< Mark 6 >
1 And He went forth from there, and came to His own country, and His disciples follow Him,
उहाँ त्यहाँबाट जानुभयो र आफ्नो गाउँमा आउनुभयो, अनि चेलाहरूले उहाँलाई पछ्याए ।
2 and Sabbath having come, He began to teach in the synagogue, and many hearing were astonished, saying, “From where [did] this One [hear] these things? And what [is] the wisdom that was given to Him, that also such mighty works are done through His hands?
जब विश्रामको दिन आयो उहाँले सभाघरमा सिकाउनुभयो । धेरैले उहाँको शिक्षा सुने र छक्क परे । तिनीहरूले भने, “यिनले यी शिक्षाहरू कहाँबाट पाए? यिनलाई कस्तो बुद्धि दिइएको रहेछ? यिनका हातले गरेका यी कस्ता अचम्मका कामहरू हुन्?”
3 Is this not the carpenter, the Son of Mary, and brother of James, and Joses, and Judas, and Simon? And are His sisters not here with us?” And they were being stumbled at Him.
“के यिनी सिकर्मी होइनन् र? के यिनी मरियमका पुत्र अनि याकूब, योसेफ, यहूदा र सिमोनका दाजु होइनन् र? के यिनका बहिनीहरू हामीसित छैनन् र?” र तिनीहरू येशूद्वारा क्रुद्ध पारिए ।
4 And Jesus said to them, “A prophet is not without honor, except in his own country, and among his relatives, and in his own house”;
येशूले तिनीहरूलाई भन्नुभयो, “एउटा अगमवक्ताको आफ्नो गाउँ, नातेदार र आफ्नो घर परिवारबाहेक कहीँ पनि अनादर हुँदैन ।”
5 and He was not able to do any mighty work there, except having put hands on a few sick, He healed [them];
केही बिरामी मानिसहरूमा हात राखेर निको बनाउनुबाहेक त्यहाँ उहाँले कुनै शक्तिशाली कामहरू गर्न सक्नुभएन ।
6 and He wondered because of their unbelief. And He was going around the villages, in a circle, teaching,
तिनीहरूको अविश्वासले उहाँलाई अच्चम्मित तुल्यायो । अनि उहाँ गाउँहरूभरि शिक्षा दिँदै हिँड्नुभयो ।
7 and He calls near the Twelve, and He began to send them forth two by two, and He was giving them power over the unclean spirits,
उहाँले बाह्र जनालाई बोलाउनुभयो, र अशुद्ध आत्माहरूमाथि अधिकार दिनुभयो र दुई-दुई जना गरी तिनीहरूलाई पठाउनुभयो ।
8 and He commanded them that they may take nothing for the way, except a staff only—no leather pouch, no bread, no brass in the girdle,
र उहाँले यात्रामा एउटा लट्ठीबाहेक न रोटी न झोला र कम्मरमा पैसा नै बोक्न दिनुभयो ।
9 but having been shod with sandals, and you may not put on two coats.
तर उहाँले चप्पल लगाउन र दुई ओटा दौरा नलगाउनलाई निर्देशन दिनुभयो ।
10 And He said to them, “Whenever you may enter into a house, remain there until you may depart from there,
उहाँले तिनीहरूलाई भन्नुभयो, “जब तिमीहरू कुनै घरभित्र पस्छौ, त्यो ठाउँ नछोडेसम्म त्यहीँ बस ।
11 and as many as may not receive you nor hear you, going out from there, shake off the dust that is under your feet for a testimony to them; [[truly I say to you, it will be more tolerable for Sodom or Gomorrah in [the] day of judgment than for that city.”]]
यदि कुनै नगरले तिमीहरूलाई स्वागत गरेन भने त्यो ठाउँ छोड, र तिनीहरूका निम्ति गवाहीको रूपमा आफ्नो पैतालाको धुलो टकटकाइदिनू ।”
12 And having gone forth they were preaching that [men] might convert,
तिनीहरू त्यहाँबाट बाहिर गए र मानिसहरू आफ्नो पापबाट फर्केर आउनुपर्छ भनी घोषणा गरे ।
13 and they were casting out many demons, and they were anointing many sick with oil, and they were healing [them].
तिनीहरूले धेरै भूतहरू निकाले, धेरै बिरामीहरूलाई तेलले अभिषेक गरे र निको पारे ।
14 And King Herod heard (for His Name became public), and he said, “John the Immerser was raised out of the dead, and because of this the mighty powers are working in him.”
