< Mark 1 >

1 A beginning of the good news of Jesus Christ, Son of God.
Imhola inofu ija Yesu kilisite, uMwana ghwa Nguluve.
2 As it has been written in the Prophets: “Behold, I send My messenger before Your face, Who will prepare Your way before You.
Ndavule lilembilue mukitabu kya m'bili u Isaya, “Lolagha nikunsuung'ha unyamhola ghwango akulongolele, ujuo ghwe ikuling'anisiagha isila.”
3 A voice of one calling in the wilderness: Prepare the way of the LORD, Make His paths straight.”
Ilisio lya muunhu nipilikika kuhuma ku lihaka liiti, munnosekesyaghe u Mutwa u Nguluve isila na kuling'hania muno kya ilila”.
4 John came immersing in the wilderness, and proclaiming an immersion of conversion for forgiveness of sins,
Pepano u Yohana u mwofughi akatengula ku pilisia ku lihaka, kuuti avaanhu valataghe inyivi save nakuwofughua.
5 and there were going forth to him all the region of Judea, and they of Jerusalem, and they were all immersed by him in the river Jordan, confessing their sins.
Avaanhu kuhuma mulikaja lya Yerusalemu na mukighavo kyoni ikya Yudea, vakalutagha kwa Yohana, vakalatagha inyivi save.
6 And John was clothed with camel’s hair, and a girdle of skin around his loins, and eating locusts and honey of the field,
UYohana akafwalagha umwenda ghuno ghutendilie nulwaghe lwa ngamia akipinyagha nulukova munsana, na kulia imhaasi nu vwuki.
7 and he proclaimed, saying, “He comes—who is mightier than I—after me, of whom I am not worthy—having stooped down—to loose the strap of His sandals;
Akapulisyagha akatisagha, kwale jumo ikwisa mumbele mulyune unya ngufu kukila une, juno naninoghile nambe kuva m'banda ughwa kuhudula utukova twa filatu twake.
8 I indeed immersed you in water, but He will immerse you in the Holy Spirit.”
Une nikuvofugha na malenga, neke umwene ikuvofughagha nu Mhepo u Mwimike.”
9 And it came to pass in those days, Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee, and was immersed by John in the Jordan;
Lulya humile mufighono ifio ulwakuuti u Yesu Kilisite alisile kuhuma ku Nazaret ija ku Galilaya, akaluka kwa Yohanani na kukwofugua nu mwene mukikogha ikya Yolidani.
10 and immediately coming up from the water, He saw the heavens dividing, and the Spirit coming down on Him as a dove;
Ye ofughue unsiki ghughuo akahuma mumalenga, akavona uvulanga vudinduka, na ju Mhepo hwene ng'hunda akiika pa mwene.
11 and a voice came out of the heavens, “You are My Son, the Beloved, in whom I delighted.”
Pe ilisio likahuma kukyanya likati, “Uve veve mwanango mughanike. Nikukelile fijo uve.”
12 And immediately the Spirit puts Him forth into the wilderness,
Kange nakalingi u Mhepo akamulongosia u Yesu kuluta kulihaka.
13 and He was there in the wilderness forty days, being tempted by Satan, and He was with the beasts, and the messengers were ministering to Him.
Akikalagha ifighono fijigho fine, agheluagha nu setano. Alyale nifikanhu ifnge ifya mulisoli, navanyamhola vakan'tangagha.
14 And after the delivering up of John, Jesus came to Galilee, proclaiming the good news of the Kingdom of God,
pa mbele u Yohani ye akolilue, u Yesu akalika ku galilaya ipulisia imhola inofu ija Nguluve,
15 and saying, “The time has been fulfilled, and the Kingdom of God has come near, convert and believe in the good news.”
akatisagha, “Unsiki ghwa ghufikile, kange uvu twa vwa Nguluve vulipipi. Mulataghe na kukwitika inyivi siinu mu livangili”.
16 And walking by the Sea of Galilee, He saw Simon, and his brother Andrew, casting a drag into the sea, for they were fishers,
Yeakilila mulubale mu lisumba lya Galilaya, akabona u Simoni nu ANdeleeya vitagha inyavu save mulisumba, ulwakuva valyale valovaji.
17 and Jesus said to them, “Come after Me, and I will make you to become fishers of men”;
U Yesu akavavula, “Mwise, mumbingililaghe, nikuvavika kuva valovi va vaanhu.”
18 and immediately, having left their nets, they followed Him.
Unsiki ghughuo vakasileka inyavu save vakam'bingilila.
19 And having gone on there a little, He saw James of Zebedee, and his brother John, and they were in the boat refitting the nets,
Unsiki u Yesu ye aghendile akasiki padabe, akam'bona u Yakobo mwawa ghwa Zebedayo nhu Yohani vanyalukolo vake; valyale mu ngalava vitenda inyavu.
20 and immediately He called them, and having left their father Zebedee in the boat with the hired servants, they went away after Him.
Voope akavakemela vakamuleka uvise ghwave u Sebedayi mun'akte mu ngalava palikimo navavombi vaake, vakam'bingilila.
21 And they go on to Capernaum, and immediately, on the Sabbaths, having gone into the synagogue, He was teaching,
Ye vafikile ku Kapelaumu, ikighono kya Sabati, vakingila mu sinagogi na kuvulanisia.
22 and they were astonished at His teaching, for He was teaching them as having authority, and not as the scribes.
Vakadegha imbulanisio ja mwene, ulwakuva alyale ivulanisia hwene muunhu nya vutavulilua nakavulanisiagha ndavule avalembi.
