< Luke 9 >

1 And having called together His twelve disciples, He gave them power and authority over all the demons, and to cure diseases,
Matti anu tarsa umeme anu kirau in ware mangawe ubari wasuzo a gberge ne ko ayayya, mahu mu zanina na ti koni.
2 and He sent them to proclaim the Kingdom of God, and to heal the ailing.
Ma tumu we, wabu tize titi gomo Asere wakuri wahum zan na na ti koni.
3 And He said to them, “Take nothing for the way, neither staff, nor leather pouch, nor bread, nor money; neither have two coats each;
Magunwe, katti izi imum barki tam u tigino me ba, kati izi ubina nani ubadau barki tanu, a imumare nan ni kirfi kati iba zika turunga ka re.
4 and into whatever house you may enter, remain there, and depart from there;
Vatta akurame saya ribe, ni icukuno akurame uhana uganiya sa idi dusa i kini u watu gino me.
5 and as many as may not receive you, going forth from that city, even the dust from your feet shake off, for a testimony against them.”
Vatti ande sa daki wawuna shi ma habiba, inki idi ceki nipin me, ikuburu ususuru utibuna ti shi anyo u inko u ira ahira awe.
6 And going forth they were going through the several villages, proclaiming good news, and healing everywhere.
Abini me anu tarsa ume wadusa agiro, wa kisa tizeme, innu wuza ire koba nan nanu.
7 And Herod the tetrarch heard of all the things being done by Him, and was perplexed, because it was said by some that John has been raised out of the dead,
Azi Hiridus, una tigoma, makun na ubo abangame vatti imumba sa izinnu ken zi. Ma wuzi ugamara u tize barka sa are anu wagusa Yahaya unu zursu za anu mani maku ri maze inn vengize.
8 and by some that Elijah appeared, and by others, that a prophet, one of the ancients, was risen;
Aye wakur wagusa, Iliya unu kurzu zo utize mani ma aye, a aye in nu gussa uye mani anyimo anu kur zuzo utize tu daati tini makuru ma aye innu vengize.
9 and Herod said, “I beheaded John, but who is this concerning whom I hear such things?” And he was seeking to see Him.
Hiridus magu, “Dakki Yahaya mani ba, barki makori kome nice. Ani aveni mazi geme sa inzunu kunzi nna mumu iginome ani ce nume?” A anime mari aje mu nyara u naa sa madi iri Yeso.
10 And the apostles having turned back, declared to Him how they did great things, and having taken them, He withdrew by Himself into a city called Bethsaida,
Sa anaka dura waze usuro a tanu tuwe, wabuki Yeso vatti imumbe sawa wuza. Abine mazi kuwe barki wadusa nigome nan me uhana ani pin nu Baitsaida.
11 and the multitudes having known followed Him, and having received them, He was speaking to them concerning the Kingdom of God, and He cured those having need of service.
Sa ni ori na kunna ahira sa Yeso mahana, ba wa tarsime uhana a birko me. Mawuwe rabashi mawuzi we tize abanga ati gomota Asere, makari anu be sa wa nya ra ni huma.
12 And the day began to decline, and the Twelve having come near, said to Him, “Let away the multitude, that having gone into the surrounding villages and the fields, they may lodge and may find provision, because here we are in a desolate place.”
Ā uwunjoro watuba uwuna anu tarsa umeme anu kirau in nana ware wa e wagunme, “Inki wahem u gu inni gura ni geme ni mari barki anu waribi ze agiro, sa akete tiru, barki wakemi imumare nan tihira sa wadi musini, barki sa tirani ahira me sa anu wazoni!
13 And He said to them, “You give them to eat”; and they said, “We have no more than five loaves and two fishes: except, having gone, we may buy food for all this people”;
Ba ma gunwe, “Nyani we imumme sa wadiri”. Wakabirkame “Vatti imumbe sa tizini ine ini, 'Kukasu ku borodi mugitu munu ciibi nan mi cere muni mure, tidake tida ke kemme imumare sa idi bari anabu vattiba'.
14 for they were about five thousand men. And He said to His disciples, “Cause them to recline in companies, in each fifty”;
Anume sa wara ahirame wabiki ugbardang aha aruma ukirau kanu kanu kanu ciibi Bayeso magu inna nu tarsa umeme, “Gunani nanu wacuku zuno tigo-tigo, anu akuru ciibi kō niya nigo.”
