< Mark 9 >

1 And He said to them, “Truly I say to you that there are certain of those standing here, who may not taste of death until they see the Kingdom of God having come in power.”
Amasung Jisuna makhoida makha tana hairak-i, “Eina nakhoida tasengnamak hairibasini, mapham asida lepliba makhoi kharadi Tengban Mapugi Leibak aduna panggalga loinana lakpa adu udriba phaoba sibagi mahao tangloi.”
2 And after six days Jesus takes Peter, and James, and John, and brings them up to a high mountain by themselves, alone, and He was transfigured before them,
Numit taruknigi matungda Jisuna Peter, Jacob amadi John khaktabu tonganna puraduna awangba ching amada kakhatle. Aduga mapham aduda Ibungona makhoigi mamangda sak-ong hongle.
3 and His garments became glittering, exceedingly white, as snow, so as a launderer on the earth is not able to whiten [them].
Amasung Ibungogi phijoldu taibangpanda leiriba phisuba kanana suduna ngouhanba ngamba adudagi thoidok hendokna nganna-langna ngourakle.
4 And there appeared to them Elijah with Moses, and they were talking with Jesus.
Adudagi makhoina khang-houdana Elijah amadi Moses thoraktuna Jisuga wari sanaba adu ure.
5 And Peter answering says to Jesus, “Rabbi, it is good to us to be here; and we may make three shelters, for You one, and for Moses one, and for Elijah one”:
Maduda Peter-na Jisuda hairak-i, “Oja Ibungo, eikhoina mapham asida leijabasi eikhoigidamak kayada phakhraba! Eikhoina sang ahum haibadi Ibungogi ama, Moses-ki ama, amasung Elijah-gi ama sasi.”
6 for he was not knowing what he might say, for they were greatly afraid.
Peter-na kari haigadage haiba khangdaduna waheising asi haibani, maramdi makhoi adukki matik kirammi.
7 And there came a cloud overshadowing them, and there came a voice out of the cloud, saying, “This is My Son, the Beloved, hear Him”;
Adudagi leichil ama thoraktuna makhoibu khanjinlammi, amasung leichil maraktagi khonjel amana hairak-i, “Masi eigi nungsiraba Ichanupani, mahakna haiba tao!”
8 and suddenly, having looked around, they saw no one anymore, but Jesus only with themselves.
Adudagi makhoina akoibada yengbada, ikhang khang-houdana Jisu nattana atei kana amatabu amuk ukhidre.
9 And as they are coming down from the mountain, He charged them that they may declare to no one the things that they saw, except when the Son of Man may rise out of the dead;
Aduga makhoina chingthak adudagi asum kumtharakpa matamda Jisuna makhoida yathang piraduna hairak-i, “Nakhoina ukhibasing adu Migi Machanupa aduna sibadagi hinggattriba phaoba mi kana amatada tamthokkanu.”
10 and the thing they kept to themselves, questioning together what the rising out of the dead is.
Makhoina Ibungogi yathangdu ngakcharammi. Adumakpu makhoigi marakta “Sibadagi hinggatpa” haibasigi wahanthok karino haina makhoi masen amaga amaga hangnarammi.
11 And they were questioning Him, saying that the scribes say that Elijah must come first.
Amasung makhoina Ibungoda hanglak-i, “Karigi Christtana laktringeida Elijah-na hanna lakkani haina Wayel Yathanggi Ojasingna hairibano?”
12 And He answering said to them, “Elijah indeed, having come first, restores all things; and how has it been written concerning the Son of Man, that He may suffer many things, and be set at nothing?
Maduda Jisuna makhoida khumlak-i, “Asengbamak Elijah-na hanna lakkani aduga pot pumnamak masagi oipham thokpa phibhamda hanjinbigani. Aduga Migi Machanupa aduna awa ana kaya khaanggani amasung mahakpu inthokpigani haina Mapugi Puyada karamna iribano?
13 But I say to you that also Elijah has come, and they did to him what they willed, as it has been written of him.”
Adumakpu eina nakhoida hairi, Elijah-di lakkhre aduga Mapugi Puyada mahakki maramda ikhibagumna, misingna makhoigi apamba adu mangonda toukhre.”
