it is] good in the eyes of YHWH to bless Israel, and he has not gone as time by time to seek enchantments, and he sets his face toward the wilderness;
Ko je Bileám videl, da je to ugajalo Gospodu, da blagoslovi Izraela, ni odšel kakor ob drugih časih, da išče za izrekanji urokov, temveč je svoj obraz nameril proti divjini.
2 and Balaam lifts up his eyes, and sees Israel dwelling by its tribes, and the Spirit of God is on him,
Bileám je povzdignil svoje oči in videl Izraela prebivati v svojih šotorih glede na svoje rodove in duh od Boga je prišel nadenj.
3 and he takes up his allegory and says: “An affirmation of Balaam son of Beor, And an affirmation of the man whose eyes are shut,
Vzel je njegovo prispodobo in rekel: »Bileám, Beórjev sin, je rekel in mož, katerega oči so odprte, je rekel.
4 An affirmation of him who is hearing sayings of God, Who sees a vision of the Almighty, Falling—and eyes uncovered:
Rekel je tisti, ki je slišal besede od Boga, ki je videl vizijo Vsemogočnega pasti v videnje, toda svoje oči je imel odprte.
5 How good have been your tents, O Jacob, Your dwelling places, O Israel;
Kako ljubki so tvoji šotori, oh Jakob in tvoja šotorska svetišča, oh Izrael!
6 They have been stretched out as valleys, As gardens by a river; As aloes YHWH has planted, As cedars by waters;
Kakor se doline širijo naprej, kakor vrtovi pri rečnem bregu, kakor drevesa aloje, ki jih je Gospod zasadil, in kakor cedrova drevesa poleg vodá.
7 He makes water flow from his buckets, And his seed [is] in many waters; And his King [is] higher than Gog [[or Agag]], And his kingdom is exalted.
Vodo bo izlil iz svojih veder in njegovo seme bo na mnogih vodah in njegov kralj bo višji kakor Agág in njegovo kraljestvo bo povišano.
8 God is bringing him out of Egypt, As the swiftness of a wild ox for him, He eats up nations—his adversaries, And he breaks their bones, And he strikes [with] his arrows.
Bog ga je privedel iz Egipta; imel je, kakor bi bila moč samoroga. Pojedel bo narode svojih sovražnikov in njihove kosti bo zlomil in jih prebodel s svojimi puščicami.
9 He has bent, he has lain down as a lion, And as a lioness, who raises him up? He who is blessing you [is] blessed, And he who is cursing you [is] cursed.”
Leži, ulegel se je kakor lev in kakor velik lev. Kdo ga bo razvnel? Blagoslovljen je, kdor te blagoslavlja in preklet je, kdor te preklinja.«
10 And the anger of Balak burns against Balaam, and he strikes his hands; and Balak says to Balaam, “I called you to pierce my enemies, and behold, you have certainly blessed these three times;
Balákova jeza je bila vžgana zoper Bileáma in svoji roki je udaril skupaj in Balák je rekel Bileámu: »Poklical sem te, da prekolneš moje sovražnike in glej, ti si jih vse skupaj trikrat blagoslovil.
11 and now, flee for yourself to your place; I have said, I greatly honor you, and behold, YHWH has kept you back from honor.”
Zato sedaj pobegni k svojemu kraju, Mislil sem te povišati k veliki časti; toda glej, Gospod te je zadržal pred častjo.«
12 And Balaam says to Balak, “Did I not also speak to your messengers whom you have sent to me, saying,
Bileám je rekel Baláku: »Mar nisem govoril tudi tvojim poslancem, ki si jih pošiljal k meni, rekoč:
13 If Balak gives to me the fullness of his house of silver and gold, I am not able to pass over the command of YHWH, to do good or evil of my own heart; that which YHWH speaks—it I speak?
›Če bi mi Balák dal svojo hišo, polno srebra in zlata, ne morem preko Gospodove zapovedi, da storim ali dobro ali slabo iz svojega lastnega mišljenja, temveč bom govoril to, kar govori Gospod?‹
14 And now, behold, I am going to my people; come, I counsel you [concerning] that which this people does to your people in the latter end of the days.”
In sedaj glej, grem k svojemu ljudstvu. Pridi torej in oznanil ti bom, kaj bo to ljudstvo storilo tvojemu ljudstvu v zadnjih dneh.«
15 And he takes up his allegory and says: “An affirmation of Balaam son of Beor, And an affirmation of the man whose eyes [are] shut;
Vzel je njegovo prispodobo in rekel: »Bileám, Beórjev sin, je rekel in mož, katerega oči so odprte, je rekel:
16 An affirmation of him who is hearing sayings of God, And knowing knowledge of the Most High; He sees a vision of the Almighty, Falling—and eyes uncovered:
›Rekel je ta, ki je slišal besede od Boga in poznal spoznanje Najvišjega, ki je videl videnje Vsemogočnega, padajoč v trans, toda z odprtimi očmi.
17 I see Him, but not now; I behold Him, but not near; A star has proceeded from Jacob, And a scepter has risen from Israel, And has struck corners of Moab, And has destroyed all sons of Seth.
Videl ga bom, toda ne sedaj. Gledal ga bom, toda ne [od] blizu. Prišla bo Zvezda iz Jakoba in Žezlo bo vstalo iz Izraela in udarilo bo Moábove vogale in uničilo vse Setove otroke.
18 And Edom has been a possession, And Seir has been a possession [for] his enemies, And Israel is doing valiantly;
Edóm bo posest, tudi Seír bo posest za svoje sovražnike, Izrael pa bo delal junaško.
19 And [One] rules out of Jacob, And has destroyed a remnant from the city.”
Iz Jakoba bo prišel tisti, ki bo imel gospostvo in uničil bo tistega, ki preostaja iz mesta.‹«
20 And he sees Amalek, and takes up his allegory, and says: “Amalek [is] first [among] nations, But his latter end—destruction forever.”
Ko je pogledal na Amáleka, je vzel njegovo prispodobo ter rekel: »Amálek je bil prvi izmed narodov, toda njegov zadnji konec bo, da bo uničen na veke.«
21 And he sees the Kenite, and takes up his allegory, and says: “Your dwelling [is] enduring, And your nest is being set in a rock,
Pogledal je na Kenéjce in vzel njegovo prispodobo ter rekel: »Trdno je tvoje bivališče in svoje gnezdo postavljaš v skalo.
22 But the Kenite is for a burning; Until when does Asshur keep you captive?”
Vendar bo Kenéjec opustošen, dokler te Asúr ne bo odvedel ujetega.«
23 And he takes up his allegory and says: “Woe! Who lives when God does this?
Vzel je njegovo prispodobo in rekel: »Ojoj, kdo bo živel, ko Bog to dela!
24 But ships [come] from the side of Chittim, And they have humbled Asshur, And they have humbled Eber, But it is also perishing forever.”
Ladje bodo prišle iz pokrajin Kitéjcev in prizadele Asúr in Eber in tudi on bo uničen na veke.«
25 And Balaam rises, and goes, and turns back to his place, and Balak has also gone on his way.
Bileám je vstal, odšel in se vrnil na svoj kraj in tudi Balák je odšel svojo pot.

< Numbers 24 >