< Luke 8 >
1 And it came to pass thereafter, that He was going through every city and village, preaching and proclaiming good news of the Kingdom of God, and the Twelve [are] with Him,
Og det skete i Tiden derefter, at han rejste igennem Byer og Landsbyer og prædikede og forkyndte Evangeliet om Guds Rige, og med ham de tolv
2 and certain women who were healed of evil spirits and sicknesses, Mary who is called Magdalene, from whom seven demons had gone forth,
og nogle Kvinder, som vare helbredede fra onde Aander og Sygdomme, nemlig: Maria, der kaldes Magdalene, af hvem syv onde Aander vare udfarne;
3 and Joanna wife of Chuza, steward of Herod, and Susanna, and many others, who were ministering to Him from their substance.
og Johanna, Herodes's Husfoged Kuzas Hustru, og Susanna og mange andre, som tjente dem med, hvad de ejede.
4 And a great multitude having gathered, and those who from city and city were coming to Him, He spoke by an allegory:
Men da en stor Skare kom sammen, og de droge til ham fra de forskellige Byer, sagde han ved en Lignelse:
5 “The sower went forth to sow his seed, and in his sowing some indeed fell beside the way, and it was trodden down, and the birds of the sky devoured it.
„En Sædemand gik ud at saa sin Sæd; og idet han saaede, faldt noget ved Vejen og blev nedtraadt, og Himmelens Fugle aade det op.
6 And other fell on the rock, and having sprung up, it withered, through having no moisture.
Og noget faldt paa Klippen; og da det voksede op, visnede det, fordi det ikke havde Væde.
7 And other fell amidst the thorns, and the thorns having sprung up with it, choked it.
Og noget faldt midt iblandt Torne, og Tornene voksede op med og kvalte det.
8 And other fell on the good ground, and having sprung up, it made fruit a hundredfold.” Saying these things, He was calling, “He having ears to hear—let him hear.”
Og noget faldt i den gode Jord, og det voksede op og bar hundrede Fold Frugt.” Da han sagde dette, raabte han: „Den, som har Øren at høre med, han høre!”
9 And His disciples were questioning Him, saying, “What may this allegory be?”
Men hans Disciple spurgte ham, hvad denne Lignelse skulde betyde?
10 And He said, “To you it has been given to know the secrets of the Kingdom of God, but to the rest in allegories, that seeing they may not see, and hearing they may not understand.
Og han sagde: „Eder er det givet at kende Guds Riges Hemmeligheder, men de andre i Lignelser, for at de, skønt seende, ikke skulle se, og, skønt hørende, ikke skulle forstaa.
11 And this is the allegory: the seed is the word of God,
Men dette er Lignelsen: Sæden er Guds Ord.
12 and those beside the way are those hearing, then comes the Devil, and takes up the word from their heart, lest having believed, they may be saved.
Men de ved Vejen ere de, som høre det; derefter kommer Djævelen og tager Ordet bort af deres Hjerte, for at de ikke skulle tro og blive frelste.
13 And those on the rock: they who, when they may hear, receive the word with joy, and these have no root, who for a time believe, and in time of temptation fall away.
Men de paa Klippen ere de, som modtage Ordet med Glæde, naar de høre det, og disse have ikke Rod; de tro til en Tid og falde fra i Fristelsens Tid.
14 And that which fell to the thorns: these are they who have heard, and going forth, through anxieties, and riches, and pleasures of life, are choked, and do not bear to completion.
Men det, som faldt iblandt Torne, det er dem, som have hørt og saa gaa hen og kvæles under Livets Bekymringer og Rigdom og Nydelser og ikke bære moden Frugt.
15 And that in the good ground: these are they who in an upright and good heart, having heard the word, retain [it], and bear fruit in continuance.
Men det i den gode Jord, det er dem, som, naar de have hørt Ordet, beholde det i et smukt og godt Hjerte og bære Frugt i Udholdenhed.
16 And no one having lighted a lamp covers it with a vessel, or puts [it] under a bed; but he puts [it] on a lampstand, that those coming in may see the light,
Men ingen, som tænder et Lys, skjuler det med et Kar eller sætter det under en Bænk; men han sætter det paa en Lysestage, for at de, som komme ind, kunne se Lyset.
17 for nothing is secret, that will not become visible, nor hid, that will not be known and become visible.
Thi der er ikke noget skjult, som jo skal blive aabenbart; og ikke noget lønligt, som jo skal blive kendt og komme for Lyset.
18 See, therefore, how you hear, for whoever may have, there will be given to him, and whoever may not have, also what he seems to have will be taken from him.”
Ser derfor til, hvorledes I høre; thi den, som har, ham skal der gives; og den, som ikke har, fra ham skal endog det tages, han synes at have.”
19 And there came to Him His mother and brothers, and they were not able to get to Him because of the multitude,
Men hans Moder og Brødre kom til ham og kunde ikke naa frem til ham for Skaren.
