< Malachi 3 >
1 “Behold, I am sending My messenger, And he has prepared a way before Me, And suddenly the Lord whom you are seeking comes into His temple, Even the Messenger of the Covenant, Whom you are desiring, Behold, He is coming,” said YHWH of Hosts.
Evo šaljem glasnika da put preda mnom pripravi. I doći će iznenada u Hram svoj Gospod koga vi tražite i anđeo Saveza koga žudite. Evo ga, dolazi već - govori Jahve nad Vojskama.
2 “And who is bearing the day of His coming? And who is standing in His appearing? For He [is] as fire of a refiner, And as soap of a fuller.
Ali tko će podnijeti dan njegova dolaska i tko će opstati kad se on pojavi? Jer on je kao oganj ljevačev i kao lužina bjeliočeva.
3 And He has sat, a refiner and purifier of silver, And He has purified the sons of Levi, And has refined them as gold and as silver, And they have been bringing a present near to YHWH in righteousness.
I zasjest će kao onaj što topi srebro i pročišćava. Očistit će sinove Levijeve i pročistit će ih kao zlato i srebro, da prinose Jahvi žrtvu u pravednosti.
4 And the present of Judah and Jerusalem has been sweet to YHWH, As in days of old, and as in former years.
Tad će biti draga Jahvi žrtva Judina i jeruzalemska kao u drevne dane i kao prvih godina.
5 And I have drawn near to you for judgment, And I have been a witness, Making haste against sorcerers, and against adulterers, And against swearers to a falsehood, And against oppressors of the hire of a hired worker, Of a widow, and of a fatherless one, And those turning aside a sojourner, And who do not fear Me,” said YHWH of Hosts.
Doći ću k vama na sud i bit ću spreman svjedok protiv vračeva i preljubnika, protiv onih koji se lažno kunu, protiv onih koji zakidaju plaću radniku, udovici i siroti, protiv onih koji gaze pravo stranaca i mene se ne boje - govori Jahve nad Vojskama.
6 “For I, YHWH, have not changed, And you, the sons of Jacob, You have not been consumed.
Jer ja, Jahve, ne mijenjam se, a vi se, sinovi Jakovljevi, mijenjate bez prestanka!
7 Even from the days of your fathers You have turned aside from My statutes, And you have not taken heed. Return to Me, and I return to you,” said YHWH of Hosts. “And you have said, In what do we turn back?
Od vremena svojih otaca odstupate od mojih uredaba i ne čuvate ih. Vratite se meni, a ja ću se vratiti vama - govori Jahve nad Vojskama. Pitate: “Kako da se vratimo?”
8 Does man deceive God? But you are deceiving Me, And you have said, In what have we deceived You? The tithe and the raised-offering!
Smije li čovjek prikraćivati Boga? A vi mene prikraćujete. I pitate: “U čemu te prikratismo?” U desetini i u prinosu.
9 You are cursed with a curse! And you are deceiving Me—this nation—all of it.
Udareni ste prokletstvom jer me prikraćujete vi, sav narod!
10 Bring in all the tithe to the treasure-house, And there is food in My house; When you have tried Me, now, with this,” said YHWH of Hosts, “Do I not open the windows of the heavens to you? Indeed, I have emptied on you a blessing until there is no space.
Donesite čitavu desetinu u riznicu da u mojoj kući bude hrane. Tada me iskušajte - govori Jahve nad Vojskama - neću li vam otvoriti ustave nebeske i neću li izliti na vas punom mjerom blagoslov,
11 And I have pushed against the consumer for you, And He does not destroy the fruit of your ground, Nor does the vine in the field miscarry to you,” said YHWH of Hosts.
neću li zbog vas zaprijetit skakavcu da vam više ne kvari usjeva i da vam ne bude nerodna loza u polju - govori Jahve nad Vojskama.
12 “And all the nations have declared you blessed, For you are a delightful land,” said YHWH of Hosts.
Svi će vas narodi tad držati sretnima, jer ćete biti zemlja blaženstva - govori Jahve nad Vojskama.
13 “Your words have been hard against Me,” said YHWH, “And you have said, What have we spoken against You?
Teške su besjede vaše protiv mene - govori Jahve.
14 You have said, A vain thing to serve God! And what gain when we kept His charge? And when we have gone in black, Because of YHWH of Hosts?
Vi ipak pitate: “Što smo između sebe govorili protiv tebe?” Govorili ste: “Zaludu je Bogu služiti i kakva je korist što njegove čuvamo propise i žalosni hodimo pred Jahvom nad Vojskama.
15 And now, we are declaring the proud blessed, Indeed, those doing wickedness have been built up, Indeed, they have tempted God, and escape.
Odsad ćemo sretnim zvati oholice: napreduju oni koji zlo čine, i premda Boga iskušavaju, izvuku se!”
16 Then have those fearing YHWH spoken to one another, And YHWH attends and hears, And a scroll of memorial is written before Him Of those fearing YHWH, And of those esteeming His Name.
Ali kad se razgovaraju oni koji se Boga boje, Jahve pazi, sluša ih, i to se pred njim piše u knjigu spomenicu u korist onih koji se boje Jahve i štuju Ime njegovo.
17 And they have been to Me,” said YHWH of Hosts, “In the day that I am appointing—a peculiar treasure, And I have had pity on them, As one has pity on his son who is serving him.
Moji će biti, moja stečevina - govori Jahve nad Vojskama. U Dan koji spremam bit ću im milostiv kao što je milostiv otac sinu koji mu služi.
18 And you have turned back and considered, Between the righteous and the wicked, Between the servant of God and him who is not His servant.”
I tada ćete opet razlikovati pravednika od grešnika, onoga koji služi Bogu od onoga koji mu ne služi.