< Matthew 11 >
1 And it came to pass, when Jesus finished directing His twelve disciples, He departed from there to teach and to preach in their cities.
Nipele, Che Yesu paŵamalisisye kwalajisya ŵakulijiganya ŵao likumi ni ŵaŵili, ŵatyosile kweleko, ŵajawile kwiganya ni kulalichila mmisi jajili ku Galilaya.
2 And John having heard in the prison the works of the Christ, having sent two of his disciples,
Nombe che Yohana paŵaliji mu nyuumba jakutaŵilwa ŵapilikene ngani ja masengo ga Kilisito Jwakuwombola, ŵaatumile ŵakulijiganya ŵao,
3 said to Him, “Are You He who is coming, or do we look for another?”
akausye, “Ana mmwe ni ŵele ŵakwika ŵala pane twalolele ŵane?”
4 And Jesus answering said to them, “Having gone, declare to John the things that you hear and see,
Che Yesu ŵaajanjile, “Njaulanje nkaasalile che Yohana aila inkuipilikana ni kuilola.
5 blind receive sight, and lame walk, lepers are cleansed, and deaf hear, dead are raised, and poor have good news proclaimed,
Ŵangalola akulola, ni ŵangajenda akwenda, ni ŵamatana akuswejeswa, ni ŵangapilikana akupilikana, ni ŵawe akusyuswa, ni ŵakulaga akusalilwa Ngani Jambone.
6 and blessed is he who may not be stumbled in Me.”
Jwana upile jwele mundu jwangakungolela lipamba.”
7 And as they are going, Jesus began to say to the multitudes concerning John, “What did you go out to the wilderness to view? A reed shaken by the wind?
Nipele, ŵele ŵakulijiganya ŵa che Yohana paŵaliji nkwenda, Che Yesu ŵatandite kwasalila ŵandu ngani si che Yohana aninkuti, “Ana mwajawile kukulola chichi kwele kwipululu ko? Uli, mwajawile kukulilola litete lili nkupungunyikwa ni mbungo?”
8 But what did you go out to see? A man clothed in soft garments? Behold, those wearing the soft things are in the kings’ houses.
Iŵaga ngaŵa yeleyo ana mwajawile kukulola chichi? Mwajawile kukunnola mundu jwawete iwalo yambone? Ŵandu ŵakuwala iwalo yambone akutama mmajumba ga mamwenye.
9 But what did you go out to see? A prophet? Yes, I say to you, and more than a prophet,
Nambo, ana mwajawile kukulola chichi? Mwajawile kukunnola Jwakulondola jwa Akunnungu? Elo, ngunsalila, jwakumpunda jwakulondola jwa Akunnungu.
10 for this is he of whom it has been written: Behold, I send My messenger before Your face, who will prepare Your way before You.
Jwelejo ni che Yohana, Akunnungu juŵangambaga mmalembelo ga Akunnungu, Nnole, nguntuma jwantenga jwangu mmbujo mwenu, juchakankolochesye litala lyenu.
11 Truly I say to you, there has not risen, among those born of women, [one] greater than John the Immerser, but he who is least in the kingdom of the heavens is greater than he.
Ngunsalila isyene, mwa ŵandu ŵakutama mu chilambo, nganatyochele mundu jwali jwankulungwa kumpunda che Yohana Ŵakubatisya. Nambo jwalijose jwakulolechela jwannandi mu Umwenye wa kwinani ali jwankulungwa kumpunda jwelejo.
12 And from the days of John the Immerser until now, the kingdom of the heavens suffers violence, and violent men seize it by force,
Chitandile katema kaŵalalichilaga che Yohana Ŵakubatisya mpaka lelo, umwenye wa kwinani ukukanikwa, ni ŵandu ŵaali ni machili akulinga kuujigala kwa machili.
13 for all the Prophets and the Law prophesied until John,
Majiganyo gose ga ŵakulondola ŵa Akunnungu ni Malajisyo gakunguluchile ngani ja umwenye wa Akunnungu mpaka katema ka che Yohana.
14 and if you are willing to receive [it], he is Elijah who was about to come;
Iŵaga nkusaka kwitichisya gelega, che Yohana ju ni che Elia juchaiche.
15 he who is having ears to hear—let him hear.
Jwakwete mapilikanilo, apilikane!
16 And to what will I liken this generation? It is like little children in marketplaces, sitting and calling to others,
“Chinaulandanye ni chichi uŵelesi wu? Ulandene ni achachanda ŵaŵatemi paluŵala lwa kusumichisya malonda, ni kuŵechetesyana ni achinjao,
17 and saying, We piped to you, and you did not dance, we lamented to you, and you did not strike the breast.