15 and they did so, and made all to recline;
Ba anu tarsa ume me wawuzi a nime, anu vat wa cukuno.
16 and having taken the five loaves and the two fishes, having looked up to the sky, He blessed them, and broke, and was giving to the disciples to set before the multitude;
Ma zikka mugitu mimumare munu cii bi, nan ni ceremire, mazin hirame uhana azesere maringirka ini, ma zikki mapusi, manya anu tarsa ume me barki wa hari anu.
17 and they ate, and were all filled, and there was taken up what was over to them of broken pieces, twelve baskets.
Vat uwe wari ko avi mati. Abine anu tarsa umeme wa ori ukasu i mumare saya de, mugira munu kirau in muni mure mumyinca!
18 And it came to pass, as He is praying alone, the disciples were with Him, and He questioned them, saying, “Who do the multitudes say I am?”
U ru wui Yeso mazin ibi ringara me isisi me, ba anu tarsa u meme wa e bama ikwe, “Anu wagu san mi aveni?”
19 And they answering said, “John the Immerser; and others, Elijah; and others, that a prophet, one of the ancients, was risen”;
Wa kabirka, “Aye wagusa, Yahaya unu zorso anu, aye wagusa hulliya mani unu kurzuzo utize. A ana me aye wa gussa hu uye mani anu kurzu zo utize tu daāti mani ma aye in nu vengize”.
20 and He said to them, “And you—who do you say I am?” And Peter answering said, “The Christ of God.”
Ma ikwe, “Shina? Igusani mi avi?” Bitrus ma kabirka, 'Hu wa suro a zesere ani”.
21 And having charged them, He commanded [them] to say this to no one,
Ba Yeso ma nyawe tize in kara, kati wada buki uye ani ba.
22 saying, “It is necessary for the Son of Man to suffer many things, and to be rejected by the elders, and chief priests, and scribes, and to be killed, and to be raised the third day.”
Anime magu, “Ya cukuno Gwas ini vana unu masi ijas ati mumum gbardang: Ananu wadi game nan na nu adandan akatuma nan anu nyitike, anime adi hume. Adumo ati ye ti taru adi hirzame innu vengize.
23 And He said to all, “If anyone wills to come after Me, let him disown himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me;
Bama gunwe vat, “Vatti desa manyara matar sum, ya cukuno me gbas ma wu matara mani ce nume, maziki ugankirka ume koya umaya, matarsum.
24 for whoever may will to save his life will lose it, and whoever may lose his life for My sake, he will save it;
Vat de sa manyara maburi nice nume, madidiri, inki wa nya iriba i we barki me, madi burime.
25 for what is a man profited, having gained the whole world, and having lost or having forfeited himself?
Maya mareu mani unu madi kem inki makem unee vat, madiku diri ni ce nume?
26 For whoever may be ashamed of Me and of My words, of this one will the Son of Man be ashamed when He may come in His glory, and the Father’s, and the holy messengers’;
Vat desa ma kunna mu i mum nan tize tum, vana unu madi kunna mu i mume cangi, inki maze anyimo u gogon ume nan nu gonggon wacoō a ibe ikadura kame ilau.
27 and I say to you, truly, there are certain of those standing here who will not taste of death until they may see the Kingdom of God.”
Anime inboshi gbas, aye anyimo a shime sa ira aba ituri, wadida wonome ba senke wa ira ti gomo ta Asere.
28 And it came to pass, after these words, as it were eight days, that having taken Peter, and John, and James, He went up to the mountain to pray,
Tiye u wititari sata aki Yeso mabuki aguran aginome, Bama ziki Bitrus nan Yahaya a Yakubu, manyine ani po barki wuzi biran gara ahira me.
29 and it came to pass, in His praying, the appearance of His face became altered, and His clothing became flashing white.
Uganiya sa ma zin nu wuza ubi ringara matiri muhenu mume turnga tume me ticukuno tirum pau imma sa kasi umelme Asere.
30 And behold, two men were speaking together with Him, who were Moses and Elijah,
Sisi ahira me ba ake ana ware wazin tize nan me, Musa nan Iliya.
