< Numbers 21 >

1 And the Canaanite, king of Arad, dwelling in the south, hears that Israel has come the way of the Atharim, and he fights against Israel, and takes [some] of them captive.
Mambo weAradhi muKenani aigara kuNegevhi, akati anzwa kuti vaIsraeri vakanga vachiuya nenzira inoenda kuAtarimi, akarwisa vaIsraeri akatapa vamwe vavo.
2 And Israel vows a vow to YHWH and says, “If You certainly give this people into my hand, then I have devoted their cities”;
Ipapo vaIsraeri vakaita mhiko iyi kuna Jehovha, vakati: “Kana mukaisa vanhu ava mumaoko edu, tichaparadza maguta avo zvachose.”
3 and YHWH listens to the voice of Israel and gives up the Canaanite, and he devotes them and their cities, and calls the name of the place Hormah.
Jehovha akateerera chikumbiro chavaIsraeri akapa vaKenani kwavari. Vakavaparadza zvachose ivo namaguta avo; naizvozvo nzvimbo iyo ikatumidzwa kunzi Homa.
4 And they journey from Mount Hor, the way of the Red Sea, to go around the land of Edom, and the soul of the people is short in the way,
Vakafamba vachibva nokuGomo reHori vachitevedza nzira yaienda nokuGungwa Dzvuku, kuti vapoterere Edhomu. Asi vanhu vakaora mwoyo panzira;
5 and the people speak against God and against Moses, “Why have you brought us up out of Egypt to die in a wilderness? For there is no bread, and there is no water, and our soul has been weary of this light bread.”
vakapopotera Mwari naMozisi, vachiti, “Makatibudisireiko muIjipiti kuti tizofira murenje? Chingwa hapana! Mvura hapana! Uye hatidi zvokudya zvokungotamburira izvi!”
6 And YHWH sends the burning serpents among the people, and they bite the people, and many people of Israel die;
Ipapo Jehovha akatuma nyoka dzino uturu pakati pavo, dzikaruma vanhu uye vaIsraeri vazhinji vakafa.
7 and the people come to Moses and say, “We have sinned, for we have spoken against YHWH and against you; pray to YHWH that He turns the serpent aside from us”; and Moses prays in behalf of the people.
Vanhu vakauya kuna Mozisi vakati, “Takatadza, patakapopotera Jehovha nemi. Nyengeterai kuti Jehovha atibvisire nyoka idzi pakati pedu.” Saka Mozisi akanyengeterera vanhu.
8 And YHWH says to Moses, “Make a burning [serpent] for yourself, and set it on an ensign; and it has been, everyone who is bitten and has seen it—he has lived.”
Jehovha akati kuna Mozisi, “Gadzira nyoka ino uturu ugoiturika padanda; ani naani anorumwa, akatarira kwairi achararama.”
9 And Moses makes a serpent of bronze, and sets it on the ensign, and it has been, if the serpent has bitten any man, and he has looked expectingly to the serpent of bronze—he has lived.
Saka Mozisi akagadzira nyoka yendarira akaiturika padanda. Ipapo vaiti kana ani naani akange arumwa nenyoka, akatarisa panyoka yendarira, airarama.
10 And the sons of Israel journey and encamp in Oboth.
VaIsraeri vakaramba vachifamba vakandodzika musasa paObhoti.
11 And they journey from Oboth and encamp in Ije-Abarim, in the wilderness that [is] on the front of Moab, at the rising of the sun.
Ipapo vakasimuka kubva paObhoti vakandodzika musasa paIye Abharimi, mugwenga rakatarisana neMoabhu kwakanangana nokumabudazuva.
12 From there they have journeyed and encamp in the Valley of Zared.
Kubva ipapo vakaenderera mberi vakandodzika musasa muMupata weZeredhi.
13 From there they have journeyed and encamp beyond Arnon, which [is] in the wilderness which is coming out of the border of the Amorite, for Arnon [is] the border of Moab, between Moab and the Amorite;
Vakasimuka vakabvapo vakandodzika musasa mujinga meAnoni, riri murenje rinosvika kunyika yavaAmori. Anoni ndiwo muganhu weMoabhu, pakati peMoabhu navaAmori.
14 therefore it is said in [the] scroll of the Wars of YHWH: “Waheb in Suphah, And the brooks of Arnon;
Ndokusaka Bhuku reHondo dzaJehovha richiti: “Wahebhi muSufa nehova, Anoni
15 And the spring of the brooks, Which turned aside to the dwelling of Ar, And has leaned to the border of Moab.”
nemateru ehova dzinonanga kunzvimbo yeAri uye dzinowanikwa pamuganhu weMoabhu.”
16 And from there [they journeyed] to Beer; it [is] the well [concerning] which YHWH said to Moses, “Gather the people, and I give water to them.”
Kubva ipapo vakapfuurira mberi vachienda vakasvika kuBheeri, patsime apo pakanzi naJehovha kuna Mozisi, “Unganidza vanhu pamwe chete uye ini ndichavapa mvura.”