23 And there was in their synagogue a man with an unclean spirit, and he cried out,
Unsinki ghughuo umuunhu alyale mu sinagogi jivanave alyale nilipepo ililamafu, akakoola,
24 saying, “What [regards] us and You, Jesus the Nazarene? You came to destroy us; I have known You, who You are—the Holy One of God.”
akati, “Tulini kikibikya kuvomba nuve, Yesu ghwa Nasaleti? Ghwisile kukututipula? Tukagule uliveni? Uve ulimwimike ghwemwene ghwa Nguluve!”
25 And Jesus rebuked him, saying, “Be silenced, and come forth out of him,”
U Yesu akalihwetukila ili pepo ililamafu akati, “kimihe huma mun'kate mwamuunhu uju!”
26 and the unclean spirit having convulsed him, and having cried with a great voice, came forth out of him,
Nili pepo ililamafu likamughwisia pasi na kuhuma mun'kate mwamwene unsiki ghuno akakolala kulisio ilivaha.
27 and they were all amazed, so as to reason among themselves, saying, “What is this? What new teaching [is] this? That with authority He also commands the unclean spirits, and they obey Him!”
Avaanhu vooni vakadegha, kange vakaposesania vene, “Senyiki isi? Isi se mbulanisio imia inyavutavulilua? Idagha amapepo ghope ghikunda!”
28 And the fame of Him went forth immediately to all the region of Galilee.
Imhola sa Yesu sikakwila ng'hani ng'hani mukighavo kyoni ikya Galilaya.
29 And immediately, having come forth out of the synagogue, they went into the house of Simon and Andrew, with James and John,
Ng'haning'hani ye vahumile kunji mu sinagogi, vakingile mu nyumba ija Simoni nu ndeleeya Vyalyale u Yakobo nu Yohani.
30 and the mother-in-law of Simon was lying fevered, and immediately they tell Him about her,
Lino un'kwive ghwa Simoni alyaghonelile alyale n'tamu ghwa homa, ng'haning'ani vakam'bula u Yesu imhola sa mwene.
31 and having come near, He raised her up, having laid hold of her hand, and the fever left her immediately, and she was ministering to them.
Ye afikile, akan'kolo nuluvoko, akamwinula, ihoma jikabuka kwa mwene, akategula kukuvatengelela.
32 And evening having come, when the sun set, they brought to Him all who were ill and who were demoniacs,
vwilile unsiki ilijuva ye lisemile, vakamuletela avatamu vooni vano valyale vivavua, na vanya mapepo.
33 and the whole city was gathered together near the door,
Ilikaja lyoni valyakong'anile palikimo pa mulyango.
34 and He healed many who were ill of manifold diseases, and He cast forth many demons, and was not permitting the demons to speak, because they knew Him.
Alya vasosisie vinga vano valyale ninamu avanyanamu sino sili papinga na pidagha amapepo minga, looli nakaghalekelagha amapepo ghajove ulwakuva ghalya manyile.
35 And very early, it being yet night, having risen, He went forth, and went away to a desolate place, and was praying there;
Alyasimuike kujighe kuhenga, unsiki ghuno ghukakyale kuhenga; akaluta pamonga pasyefu pe akifunya kukuo.
36 and Simon and those with him went in quest of Him,
U Simoni navanine vakatengula kuku mulonda.
37 and having found Him, they say to Him, “All seek You”;
Ye vamwaghile vakam'bula vakati, “Avaanhu vooni vikukulonda”
38 and He says to them, “We may go into the next towns, that there also I may preach, for—for this I came forth.”
Akavamula akati, “Tuvuke kufisina ifinge, mu fikaja fino fisyunguta, kwope nipilisie kange. Ulwakuva lwelino nisile apa.”
39 And He was preaching in their synagogues, in all Galilee, and is casting out the demons,
Akaluta imbale sooni isa mukighavo ikya Galilaya, ipilisia mu masinagogi na kudaga amapepo.
40 and there comes to Him a leper, calling on Him, and kneeling to Him, and saying to Him, “If You may will, You are able to cleanse me.”
Unyabuba jumonga akisa kwa mwene. Akampelepesia; akafughama akati, “Nave ukelile kukumbalasia, nisuma umbalasie.
41 And Jesus having been moved with compassion, having stretched forth the hand, touched him and says to him, “I will, be cleansed”;
Vwimila vwa lusungu, u Yesu akagholosia uluvoko lwamwene aka mwabasia, akati, “Nikeela, Uvalale.”
42 and He having spoken, immediately the leprosy went away from him, and he was cleansed.
Unsiki ghughuo ibuba jikabuka mu m'bili ghwake, pe akavalasivua.
43 And having sternly charged him, immediately He put him forth,
U Yesu akan'kaana akaati lutagha ng'hani ng'hani,
44 and says to him, “See [that] you may say nothing to anyone, but go away, show yourself to the priest, and bring near for your cleansing the things Moses directed, for a testimony to them.”
Akam'bula akaati, “Nungam'bulaghe nambe muunhu imola isi, ulwene ulute ghuhufie kwa n'tekesi, uhumie ilitekelo ndavule alyalaghile u Moose, vuve vwolesi kuvanave.”
45 And he, having gone forth, began to proclaim much, and to spread the thing abroad, so that He was no longer able to openly enter into the city, but He was outside in desolate places, and they were coming to Him from every quarter.
Looli akaluta na pikum'bula kila muunhu na pipulisia ilisio kukila u Yesu lukampela u Yesu kukunua kukwingila mu makaja pa vuvalafu. Akavisagha kunji ku makaja kuvusyefu kuvusila vaanhu kwope ukuo avaanhu ifipugha fyooni kuhuma imbale soni vakalutagha kwa mwene.

< Mark 1 >