31 who having appeared in glory, spoke of His outgoing that He was about to fulfill in Jerusalem,
Wa e innu gongon ukatuwe, wabuki tize nan Yeso usuro Utanu tume sa ti di e dakin nu dodon kino ba a Urshalima.
32 but Peter and those with him were heavy with sleep, and having awoken, they saw His glory, and the two men standing with Him.
Bitrus nan anu tarsa me sawazi ni gome nan me muro mazikuwe gittak sa wa zuma bawa iri ni nonzo ni Yeso; wa iri anu awe me ware waturi nan me.
33 And it came to pass, in their parting from Him, Peter said to Jesus, “Master, it is good to us to be here; and we may make three shelters: one for You, and one for Moses, and one for Elijah,” not knowing what he says:
Uganiya sa Musa nan Iliya wazin nu bara abanga wa kini ahira Yeso. Ba Bitrus magu, “Hu unaje, ya wuna uri sa tira abame. Idi wu uri tibari madak mataru, u inde barki hu, u inde barki Musa unde barki Iliya “Kadure matame imumbe sama zin nu bome ba.
34 and as he was speaking these things, there came a cloud, and overshadowed them, and they feared in their entering into the cloud,
Sa mazin nu bome anime ba nire niwiri nie ni impuwe. Ba wa kun na biyau sa tiwiri me ta kete we.
35 and a voice came out of the cloud, saying, “This is My Son, the Beloved; hear Him”;
Ba akunna nire ni myiran anyimo atiwiri nigusa, “Unu gino me vana um mani sama zauka kunnani me”.
36 and when the voice was past, Jesus was found alone; and they were silent, and declared to no one in those days anything of what they have seen.
Sa nimyiran na mara tize, Yeso ni isisi ime. Wawu tik daki waru sa ubuka imumba azesere imumbe sa wa ira atiye tiginome.
37 And it came to pass on the next day, they having come down from the mountain, a great multitude met Him there,
Sa ahira a sana, sawa tono usuro inipo, ba ni ori nanu gbardang wa e ahira ame.
38 and behold, a man from the multitude cried out, saying, “Teacher, I implore You, look on my son, because he is my only begotten;
A hira me sisi uru nu anyimo ani ori na nume mabuki tize in kar, “Unu dungara, wuza irimum barki u benki vana um, me isisi me ini ahira am.
39 and behold, a spirit takes him, and suddenly he cries out, and it convulses him, with foaming, and it hardly departs from him, bruising him,
Bibe biburu bike binyene anice nu me, make mawuzi magowa. Ike izuruko me inni kara iwu me mame ki usozo ufuki anyo. Mahar zina in ni Jassi inni, ikke ikunno me iwono dakki cinba inki ya aye ya ciki me.
40 and I implored Your disciples that they might cast it out, and they were not able.”
Ma ikko anu tarsa uwowe wa buki bibe biburu bisuri anyimo ame, daki wa rusa ba!”
41 And Jesus answering said, “O generation, unsteadfast and perverse, until when will I be with you, and endure you? Bring your son near here”;
Yeso, Makabirka, magu, “Shi ucara u gambalan anu zatu hem, innu maya uni indi cukuno indo donki no nan shi? “Ayen vana uwome aban na.
42 and as he is yet coming near, the demon threw him down, and convulsed [him], and Jesus rebuked the unclean spirit, and healed the youth, and gave him back to his father.
Sa vanaa ma eze, bibe biburu me be coofi vaname adizi, bi zuru kome kank. Yeso ma bubuki bibe biburu me, mawu vana mahuma manya a n ka coome.
43 And they were all amazed at the greatness of God, and while all are wondering at all things that Jesus did, He said to His disciples,
Vatti uwe imumu ibiyau innu bezi ubari Asere. Sawa zinnu gamara abanga azesere imumu ubezi ubari sama wuza, magun innanu tarsa umeme,
44 “Lay to your ears these words, for the Son of Man is about to be delivered up into the hands of men.”
“Kunna ni memmeru azesere unube san di buki shi, daki adi dodon ki ni ba adi nya vana unu atari tanu”.
45 And they were not knowing this saying, and it was veiled from them, that they might not perceive it, and they were afraid to ask Him about this saying.