14 And having come to the disciples, He saw a great multitude around them, and scribes questioning with them,
Adudagi makhoina atei tung-inbasing adugi manakta amuk halakpa matamda, yamlaba miyam amana makhoigi akoibada leiramba aduga Wayel Yathanggi Ojasing kharana tung-inbasing aduga wahang paohangnaduna leiramba adu ure.
15 and immediately, all the multitude having seen Him, were amazed, and running near, were greeting Him.
Aduga miyam aduna Jisubu hek ubada yamna ngaklammi, amasung manakta chensinduna mahakpu okcharammi.
16 And He questioned the scribes, “What do you dispute with them?”
Jisuna makhoida hanglak-i, “Nakhoina makhoiga kari maramda wahang paohangnaribano?”
17 And one out of the multitude answering said, “Teacher, I brought my son to You, having a mute spirit;
Miyam adugi maraktagi nupa amana khumlak-i, “Oja Ibungo, eina eigi ichanupabu Ibungogi nakta pujarakpani maramdi mangonda phattaba thawai ama changduna leire aduga wa ngangbasu thoktre.
18 and wherever it seizes him, it tears him, and he foams, and gnashes his teeth, and pines away; and I spoke to Your disciples that they may cast it out, and they were not able.”
Thawai aduna mahakpu hek laksinba khudingda mahakpu leimaida inthui, aduga mayada konggol kaduna maya krak krak chik-i, amasung masa pumba chap ting-i. Eihakna Ibungogi tung-inbasingda thawai adu tanthokpinaba haijarambani, adubu makhoina tanthokpa ngamdre.”
19 And He answering him, said, “O generation unbelieving, until when will I be with you? Until when will I suffer you? Bring him to Me”;
Jisuna makhoida hairak-i, “He thajadaba mirol! Kayam kuina eina nakhoiga leiminnakhigadage? Kayam kuina eina nakhoibu khaangkhigadage? Nupamacha adu eigi inakta pusillak-u.”
20 and they brought him to Him, and he having seen Him, immediately the spirit convulsed him, and he, having fallen on the earth, was wallowing—foaming.
Adudagi makhoina nupamacha adu Jisugi manakta pusillaklammi. Aduga phattaba thawai aduna Jisubu hek ubaga nupamacha adubu ot-neiduna nik-hallammi. Adudagi mahak leimaida ture amasung mayada konggol karaduna, tharo tharo onba houre.
21 And He questioned his father, “How much time is it since this came to him?” And he said, “From childhood,
Jisuna mapa aduda hanglak-i, “Mahakna asumna toubasi matam kayam kuiraklabage?” Mapa aduna khumlak-i, “Mahakna angang oiringeidagi touraklabani.
22 and many times it also cast him into fire, and into water, that it might destroy him; but if You are able to do anything, help us, having compassion on us.”
Phattaba thawai asina mahakpu hatnanaba kayarak meinungda hunjilli amasung isingda langthei. Aduna Ibungona karigumba khara toubiba ngamba oibirabadi, eikhoibu nungsibiyu amasung eikhoibu pangbiyu.”
23 And Jesus said to him, “If you are able to believe! All things are possible to the one that is believing”;
Jisuna khumlak-i, “‘Nahakna ngamlabadi’ haibadi karino! Thajaba leiba mahak aduda pumnamak oithokpa ngaktani.”
24 and immediately the father of the child, having cried out with tears, said, “I believe, Lord; be helping my unbelief.”
Maduda mapa aduna mapi sintharaduna khudak adumaktada laona hairak-i, “Ibungo, eina thajei adubu mapung phade, eina mapungphana thajaba leinaba eibu pangbiyu.”