हेरोद राजाले यो सुने, किनभने येशूको नाउँ प्रसिद्ध भएको थियो । केहीले भनिरहेका थिए, “बप्तिस्मा-दिने यूहन्ना मृत्युबाट जीवित भई उठे । त्यसैले, यी आश्चर्यकर्महरू उहाँद्वारा हुँदै छन् ।”
15 Others said, “It is Elijah,” and others said, “It is a prophet, or as one of the prophets.”
अरूहरूले भने, “यिनी एलिया हुन्”, अझ हरूहरूले भने, “यिनी प्राचीन समयका एक जना अगमवक्ताहरूमध्ये एक हुन् ।”
16 And Herod having heard, said, “He whom I beheaded—John—this is he; he was raised out of the dead.”
तर जब हेरोदले यो सुने, तिनले भने, “यूहन्ना, जसको मैले टाउको कटाएको थिएँ, तिनी जीवित भई उठेछन्!”
17 For Herod himself, having sent forth, laid hold on John, and bound him in the prison, because of Herodias, the wife of his brother Philip, because he married her,
किनभने हेरोदले यूहन्नालाई हेरोदियास (तिनको भाइकी पत्नी) को कारण गिरफ्तार गर्न र कैदमा हाल्न लगाए, किनभने तिनले उनलाई विवाह गरेका थिए ।
18 for John said to Herod, “It is not lawful for you to have the wife of your brother”;
किनभने यूहन्नाले हेरोदलाई भने, “आफ्नो भाइकी पत्नीलाई विवाह गर्न तिनलाई उचित छैन भनेका थिए ।”
19 and Herodias was having a quarrel with him, and was willing to kill him, and was not able,
तर हेरोदियासले वैरभाव राखेकि थिइन् र तिनलाई मार्न चाहन्थिन्, तर सकेकी थिइनन्,
20 for Herod was fearing John, knowing him [to be] a righteous and holy man, and was keeping watch over him, and having heard him, was doing many things, and hearing him gladly.
किनभने हेरोद यूहन्नासित डराउँथे; तिनी धर्मी र पवित्र जन थिए भन्ने तिनलाई थाहा थियो, अनि हेरोदले उनलाई सुरक्षित राखे । तिनको प्रचार सुन्दा हेरोद अशन्त हुन्थे, तरै पनि खुसीसाथ सुन्थे ।
21 And a seasonable day having come when Herod on his birthday was making a banquet to his great men, and to the chiefs of thousands, and to the first men of Galilee,
त्यसपछि एउटा उपयुक्त मौका मिल्यो । हेरोदले तिनको जन्म दिनमा आफ्ना भारदारहरू, कप्तानहरू र गालीलका अगुवाहरूलाई भोज दिए ।
22 and the daughter of that Herodias having come in, and having danced, and having pleased Herod and those dining with him, the king said to the girl, “Ask of me whatever you will, and I will give to you,”
हेरोदियासकी छोरी आफैँ आइन् र तिनीहरूको लागि नाचिन् अनि तिनले हेरोद र उनका पाहुनाहरूलाई प्रशन्न तुल्याइन् । राजाले त्यस केटीलाई भने, “तिमीलाई जे इच्छा लाग्छ सो माग, म तिमीलाई दिनेछु ।”
23 and he swore to her, “Whatever you may ask me, I will give to you—to the half of my kingdom.”
तिनले शपथ खएर भने, “तिमीले मसित जे माग्छौ, म तिमीलाई मेरो राज्यको आधा भागसम्म पनि दिनेछु ।”
24 And she, having gone forth, said to her mother, “What will I ask for myself?” And she said, “The head of John the Immerser”;
तिनी बाहिर निस्किन् र आफ्नी आमालाई भनिन्, “म तिनीसित के मागौँ?” र तिनले भनिन्, “बप्तिस्मा-दिने यूहन्नाको शिर ।”
25 and having come in immediately with haste to the king, she asked, saying, “I will that you may immediately give me the head of John the Immerser on a plate.”
तिनी तुरुन्तै राजाकहाँ आइन् र यसो भन्दै मागिन्, “मलाई झट्टै बप्तिस्मा-दिने यूहन्नाको शिर थालीमा दिनुहोस् भन्ने म चाहन्छु ।”
26 And the king, made very sorrowful because of the oaths and of those reclining with him, would not put her away,
राजा निकै दुःखित भए, तर आफ्ना पाहुनाहरू र शपथको कारण राजाले तिनको बिन्ती इन्कार गर्न सकेनन् ।
27 and immediately the king having sent a guardsman, commanded his head to be brought,
त्यसैले, राजाले आफ्ना रक्षकहरूमध्ये एक जना सिपाहीलाई यूहन्नाको शिर ल्याउने आदेश दिएर पठाए । सुरक्षाकर्मी गए र झ्यालखानामा उनको टाउको काटे ।
28 and he having gone, beheaded him in the prison, and brought his head on a plate, and gave it to the girl, and the girl gave it to her mother;
सिपाहीले थालमा उनको टाउको ल्याए र ती केटीलाई दिए, र ती केटीले आफ्नी आमालाई दिइन् ।
29 and having heard, his disciples came and took up his corpse, and laid it in the tomb.