Anime daki anu tarsa ume meda ki wa rusa imumba samaba sa ani ba, akartuwe warusi, barki katii wa rusi imumbe sa ma da basa, wakunna biyau bu guna wa ikkime.
46 And there entered a reasoning among them, this—who may be greater of them.
Uru Ganiya, anu tarsa umeme wake watubi matara ace-ce awe me avee ni madicuku no unamu anyimo aweme.
47 And Jesus having seen the reasoning of their heart, having taken hold of a child, set him beside Him,
Yeso masa rusa imumbe wa basa iriba iweme, bama ewen vana u cin ma turi upuru umeme.
48 and said to them, “Whoever may receive this child in My Name, receives Me, and whoever may receive Me, receives Him who sent Me, for he who is least among you all—he will be great.”
Ba ma gunwe, “Inke uye makaba vana u cin ugeme barki mi, repini gusi mimani. Inki uye madabam, makaba desa tuma ini. Desa mema ni ucicii anyimo ashiu, memani mate ki innu ira”.
49 And John answering said, “Master, we saw a certain one casting forth the demons in Your Name, and we forbade him, because he does not follow with us”;
Yahaya makabirka magu, “Hu unanu ta ira urru nu mazin bo ibe iburu i susi anyimo anu inniza nuwome. Ba tigun ma ceki uwuza anime barki ma zinan haruba”.
50 and Jesus said to him, “Do not forbid, for he who is not against us, is for us.”
Yeso magu, “Katti kartime uwuza animeba, barki vat desa mazin nishi na nan shiba mazi nigome nan shi”.
51 And it came to pass, in the completing of the days of His being taken up, that He fixed His face to go on to Jerusalem,
Sa uwui wa wuna sa madi nyene u hana azesere, ma zikki kank madi dusa a Urshalima.
52 and He sent messengers before His face, and having gone on, they went into a village of Samaritans, to make ready for Him,
Ma tumi are anakadura (manzani) wabarka ahira barkime ma'e. Waribe a aragiro anyimo usamariya barki wa barka me ahira abirkome.
53 and they did not receive Him, because His face was going on to Jerusalem.
A naa birko me daki wakabame ba tunsa u Urshalima uni madi dusa.
54 And His disciples James and John having seen, said, “Lord, will You [that] we may command fire to come down from Heaven, and to consume them, as Elijah also did?”
Sa ana ware anyimo anu tarsa u meme, watu Yakubu nan Yahaya waira anime, wagu, “Ugoma Asere, unyara tugunnura u tu ana zesere, uhuwe?”
55 And having turned, He rebuked them and said, “You have not known of what spirit you are,
Magamirk ma gbarikawe,
56 for the Son of Man did not come to destroy men’s lives, but to save”; and they went on to another village.
Ba wa dusa araagiro sas.
57 And it came to pass, as they are going on in the way, a certain one said to Him, “I will follow You wherever You may go, Lord”;
Sa wa ra anyimo atanu una, ba urrunu magun me, “Indi tarsuwe vat ahira sa uhana”.
58 and Jesus said to him, “The foxes have holes, and the birds of the sky places of rest, but the Son of Man has nowhere He may recline the head.”
Yeso ma kabirka, “I nya-nyau izinti wa adizi sa wa di ribe, inyin iyin masuu, vana unu mazin na hiraa sadi totiniba.
59 And He said to another, “Follow Me”; and he said, “Lord, permit me, having gone away, to first bury my father”;
Yeso, makuri magun urrunu, “Tar sam”. Unume magu, “Ugoma Asere, ceki inkuri akura indaka vati aino um”.
60 and Jesus said to him, “Permit the dead to bury their own dead, and you, having gone away, publish the Kingdom of God.”
Yeso magun me, “Kini anu wijo wa varsi anu wijo: Hudusa uka kissa anu abanga atigomo ta Asere koo ba”.
61 And another also said, “I will follow You, Lord, but first permit me to take leave of those in my house”;
Uye ma kur magu, “Ugoma Asere idi tarsuwe, da cekkum inha inka wu na saa mura nan na nuam”.
62 and Jesus said to him, “No one having put his hand on a plow, and looking back, is fit for the Kingdom of God.”
Yeso magun me, “Vat desa matuba avara uru ume magunkuno a dumo, daki mabari maribe at gomo ta Asere ba”.

< Luke 9 >