25 Jesus having seen that a multitude runs together, rebuked the unclean spirit, saying to it, “Spirit—mute and deaf—I charge you, come forth out of him, and you may no longer enter into him”;
Miyam aduna mapham aduda thuna omsillakpa Jisuna urabada, mahakna phattaba thawai aduda cheiraduna hairak-i, “Na pangba amasung lon thoktabagi thawai, nupamacha asidagi thokkhro aduga amuk hanna mangonda changdanaba eina nangonda yathang piri.”
26 and having cried, and convulsed him much, it came forth, and he became as dead, so that many said that he was dead,
Maduda thawai aduna houna laoraduna nupamacha adubu tamthina ot-neiduna nik-hallamlaga mangondagi thokkhre. Adudagi nupamacha adu asibagum taduna leirammi amasung mipum khudingmakna hairak-i, “Mahak sire.”
27 but Jesus, having taken him by the hand, lifted him up, and he arose.
Adubu Jisuna nupamacha adubu makhut paibiduna chingkhatpire amasung mahak lepkhatlakle.
28 And He having come into the house, His disciples were questioning Him by Himself, “Why were we not able to cast it forth?”
Adudagi Jisuna yum manungda changlaklaba matungda mahakki tung inbasingna mangonda lonna hanglak-i, “Eikhoinadi thawai adubu tanthokpa karigi ngamdribano?”
29 And He said to them, “This kind is able to come forth with nothing except with prayer and fasting.”
Ibungona khumlak-i, “Asigumbasing asi charahenba amadi haijabagi mapanna nattanadi atei kari amatana ngamde.”
30 And having gone forth there, they were passing through Galilee, and He did not wish that any may know,
Adudagi Jisu amasung mahakki tung inbasingna mapham adu thadoklamlaga Galilee-gi lam phaoduna chatlammi. Aduga Ibungona mahak kadaida leibage haibasi mi kana amatada khang-hanba pamlamde.
31 for He was teaching His disciples, and He said to them, “The Son of Man is being delivered into the hands of men, and they will kill Him, and having been killed, the third day He will rise,”
Maramdi Ibungona mahakki tung-inbasingbu tambiduna leirammi. Ibungona hairak-i, “Migi Machanupa adubu misinggi makhutta pithokkani aduga makhoina mahakpu hatkani; adumakpu humnisuba numitta mahak amuk hinggatkani.”
32 but they were not understanding the saying, and they were afraid to question Him.
Adubu Ibungona hairibasing adu makhoina khangba ngamlamde, aduga makhoina Ibungoda hangbasu kirammi.
33 And He came to Capernaum, and being in the house, He was questioning them, “What were you reasoning in the way among yourselves?”
Adudagi makhoina Capernaum-da laklammi, aduga yum amada leiringeida Jisuna mahakki tung inbasingda hanglak-i, “Nakhoina lambida yetnakhiba adu kari maramdano?”
34 And they were silent, for they reasoned with one another in the way who is greater;
Adubu makhoina Ibungoda paokhum piramde, maramdi lambida makhoina makhoigi marakta kanana khwaidagi henna chaobage haiduna yetnarammi.
35 and having sat down He called the Twelve, and He says to them, “If any wills to be first, he will be last of all, and minister of all.”
Adudagi Jisuna phamtharaduna tung-inba taranithoi adubu kouraga makhoida hairak-i, “Kanagumbana makok oininglabadi mahakna khwaidagi atonba mapham adu lougadabani amasung pumnamakki thougal touba mi oigadabani.”
36 And having taken a child, He set him in the midst of them, and having taken him in His arms, said to them,
Adudagi Ibungona apikpa angang amabu makhoigi marakta lephalle. Aduga Ibungogi pambomna angang adubu konbiraga makhoida hairak-i,
37 “Whoever may receive one of such children in My Name, receives Me, and whoever may receive Me, does not receive Me, but Him who sent Me.”
“Kanagumba amana asigumba apikpa angangsing asigi maraktagi amabu eigi mingda lousinjarabadi mahakna eibu lousinjabani; aduga kanagumba amana eibu lousinjarabadi, mahakna ei khaktabu lousinjaba natte adubu eibu tharakpa Ibungo Mahak adubusu lousinjabani.”
