< Mark 8 >

1 In those days the multitude being very great, and not having what they may eat, Jesus having called near His disciples, says to them,
tadA tatsamIpaM bahavo lokA AyAtA atasteShAM bhojyadravyAbhAvAd yIshuH shiShyAnAhUya jagAda, |
2 “I have compassion on the multitude, because now three days they continue with Me, and they have not what they may eat;
lokanivahe mama kR^ipA jAyate te dinatrayaM mayA sArddhaM santi teShAM bhojyaM kimapi nAsti|
3 and if I will let them away fasting to their home, they will faint in the way, for certain of them are come from far.”
teShAM madhye. aneke dUrAd AgatAH, abhukteShu teShu mayA svagR^ihamabhiprahiteShu te pathi klamiShyanti|
4 And His disciples answered Him, “From where will anyone be able to feed these here in a wilderness with bread?”
shiShyA avAdiShuH, etAvato lokAn tarpayitum atra prantare pUpAn prAptuM kena shakyate?
5 And He was questioning them, “How many loaves do you have?” And they said, “Seven.”
tataH sa tAn paprachCha yuShmAkaM kati pUpAH santi? te. akathayan sapta|
6 And He commanded the multitude to sit down on the ground, and having taken the seven loaves, having given thanks, He broke, and was giving to His disciples that they may set before [them]; and they set before the multitude.
tataH sa tAllokAn bhuvi samupaveShTum Adishya tAn sapta pUpAn dhR^itvA IshvaraguNAn anukIrttayAmAsa, bhaMktvA pariveShayituM shiShyAn prati dadau, tataste lokebhyaH pariveShayAmAsuH|
7 And they had a few small fishes, and having blessed, He said to set them also before [them];
tathA teShAM samIpe ye kShudramatsyA Asan tAnapyAdAya IshvaraguNAn saMkIrtya pariveShayitum AdiShTavAn|
8 and they ate and were filled, and they took up that which was over of broken pieces—seven baskets;
tato lokA bhuktvA tR^iptiM gatA avashiShTakhAdyaiH pUrNAH saptaDallakA gR^ihItAshcha|
9 and those eating were about four thousand. And He let them away,
ete bhoktAraH prAyashchatuH sahasrapuruShA Asan tataH sa tAn visasarja|
10 and immediately having entered into the boat with His disciples, He came to the parts of Dalmanutha,
atha sa shiShyaH saha nAvamAruhya dalmAnUthAsImAmAgataH|
11 and the Pharisees came forth, and began to dispute with Him, seeking from Him a sign from Heaven, tempting Him;
tataH paraM phirUshina Agatya tena saha vivadamAnAstasya parIkShArtham AkAshIyachihnaM draShTuM yAchitavantaH|
12 and having sighed deeply in His spirit, He says, “Why does this generation seek after a sign? Truly I say to you, no sign will be given to this generation.”
tadA so. antardIrghaM nishvasyAkathayat, ete vidyamAnanarAH kutashchinhaM mR^igayante? yuShmAnahaM yathArthaM bravImi lokAnetAn kimapi chihnaM na darshayiShyate|
13 And having left them, having entered again into the boat, He went away to the other side;
atha tAn hitvA puna rnAvam Aruhya pAramagAt|
14 and they forgot to take loaves, and except one loaf they had nothing with them in the boat,
etarhi shiShyaiH pUpeShu vismR^iteShu nAvi teShAM sannidhau pUpa ekaeva sthitaH|
15 and He was charging them, saying, “Take heed, beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, and of the leaven of Herod,”
tadAnIM yIshustAn AdiShTavAn phirUshinAM herodashcha kiNvaM prati satarkAH sAvadhAnAshcha bhavata|
16 and they were reasoning with one another, saying, “Because we have no loaves.”
tataste. anyonyaM vivechanaM kartum Arebhire, asmAkaM sannidhau pUpo nAstIti hetoridaM kathayati|
17 And Jesus having known, says to them, “Why do you reason, because you have no loaves? Do you not yet perceive, nor understand, yet have you hardened your heart?
tad budvvA yIshustebhyo. akathayat yuShmAkaM sthAne pUpAbhAvAt kuta itthaM vitarkayatha? yUyaM kimadyApi kimapi na jAnItha? boddhu ncha na shaknutha? yAvadadya kiM yuShmAkaM manAMsi kaThinAni santi?
18 Having eyes, do you not see? And having ears, do you not hear? And do you not remember?
satsu netreShu kiM na pashyatha? satsu karNeShu kiM na shR^iNutha? na smaratha cha?
19 When I broke the five loaves to the five thousand, how many hand-baskets full of broken pieces did you take up?” They say to Him, “Twelve.”
yadAhaM pa nchapUpAn pa nchasahasrANAM puruShANAM madhye bhaMktvA dattavAn tadAnIM yUyam avashiShTapUpaiH pUrNAn kati DallakAn gR^ihItavantaH? te. akathayan dvAdashaDallakAn|
20 “And when the seven to the four thousand, how many hand-baskets full of broken pieces did you take up?” And they said, “Seven.”
apara ncha yadA chatuHsahasrANAM puruShANAM madhye pUpAn bhaMktvAdadAM tadA yUyam atiriktapUpAnAM kati DallakAn gR^ihItavantaH? te kathayAmAsuH saptaDallakAn|
21 And He said to them, “How do you not understand?”
tadA sa kathitavAn tarhi yUyam adhunApi kuto bodvvuM na shaknutha?