त्यो सुनेर यूहन्नाका चेलाहरू आए, र उनको लासलाई चिहानमा राखे ।
30 And the apostles are gathered together to Jesus, and they told Him all, and how many things they did, and how many things they taught,
अनि प्रेरितहरू येशूको वरिपरि भेला भए, र तिनीहरूले गरेका र सिकाएका सबै कुरा उहाँलाई बताए ।
31 and He said to them, “Come yourselves apart to a desolate place, and rest a little,” for those coming and those going were many, and not even to eat had they opportunity,
उहाँले तिनीहरूलाई भन्नुभयो, “तिमीहरू आफैँ निर्जन स्थानमा आओ र केही समय आराम गर ।” किनभने धेरै जना आउने र जाने गरिरहेका थिए र तिनीहरूसँग खाना खाने समय पनि थिएन ।
32 and they went away to a desolate place, in the boat, by themselves.
त्यसैले, उहाँहरू डुङ्गा चढेर निर्जन स्थानतिर जानुभयो ।
33 And the multitudes saw them going away, and many recognized Him, and they ran there by land from all the cities, and went before them, and came together to Him,
तर तिनीहरूले उहाँहरू गइरहेको देखे अनि उहाँहरूलाई चिने र तिनीहरू सबै नगरबाट दौडेर उहाँहरूभन्दा अगि नै त्यस ठाउँमा पुगे ।
34 and having come forth, Jesus saw a great multitude, and was moved with compassion on them, that they were as sheep not having a shepherd, and He began to teach many things.
जब उहाँहरू समुयद्र तटमा आउनुभयो, उहाँले ठुलो भिड देख्नुभयो, र उहाँले तिनीहरूलाई टिठ्याउनुभयो, किनकि उनीहरू गोठालाविनाका भेडाहरूजस्तै थिए । अनि उहाँले धेरै कुरा सिकाउन थाल्नुभयो ।
35 And now the hour being advanced, His disciples having come near to Him, say, “The place is desolate, and the hour is now advanced,
जब ढिला भयो, उहाँका चेलाहरू उहाँकहाँ आए र भने “यो निर्जन स्थान हो र समय गइसकेको छ ।
36 let them away, that having gone away into the surrounding fields and villages, they may buy loaves for themselves, for they do not have what they may eat.”
उनीहरूलाई पठाउनुहोस्, ताकि उनीहरू नजिकैको गाउँघरतिर जाऊन् र उनीहरूका निम्ति केही खानेकुराहरू किन्न सकून् ।”
37 And He answering said to them, “You give them to eat,” and they say to Him, “Having gone away, may we buy two hundred denarii worth of loaves, and give to them to eat?”
तर उहाँले जवाफ दिनुभयो र तिनीहरूलाई भन्नुभयो, “तिमीहरूले नै उनीहरूलाई केही खानेकुरा देओ ।” तिनीहरूले उहाँलाई भने, “के हामी दुई सय दिनारी वराबरको रोटी किन्न जाऊँ र उनीहरूलाई खान दिऊँ?”
38 And He says to them, “How many loaves do you have? Go and see”; and having known, they say, “Five, and two fishes.”
उहाँले तिनीहरूलाई भन्नुभयो, “तिमीहरूसँग कतिवटा रोटी छन्? जाओ र हेर ।” जब तिनीहरूले पत्ता लगाए, तिनीहरूले भने, “पाँच रोटी र दुई माछा छन् ।”
39 And He commanded them to make all recline in companies on the green grass,
उहाँले सबै मानिसलाई हरियो घाँसमाथि समूह-समूहमा मिलेर बस्ने आज्ञा गर्नुभयो ।
40 and they sat down in squares, by hundreds, and by fifties.
उनीहरू सय र पचासको समूह- समूहमा बसे ।
41 And having taken the five loaves and the two fishes, having looked up to the sky, He blessed, and broke the loaves, and was giving [them] to His disciples, that they may set [them] before them, and the two fishes He divided to all,
जब उहाँले पाँच रोटी र दुईवटा माछा लिनुभयो, स्वर्गतिर हेरर आशिष् दिनुभयो, र भाँच्नुभयो अनि त्यो भिडलाई बाँडिदिन चेलाहरूलाई दिनुभयो । अनि उहाँले दुईवटा माछा पनि सबै जनालाई बाँडिदिनुभयो ।
42 and they all ate, and were filled,
तृप्त नहुन्जेल उनीहरू सबै जनाले खाए ।
43 and they took up of broken pieces twelve hand-baskets full, and of the fishes,
तिनीहरूले बाह्र डालाभरी टुक्रा रोटीहरू बटुले र माछाका टुक्राहरू पनि बटुले ।
44 and those eating of the loaves were about five thousand men.