38 And John answered Him, saying, “Teacher, we saw a certain one casting out demons in Your Name, who does not follow us, and we forbade him, because he does not follow us.”
John-na Ibungoda hairak-i, “Oja Ibungo, eikhoina Ibungogi mingda lai phattabasing tanthokpa mi ama ujei amasung eikhoina mangonda madu toknanaba hairammi maramdi mahak eikhoigi irakta yaoba mi natte.”
39 And Jesus said, “Do not forbid him, for there is no one who will do a mighty work in My Name, and will be readily able to speak evil of Me:
Jisuna makhoida hairak-i, “Mahakpu khamganu, maramdi eigi mingda angakpa thabak touraga thuna eigi maramda phattaba wa haigadaba mi kanasu leite.
40 for he who is not against us is for us;
Maramdi eikhoigi maiyokta leitaba mahak adu eikhoigi mini.
41 for whoever may give you to drink a cup of water in My Name, because you are Christ’s, truly I say to you, he may not lose his reward;
Eina nakhoida tasengnamak hairibasini, madudi kanagumbana nakhoibu Christtagi misingni haiduna, eigi mingda ising glass ama pirabadi mahakna sungsoi soidana mahakki mana phangjagani.
42 and whoever may cause to stumble one of the little ones believing in Me, better is it for him if a millstone is hanged around his neck, and he has been cast into the sea.
“Kanagumba mi amana eibu thajaba apikpa angangsing asigi maraktagi amabu papta tahallabadi, mahakki mangakta achouba chakkri nung ama yansillaga achouba ipakta thadabana mahakkidamaktadi henna phei.
43 And if your hand may cause you to stumble, cut it off; it is better for you to enter into life maimed, than having the two hands, to go away into Gehenna, into the fire—the unquenchable— (Geenna g1067)
Maram aduna nahakki khutna nahakpu papta tahallabadi, madu kakthatkho. Maramdi nakhut ani pallaga norokki mutnaidaba meida langsinbabudi, nakhut namata panduna hingbada changbana nahakkidamak henna phei. (Geenna g1067)
44 [[where their worm is not dying, and the fire is not being quenched.]]
Norok aduda makhoibu chariba hal siba naide, aduga makhoibu chakliba meisu mutpa naide.
45 And if your foot may cause you to stumble, cut it off; it is better for you to enter into life lame, than having the two feet to be cast into Gehenna, into the fire—the unquenchable— (Geenna g1067)
Nahakki khongna nahakpu papta tahallabadi, madu kakthatkho. Maramdi nakhong ani pallaga norokta langsinbabudi, nakhong nama yaodana hingbada changbana nahakkidamak henna phei. (Geenna g1067)
46 [[where their worm is not dying, and the fire is not being quenched.]]
Norok aduda makhoibu chariba hal siba naide, aduga makhoibu chakliba meisu mutpa naide.
47 And if your eye may cause you to stumble, cast it out; it is better for you to enter into the Kingdom of God one-eyed, than having two eyes, to be cast into the Gehenna of fire— (Geenna g1067)
Nahakki mitna nahakpu papta tahallabadi, madu kotthokkho. Maramdi namit ani pallaga norokta langsinbabudi, namit namatang pallaga Tengban Mapugi leibakta changbana nahakkidamak henna phei. (Geenna g1067)
48 where their worm is not dying, and the fire is not being quenched;
Norok aduda makhoibu chariba hal siba naide, aduga makhoibu chakliba meisu mutpa naide.
49 for everyone will be salted with fire, and every sacrifice will be salted with salt.
“Maramdi iratpot khudingmakpu thumna seng-hanba adugumna mi khudingbu meina seng-hangani.
50 The salt [is] good, but if the salt may become saltless, in what will you season [it]? Have in yourselves salt, and have peace in one another.”
“Thumdi aphabani, adubu thumna thumgi mahao mangkhrabadi, nakhoina madu kamdouna amuk mahao leihan-gadage? “Nakhoi nasen-gi marakta thumgi magunsing adu leihallu, aduga nakhoi amaga amaga ingthana leiminnou.”

< Mark 9 >