22 And He comes to Bethsaida, and they bring to Him one blind, and call on Him that He may touch him,
anantaraM tasmin baitsaidAnagare prApte lokA andhamekaM naraM tatsamIpamAnIya taM spraShTuM taM prArthayA nchakrire|
23 and having taken the hand of the blind man, He led him forth outside the village, and having spit on his eyes, having put [His] hands on him, He was questioning him if he beholds anything:
tadA tasyAndhasya karau gR^ihItvA nagarAd bahirdeshaM taM nItavAn; tannetre niShThIvaM dattvA tadgAtre hastAvarpayitvA taM paprachCha, kimapi pashyasi?
24 and he, having looked up, said, “I behold men, as I see trees, walking.”
sa netre unmIlya jagAda, vR^ikShavat manujAn gachChato nirIkShe|
25 Afterward again He put [His] hands on his eyes, and made him look up, and he was restored, and discerned all things clearly,
tato yIshuH punastasya nayanayo rhastAvarpayitvA tasya netre unmIlayAmAsa; tasmAt sa svastho bhUtvA spaShTarUpaM sarvvalokAn dadarsha|
26 and He sent him away to his house, saying, “Neither may you go into the village, nor tell [it] to any in the village.”
tataH paraM tvaM grAmaM mA gachCha grAmasthaM kamapi cha kimapyanuktvA nijagR^ihaM yAhItyAdishya yIshustaM nijagR^ihaM prahitavAn|
27 And Jesus went forth, and His disciples, into the villages of Caesarea Philippi, and in the way He was questioning His disciples, saying to them, “Who do men say I am?”
anantaraM shiShyaiH sahito yIshuH kaisarIyAphilipipuraM jagAma, pathi gachChan tAnapR^ichChat ko. aham atra lokAH kiM vadanti?
28 And they answered, “John the Immerser, and others Elijah, but others one of the prophets.”
te pratyUchuH tvAM yohanaM majjakaM vadanti kintu kepi kepi eliyaM vadanti; apare kepi kepi bhaviShyadvAdinAm eko jana iti vadanti|
29 And He says to them, “And you—who do you say I am?” And Peter answering says to him, “You are the Christ.”
atha sa tAnapR^ichChat kintu koham? ityatra yUyaM kiM vadatha? tadA pitaraH pratyavadat bhavAn abhiShiktastrAtA|
30 And He strictly charged them that they may tell no one about it,
tataH sa tAn gADhamAdishad yUyaM mama kathA kasmaichidapi mA kathayata|
31 and began to teach them that it is necessary for the Son of Man to suffer many things, and to be rejected by the elders, and chief priests, and scribes, and to be killed, and to rise again after three days;
manuShyaputreNAvashyaM bahavo yAtanA bhoktavyAH prAchInalokaiH pradhAnayAjakairadhyApakaishcha sa ninditaH san ghAtayiShyate tR^itIyadine utthAsyati cha, yIshuH shiShyAnupadeShTumArabhya kathAmimAM spaShTamAchaShTa|
32 and openly He was speaking the word. And Peter having taken Him aside, began to rebuke Him,
tasmAt pitarastasya hastau dhR^itvA taM tarjjitavAn|
33 and He, having turned, and having looked on His disciples, rebuked Peter, saying, “Get behind Me, Satan, because you do not mind the things of God, but the things of men.”
kintu sa mukhaM parAvartya shiShyagaNaM nirIkShya pitaraM tarjayitvAvAdId dUrIbhava vighnakArin IshvarIyakAryyAdapi manuShyakAryyaM tubhyaM rochatatarAM|
34 And having called near the multitude, with His disciples, He said to them, “Whoever wills to come after Me—let him disown himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me;
atha sa lokAn shiShyAMshchAhUya jagAda yaH kashchin mAmanugantum ichChati sa AtmAnaM dAmyatu, svakrushaM gR^ihItvA matpashchAd AyAtu|
35 for whoever may will to save his life will lose it; and whoever may lose his life for My sake and for the good news’ sake, he will save it;
yato yaH kashchit svaprANaM rakShitumichChati sa taM hArayiShyati, kintu yaH kashchin madarthaM susaMvAdArtha ncha prANaM hArayati sa taM rakShiShyati|
36 for what will it profit a man, if he may gain the whole world, and forfeit his life?
apara ncha manujaH sarvvaM jagat prApya yadi svaprANaM hArayati tarhi tasya ko lAbhaH?
37 Or what will a man give as an exchange for his life?
naraH svaprANavinimayena kiM dAtuM shaknoti?
38 For whoever may be ashamed of Me, and of My words, in this adulterous and sinful generation, the Son of Man will also be ashamed of him when He may come in the glory of His Father with the holy messengers.”
eteShAM vyabhichAriNAM pApinA ncha lokAnAM sAkShAd yadi kopi mAM matkathA ncha lajjAspadaM jAnAti tarhi manujaputro yadA dharmmadUtaiH saha pituH prabhAveNAgamiShyati tadA sopi taM lajjAspadaM j nAsyati|

< Mark 8 >