17 Then Israel sings this song: “Spring up, O well, Let all answer to it!
Ipapo vaIsraeri vakaimba rwiyo urwu: “Tubuka, iwe tsime! Imbai pamusoro paro,
18 A well—princes have dug it, Nobles of the people have prepared it, With the lawgiver, with their staffs.” And from the wilderness [they journeyed] to Mattanah,
pamusoro petsime rakacherwa namachinda, rakacherwa namakurukota avanhu, makurukota akanga ane tsvimbo dzoushe nemidonzvo.” Ipapo vakabva murenje vakaenda kuMatana,
19 and from Mattanah to Nahaliel, and from Nahaliel to Bamoth,
vachibva kuMatana vakaenda kuNaharieri, vachibva kuNaharieri vakaenda kuBhamoti,
20 and from Bamoth, in the valley which [is] in the field of Moab, [to] the top of Pisgah, which has looked on the front of the wilderness.
uye vachibva kuBhamoti vakaenda kumupata uri muMoabhu pamusoro pegomo rePisiga rinotarira pasi kurenje.
21 And Israel sends messengers to Sihon king of the Amorite, saying,
VaIsraeri vakatuma nhume kundoti kuna Sihoni mambo wavaAmori:
22 “Let me pass through your land, we do not turn aside into a field or into a vineyard; we do not drink waters of a well; we go in the king’s way until we pass over your border.”
“Titendereiwo kupfuura nomunyika yenyu. Hatingatsaukiri muminda yenyu kana minda yemizambiringa, kana kunwa mvura kubva patsime ripi zvaro. Tichangofamba hedu nomunzira huru yamambo kusvikira tapfuura munyika yenyu.”
23 And Sihon has not permitted Israel to pass through his border, and Sihon gathers all his people, and comes out to meet Israel in the wilderness, and comes to Jahaz, and fights against Israel.
Asi Sihoni haana kutendera vaIsraeri kupfuura nomunyika yake. Akaunganidza hondo yake yose vakafamba vachienda kurenje kundorwisa vaIsraeri. Akati asvika paJahazi, vakarwa navaIsraeri.
24 And Israel strikes him by the mouth of the sword, and possesses his land from Arnon to Jabbok—to the sons of Ammon; for the border of the sons of Ammon [is] strong.
Kunyange zvakadaro, vaIsraeri vakamukunda nomunondo vakamutorera nyika yake kubva paAnoni kusvikira kuJabhoki, asi kusvikira kuvaAmoni bedzi, nokuti muganhu wavo wakanga wakasimba.
25 And Israel takes all these cities, and Israel dwells in all the cities of the Amorite, in Heshbon and in all its villages;
VaIsraeri vakatapa maguta ose avaAmori vakagaramo, pamwe chete neHeshibhoni nenzvimbo dzaro dzose dzokugara.
26 for Heshbon is a city of Sihon king of the Amorite, and he has fought against the former king of Moab, and takes all his land out of his hand as far as Arnon;
Heshibhoni rakanga riri guta raSihoni mambo wavaAmori, akanga arwa namambo akanga ari weMoabhu kare akamutorera nyika yake yose kundosvika kuAnoni.
27 therefore those using allegories say: “Enter Heshbon, Let the city of Sihon be built and ready,
Ndokusaka vadetembi vachiti: “Uyai kuHeshibhoni uye ngarivakwezve; guta raSihoni ngaridzorerwezve.
28 For fire has gone out from Heshbon, A flame from the city of Sihon, It has consumed Ar of Moab, Owners of the high places of Arnon.
“Moto wakabuda muHeshibhoni, iwo murazvo kubva muguta raSihoni. Wakaparadza Ari reMoabhu, ivo vagari vokwakakwirira kweAnoni.
29 Woe to you, O Moab, You have perished, O people of Chemosh! He has given his sons [as] fugitives, And his daughters into captivity, To Sihon king of the Amorite!
Une nhamo, iwe Moabhu! Maparadzwa, imi vanhu veKemoshi! Akapa vanakomana vake savatizi navanasikana vake senhapwa kuna Sihoni mambo wavaAmori.
30 And we shoot them; Heshbon has perished as far as Dibon, And we make desolate as far as Nophah, Which [is] as far as Medeba.”
“Asi takavakunda; Heshibhoni yakaparadzwa yose kusvikira kuDhibhoni. Takavaparadza kusvikira kuNofa, iyo inosvika kuMedhebha.”
31 And Israel dwells in the land of the Amorite,
Saka vaIsraeri vakagara munyika yavaAmori.
32 and Moses sends to spy out Jaazer, and they capture its villages, and dispossess the Amorite who [is] there,
Shure kwokunge Mozisi atuma vasori kuJazeri, vaIsraeri vakatapa nzvimbo dzaro dzakanga dzakaripoteredza uye vakadzinga vaAmori vakanga vageremo.
33 and turn and go up the way of Bashan, and Og king of Bashan comes out to meet them, he and all his people, to battle [at] Edrei.
Ipapo vakadzoka vakakwidza nenzira inoenda nokuBhashani, uye Ogi mambo weBhashani nehondo yake yose akabuda kuti andosangana navo kuti arwe navo paEdhirei.
34 And YHWH says to Moses, “Do not fear him, for into your hand I have given him, and all his people, and his land, and you have done to him as you have done to Sihon king of the Amorite, who is dwelling in Heshbon.”
Jehovha akati kuna Mozisi, “Usamutya, nokuti ndamupa kwauri, nehondo yake yose uye nenyika yake. Umuitire zvawakaitira Sihoni mambo wavaAmori, uyo aitonga muHeshibhoni.”
35 And they strike him, and his sons, and all his people, until he has no remnant left to him, and they possess his land.
Saka vakamuuraya, pamwe chete navanakomana vake nehondo yake yose, vakasiya pasina kana mupenyu. Uye vakatora nyika yake.

< Numbers 21 >