20 and it was told Him, saying, “Your mother and Your brothers stand outside, wishing to see You”;
Og det blev ham meddelt: „Din Moder og dine Brødre staa udenfor og begære at se dig.”
21 and He answering said to them, “My mother and My brothers! They are those who are hearing the word of God, and doing.”
Men han svarede og sagde til dem: „Min Moder og mine Brødre ere disse, som høre Guds Ord og gøre efter det.”
22 And it came to pass, on one of the days, that He Himself went into a boat with His disciples, and He said to them, “We may go over to the other side of the lake”; and they set forth,
Og det skete en af de Dage, at han gik om Bord i et Skib tillige med sine Disciple, og han sagde til dem: „Lader os fare over til hin Side af Søen;” og de sejlede ud.
23 and as they are sailing He fell deeply asleep, and there came down a storm of wind to the lake, and they were filling, and were in peril.
Men medens de sejlede, faldt han i Søvn; og en Stormvind for ned over Søen, og Skibet blev fuldt af Vand, og de vare i Fare.
24 And having come near, they awoke Him, saying, “Master, Master, we perish!” And He, having arisen, rebuked the wind and the raging of the water, and they ceased, and there came a calm,
Da traadte de hen og vækkede ham og sagde: „Mester, Mester! vi forgaa.” Men han stod op og truede Vinden og Vandets Bølger; og de lagde sig, og det blev blikstille.
25 and He said to them, “Where is your faith?” And they being afraid wondered, saying to one another, “Who, then, is this, that He even commands the winds and the water, and they obey Him?”
Og han sagde til dem: „Hvor er eders Tro?” Men de frygtede og undrede sig og sagde til hverandre: „Hvem er dog denne, siden han byder baade over Vindene og Vandet, og de ere ham lydige?”
26 And they sailed down to the region of the Gadarenes that is opposite Galilee,
Og de sejlede ind til Gadarenernes Land, som ligger lige over for Galilæa.
27 and He having gone forth on the land, there met Him a certain man, out of the city, who had demons for a long time, and was not clothed with a garment, and was not abiding in a house, but in the tombs,
Men da han traadte ud paa Landjorden, mødte der ham en Mand fra Byen, som i lang Tid havde været besat af onde Aander og ikke havde haft Klæder paa og ikke opholdt sig i Hus, men i Gravene.
28 and having seen Jesus, and having cried out, he fell before Him, and with a loud voice, said, “What [regards] me and You, Jesus, Son of God Most High? I implore You, may You not afflict me!”
Men da han saa Jesus, raabte han og faldt ned for ham og sagde med høj Røst: „Hvad har jeg med dig at gøre, Jesus, den højeste Guds Søn? jeg beder dig om, at du ikke vil pine mig.”
29 For He commanded the unclean spirit to come forth from the man, for many times it had caught him, and he was being bound with chains and shackles—guarded, and breaking apart the bonds he was driven by the demons into the deserts.
Thi han bød den urene Aand at fare ud af Manden; thi i lange Tider havde den revet ham med sig, og han blev bunden med Lænker og Bøjer og bevogtet, og han sønderrev, hvad man bandt ham med, og dreves af den onde Aand ud i Ørkenerne.
30 And Jesus questioned him, saying, “What is your name?” And he said, “Legion,” because many demons were entered into him,
Men Jesus spurgte ham og sagde: „Hvad er dit Navn?” Men han sagde: „Legion”; thi mange onde Aander vare farne i ham.
31 and he was calling on Him that He may not command them to go away into the abyss, (Abyssos )
Og de bade ham om, at han ikke vilde byde dem at fare ned i Afgrunden; (Abyssos )
32 and there was there a herd of many pigs feeding on the mountain, and they were calling on Him that He might permit them to enter into these, and He permitted them,
men der var sammesteds en stor Hjord Svin, som græssede paa Bjerget; og de bade ham om, at han vilde tilstede dem at fare i dem; og han tilstedte dem det.
33 and the demons having gone forth from the man, entered into the pigs, and the herd rushed down the steep into the lake, and were drowned.
Men de onde Aander fore ud af Manden og fore i Svinene, og Hjorden styrtede sig ned over Brinken ud i Søen og druknede.
34 And those feeding [them], having seen what was come to pass, fled, and having gone, told [it] to the city, and to the fields;
Men da Hyrderne saa det, som var sket, flyede de og forkyndte det i Byen og paa Landet.
35 and they came forth to see what was come to pass, and they came to Jesus, and found the man sitting, out of whom the demons had gone forth, clothed, and right-minded, at the feet of Jesus, and they were afraid;
Da gik de ud for at se det, som var sket, og de kom til Jesus og fandt Manden, af hvem de onde Aander vare udfarne, siddende ved Jesu Fødder, paaklædt og ved Samling; og de frygtede.
36 and those also having seen [it], told them how the demoniac was saved.
Og de, som havde set det, fortalte dem, hvorledes den besatte var bleven frelst.
37 And the whole multitude of the region of the Gadarenes asked Him to go away from them, because they were pressed with great fear, and He having entered into the boat, turned back.
