< Nahum 1 >

1 Burden of Nineveh. The Scroll of the Vision of Nahum the Elkoshite.
Men mesaj Bondye te bay sou lavil Niniv. Men liv ki rapòte vizyon Nawoum, moun lavil Elkòch, te fè a.
2 A God zealous and avenging [is] YHWH, An avenger [is] YHWH, and possessing fury. An avenger [is] YHWH on His adversaries, And He is watching for His enemies.
Seyè a, se yon Bondye ki fè jalouzi epi ki konn tire revanj. Li tire revanj li. Lè l' ankòlè, se pa ti move li move. Li tire revanj li sou tout moun ki kenbe tèt avè l'. Li kenbe moun ki pa vle wè l' yo nan kè.
3 YHWH [is] slow to anger, and great in power, And YHWH does not entirely acquit, In a windstorm and in a storm [is] His way, And a cloud [is] the dust of His feet.
Seyè a pa fache fasil, men se pa ti kras pouvwa li genyen. Li p'ap janm manke pa pini moun ki antò. Kote Seyè a pase, se van tanpèt, se van siklòn. Nwaj yo, se pousyè pye l' yo ap leve.
4 He is pushing against a sea, and dries it up, Indeed, He has made all the floods dry, Bashan and Carmel [are] languishing, Indeed, the flower of Lebanon [is] languishing.
Li pase lanmè a lòd: lanmè a cheche. Li cheche dlo larivyè yo. Tout pyebwa nan plenn Bazan ak sou mòn Kamèl ap deperi. Tout flè sou mòn Liban yo ap fennen.
5 Mountains have shaken because of Him, And the hills have been melted; And the earth [is] lifted up at His presence, And the world and all dwelling in it.
Gwo mòn yo tranble lè yo wè l'. Ti mòn yo disparèt. Tè a tranble devan l' ansanm ak tout moun ki rete sou li.
6 Who stands before His indignation? And who rises up in the heat of His anger? His fury has been poured out like fire, And the rocks have been broken by Him.
Ki moun ki ka kanpe devan l' lè li ankòlè? Ki moun ki ka chape anba men l' lè li move? Kòlè Bondye tonbe sou latè tankou dife. Gwo wòch yo tounen pousyè devan li.
7 Good [is] YHWH for a strong place in a day of distress. And He knows those trusting in Him.
Men, Seyè a gen bon kè tou: Jou malè, se li ki pwoteje pèp li. Li pran swen tout moun ki vin kache anba zèl li.
8 And with a flood passing over, An end He makes of its place, And darkness pursues His enemies.
Tankou yon gwo lavalas k'ap desann, l'ap kraze tout kote lavil la te bati a. L'ap pousib tout lènmi l' yo jouk li fini ak yo.
9 What do we devise against YHWH? He is making an end, distress does not arise twice.
Kisa n'ap konplote konsa sou do Seyè a? L'ap detwi nou tout. Nou p'ap ka kenbe tèt avè l' yon lòt fwa ankò.
10 For while princes [are] perplexed, And with their drink are drunken, They have been consumed as stubble fully dried.
Yo tankou yon gwo raje pikan. Atout yo vèt la, yo pral boule nèt tankou yon pil zèb chèch.
11 From you has come forth a deviser of evil Against YHWH—a worthless counselor.
Yon nonm soti lavil Niniv. Li gen yon bann move lide nan tèt li, l'ap fè konplo sou do Seyè a.
12 Thus said YHWH: “Though complete, and thus many, Yet thus they have been cut off, And he has passed away. Though I afflicted you, I afflict you no longer.
Men sa Seyè a di pèp li a: -Moun peyi Lasiri yo te mèt anpil, yo te mèt gwonèg, y'ap mouri, y'ap disparèt. Mwen te fè nou soufri. Men, mwen p'ap fè nou sa ankò!
13 And now I break his rod from off you, And your bands I draw away.”
Koulye a, mwen pral kraze pouvwa peyi Lasiri k'ap peze nou an. M'ap kase tout chenn yo te pran pou mare nou yo.
14 And YHWH has commanded concerning you, “No more of your name spreads abroad, I cut off carved and molten image from the house of your gods, I appoint your grave, for you have been vile.”
Men lòd Seyè a bay sou moun peyi Lasiri yo: -Yo pral bliye non nou nèt. Mwen pral detwi tout ras nou. M'ap kraze tout estati zidòl nou gen nan tanp bondye nou yo, kit yo te an bwa, kit yo te an fè. M'ap pare yon tonm pou nou. Nou pa vo anyen ankò!
15 Behold, on the mountains the feet of one proclaiming tidings, sounding peace! Celebrate, O Judah, your festivals, complete your vows, For the worthless no longer pass over into you, He has been completely cut off!
Gade! Men yon mesaje k'ap vin sou mòn yo! L'ap pote bon nouvèl k'ap ban nou kè poze. Nou menm moun peyi Jida, nou mèt fete tout fèt nou yo! Fè ofrann nou te pwomèt Bondye yo. Mechan yo p'ap pase lakay nou ankò! Mwen detwi yo nèt.

< Nahum 1 >