त्यहाँ रोटी खानेहरू पाँच हजार जना थिए ।
45 And immediately He constrained His disciples to go into the boat, and to go before [Him] to the other side, to Bethsaida, until He may let the multitude away,
उहाँका चेलाहरूलाई डुङ्गामा चढ्न लगाएर उहाँले भिडलाई पारिपट्टि बेथसेदातिर उहाँभन्दा अगि जना लगाउनुभयो ।
46 and having taken leave of them, He went away to the mountain to pray.
जब तिनीहरू गए, त्यसपछि उहाँ डाँडातिर प्रार्थना गर्न जानुभयो ।
47 And evening having come, the boat was in the midst of the sea, and He alone on the land;
साँझ पर्यो, र अब डुङ्गा समुद्रको बिचमा थियो, र उहाँ जमिनमा एकलै हुनुहुन्थ्यो ।
48 and He saw them harassed in the rowing, for the wind was against them, and about the fourth watch of the night He comes to them walking on the sea, and wished to pass by them.
तिनीहरूलाई डुङ्गा खियाउन गाह्रो भएको उहाँले देख्नुभयो, किनभने हावा उनीहरूको विपरीत दिशाबाट आइरहेको थियो । लगभग रातको चौथो पहरमा समुद्रमाथि हिँडेर उहाँ तिनीहरूकहाँ आउनुभयो, र तिनीहरूलाई उछिन्न चाहनुभयो ।
49 And they having seen Him walking on the sea, thought [it] to be an apparition, and cried out,
तर जब तिनीहरूले उहाँलाई समुद्रमाथि हिँडिरहनुभएको देखे, उहाँ भूत हुनुहन्थ्यो भनेर तिनीहरू चिच्च्याए,
50 for they all saw Him, and were troubled, and immediately He spoke with them, and says to them, “Take courage! I AM; do not be afraid.”
किनभने तिनीहरूले उहाँलाई देखे र भयभीत भए । अनि तुरुन्तै उहाँ तिनीहरूसँग बोल्नुभयो र तिनीहरूलाई भन्नुभयो, “साहसी होओ । म नै हुँ । नडराओ ।”
51 And He went up to them into the boat, and the wind stilled, and greatly out of measure they were amazed in themselves, and were wondering,
उहाँ तिनीहरूसँगै डुङ्गामा चढ्नुभयो, र बतास चल्न छोड्यो । तिनीहरू पूर्ण रूपमा अचम्मित भए ।
52 for they did not understand concerning the loaves, for their heart has been hard.
किनभने तिनीहरूले रोटीको अर्थ के हो भनी बुझेका थिएनन् । बरु तिनीहरूका हृदय कठोर पारिएको थियो ।
53 And having passed over, they came on the land of Gennesaret, and drew to the shore,
जब उहाँहरू पारी तरे, उहाँहरू गनेसरेतमा आए, र डुङ्गालाई त्यहीँ अड्याए ।
54 and they having come forth out of the boat, immediately having recognized Him,
जब उहाँहरू डुङ्गाबाट ओर्लनुभयो, तिनीहरूले उहाँलाई तुरुन्तै चिने ।
55 they ran around through all that surrounding region, and they began to carry around on the pallets those being ill, where they were hearing that He is,
तिनीहरू सबै क्षेत्रमा गए, र उहाँ जहाँ-जहाँ आउँदै हुनुहुन्छ भनी तिनीहरूले सुने तिनीहरूले त्यहाँ-त्यहाँ बिरामीहरूलाई उहाँकहाँ ओछ्यानसँगै ल्याउन थाले ।
56 and wherever He was going, to villages, or cities, or fields, in the marketplaces they were laying the ailing, and were calling on Him, that they may touch if it were but the fringe of His garment, and as many as were touching Him were saved.
जहाँ-जहाँ उहाँ गाउँहरूमा, सहरहरूमा, वा ग्रामीण ठाउँहरू भएर जानुहुन्थ्यो उनीहरूले बिरामीहरूलाई बजार क्षेत्रहरूमा राख्थे र उनीहरूले उहाँको कपडाको छेउ मात्र भए पनि छुन दिइयोस् भनी बिन्ती गर्थे । र जतिले छोए, तिनीहरू निको हुन्थे ।