Og hele Mængden fra Gadarenernes Omegn bad ham om, at han vilde gaa bort fra dem; thi de vare betagne af stor Frygt. Men han gik om Bord i et Skib og vendte tilbage igen.
38 And the man from whom the demons had gone forth was imploring of Him to be with Him, and Jesus sent him away, saying,
Men Manden, af hvem de onde Aander vare udfarne, bad ham om, at han maatte være hos ham; men han lod ham fare og sagde:
39 “Return to your house, and tell how God did great things to you”; and he went away through all the city proclaiming how Jesus did great things to him.
„Vend tilbage til dit Hus, og fortæl, hvor store Ting Gud har gjort imod dig.” Og han gik bort og kundgjorde over hele Byen, hvor store Ting Jesus havde gjort imod ham.
40 And it came to pass, in the turning back of Jesus, the multitude received Him, for they were all looking for Him,
Men det skete, da Jesus kom tilbage, tog Skaren imod ham; thi de ventede alle paa ham.
41 and behold, there came a man whose name [is] Jairus, and he was a chief of the synagogue, and having fallen at the feet of Jesus, was calling on Him to come to his house,
Og se, der kom en Mand, som hed Jairus, og han var Forstander for Synagogen; og han faldt ned for Jesu Fødder og bad ham komme ind i hans Hus;
42 because he had an only daughter about twelve years [old], and she was dying. And in His going away, the multitudes were thronging Him,
thi han havde en enbaaren Datter, omtrent tolv Aar gammel, og hun droges med Døden. Men idet han gik, trængte Skarerne sig sammen om ham.
43 and a woman, being with a flow of blood for twelve years, who, having spent all her living on physicians, was not able to be healed by any,
Og en Kvinde, som havde haft Blodflod i tolv Aar og havde kostet al sin Formue paa Læger og ikke kunde blive helbredet af nogen,
44 having come near behind, touched the fringe of His garment, and immediately the flow of her blood stood still.
hun gik til bagfra og rørte ved Fligen af hans Klædebon, og straks standsedes hendes Blodflod.
45 And Jesus said, “Who [is] it that touched Me?” And all denying, Peter and those with him said, “Master, the multitudes press You, and throng [You], and You say, Who [is] it that touched Me?”
Og Jesus sagde: „Hvem var det, som rørte ved mig?” Men da alle nægtede det, sagde Peter og de, som vare med ham: „Mester! Skarerne trykke og trænge dig, og du siger: Hvem var det, som rørte ved mig?”
46 And Jesus said, “Someone touched Me, for I knew power having gone forth from Me.”
Men Jesus sagde: „Der rørte nogen ved mig; thi jeg mærkede, at der udgik en Kraft fra mig.”
47 And the woman, having seen that she was not hid, trembling, came, and having fallen before Him, for what cause she touched Him declared to Him before all the people, and how she was healed instantly;
Men da Kvinden saa, at det ikke var skjult, kom hun bævende og faldt ned for ham og fortalte i alt Folkets Paahør, af hvad Aarsag hun havde rørt ved ham, og hvorledes hun straks var bleven helbredet.
48 and He said to her, “Take courage, daughter, your faith has saved you, be going on to peace.”
Men han sagde til hende: „Datter! din Tro har frelst dig; gaa bort med Fred!”
49 While He is yet speaking, there comes a certain one from the chief of the synagogue’s [house], saying to him, “Your daughter has died, do not harass the Teacher”;
Medens han endnu talte, kommer der en fra Synagogeforstanderens Hus og siger til ham: „Din Datter er død; umag ikke Mesteren!”
50 and Jesus having heard, answered him, saying, “Do not be afraid, only believe, and she will be saved.”
Men da Jesus hørte det, svarede han ham: „Frygt ikke; tro blot; saa skal hun blive frelst.”
51 And having come into the house, He permitted no one to go in, except Peter, and James, and John, and the father of the child, and the mother;
Men da han kom til Huset, tillod han ingen at gaa ind med sig uden Peter og Johannes og Jakob og Pigens Fader og Moder.
52 and they were all weeping, and beating themselves for her, and He said, “Do not weep, she did not die, but sleeps”;
Og de græd alle og holdt Veklage over hende; men han sagde: „Græder ikke; hun er ikke død, men sover.”
53 and they were deriding Him, knowing that she died;
Og de lo ad ham; thi de vidste, at hun var død.
54 and He having put all forth outside, and having taken hold of her hand, called, saying, “Child, arise”;
Men han greb hendes Haand og raabte og sagde: „Pige, staa op!”
55 and her spirit came back, and she arose immediately, and He directed that there be given to her to eat;
Og hendes Aand vendte tilbage, og hun stod straks op; og han befalede, at de skulde give hende noget at spise.
56 and her parents were amazed, but He charged them to say to no one what had come to pass.
Og hendes Forældre bleve forfærdede; men han bød dem, at de ikke maatte sige nogen det, som var sket.