‘Twangombele ngoma nambo nganintyala! Twanjimbile nyimbo sya pamalilo nambo nganinlila!’
18 For John came neither eating nor drinking, and they say, He has a demon;
Pakuŵa Che Yohana ŵaiche, ŵataŵaga ni nganang'waga divai, ni ŵanyawo ŵatite, ‘Akamwilwe ni masoka.’
19 the Son of Man came eating and drinking, and they say, Behold, a man, a glutton, and a wine-drinker, a friend of tax collectors and sinners; and wisdom was justified of her children.”
Mwana jwa Mundu ŵaiche, achilyaga ni aching'waga ni ŵanyawo ŵatite, ‘Munnole aju, jwakutolwa ni jwakolelwa, mmbusanga jwa ŵakukumbikanya nsongo ni ŵa sambi!’ Nambo lunda lwa Akunnungu lwawoneche kuŵa lwambone kwa litala lya ipanganyo yakwe.”
20 Then He began to reproach the cities in which were done most of His mighty works, because they did not convert.
Nipele, Che Yesu ŵatandite kwakalipila ŵandu ŵa misi jo jiŵatesile yakusimonjeka, nambo ŵandu ŵakwe nganaleka sambi.
21 “Woe to you, Chorazin! Woe to you, Bethsaida! Because, if in Tyre and Sidon had been done the mighty works that were done in you, long ago in sackcloth and ashes they had converted;
“Ulaje kukwenu ku Kolasini! Ulaje kukwenu ku Besesaida! Pakuŵa, ayi yakusimosya yaitendekwe kukwenu, ikatendekwe akula ku Tilo ni ku Sidoni kula, ŵandu ŵakwe akawasile magunia ni kutama mu itutu kulosya kuti alesile sambi syao.
22 but I say to you, to Tyre and Sidon it will be more tolerable in [the] day of judgment than for you.
Nambo ngunsalila, lyuŵa lya kulamula, ŵanyamwe chinjamukwe kwannope kupunda ŵandu ŵa ku Tilo ni ku Sidoni.
23 And you, Capernaum, which were exalted to Heaven, will be brought down to Hades, because if the mighty works that were done in you had been done in Sodom, it had remained to this day; (Hadēs )
Nomwe Kapelenaumu ana chinlikusye mpaka kwinani? Chinchituluswa mpaka kwiuto kwa ŵandu ŵawile. Pakuŵa, yakusimosya yaitendekwe kukwenu ikatendekwe ku Sodoma, wele musi wo ukaliji chiŵela mpaka lelo. (Hadēs )
24 but I say to you, to the land of Sodom it will be more tolerable in [the] day of judgment than to you.”
Nambo ngunsalila, lyuŵa lya kulamula mmwe chinjamukwe kwannope kupunda ŵandu ŵa ku Sodoma.”
25 At that time Jesus answering said, “I confess to You, Father, Lord of the heavens and of the earth, that You hid these things from wise and understanding ones, and revealed them to babies.
Katema kakoko, Che Yesu ŵatite, “Nguntogolela Atati, Ambuje ŵa kwinani ni chilambo, pakuŵa mwasisile indu yi ŵandu ŵa lunda ni ŵandu ŵa umanyilisi ni kwaunukulila ŵanache.
26 Yes, Father, because so it was good pleasure before You.
Elo, Atati, pakuŵa yeleyo ni yaitite pakunnonyela.
27 All things were delivered to Me by My Father, and none know the Son, except the Father, nor does any know the Father, except the Son, and he to whom the Son may resolve to reveal [Him].
“Atati ŵangu ambele indu yose. Ngapagwa jwakummanyilila Mwana, akaŵe Atati, ni sooni ngapagwa jwakummanyilila Atati, akaŵe Mwana ni jwalijose jwakunsaka Mwana kuti ammunukulile.
28 Come to Me, all you laboring and burdened ones, and I will give you rest;
Njisanje kukwangu ŵanyamwe wose unkusauka ni kutopelwa ni misigo jakutopa, none chinampumusye.
29 take up My yoke on you, and learn from Me, because I am meek and humble in heart, and you will find rest to your souls,
Mungunde, nkalijiganye kukwangu, pakuŵa une ndili jwakutulala ni jwakulitulusya, nomwe chinkapumule mmitima jenu.
30 for My yoke [is] easy, and My burden is light.”
Pakuŵa chingunsalila mpanganye chili chambone kukwenu ni chingumpa njigale ngachikutopa.”