< Luke 17 >

1 And He said to the disciples, “It is impossible for the stumbling blocks not to come, but woe [to him] through whom they come;
itaH paraM yIzuH ziSyAn uvAca, vighnairavazyam AgantavyaM kintu vighnA yEna ghaTiSyantE tasya durgati rbhaviSyati|
2 it is more profitable to him if a weighty millstone is put around his neck, and he has been cast into the sea, than that he may cause one of these little ones to stumble.
EtESAM kSudraprANinAm EkasyApi vighnajananAt kaNThabaddhapESaNIkasya tasya sAgarAgAdhajalE majjanaM bhadraM|
3 Take heed to yourselves, and if your brother may sin in regard to you, rebuke him, and if he may change his mind, forgive him,
yUyaM svESu sAvadhAnAstiSThata; tava bhrAtA yadi tava kinjcid aparAdhyati tarhi taM tarjaya, tEna yadi manaH parivarttayati tarhi taM kSamasva|
4 and if seven times in the day he may sin against you, and seven times in the day may return to you, saying, I change my mind, you will forgive him.”
punarEkadinamadhyE yadi sa tava saptakRtvO'parAdhyati kintu saptakRtva Agatya manaH parivartya mayAparAddham iti vadati tarhi taM kSamasva|
5 And the apostles said to the LORD, “Add to us faith”;
tadA prEritAH prabhum avadan asmAkaM vizvAsaM varddhaya|
6 and the LORD said, “If you had faith as a grain of mustard, you would have said to this sycamine, Be uprooted, and be planted in the sea, and it would have obeyed you.
prabhuruvAca, yadi yuSmAkaM sarSapaikapramANO vizvAsOsti tarhi tvaM samUlamutpATitO bhUtvA samudrE rOpitO bhava kathAyAm EtasyAm EtaduPumbarAya kathitAyAM sa yuSmAkamAjnjAvahO bhaviSyati|
7 But who is he of you—having a servant plowing or feeding—who, to him having come in out of the field, will say, Having come, recline at once?
aparaM svadAsE halaM vAhayitvA vA pazUn cArayitvA kSEtrAd AgatE sati taM vadati, Ehi bhOktumupaviza, yuSmAkam EtAdRzaH kOsti?
8 But will not [rather] say to him, Prepare what I may dine, and having girded yourself around, minister to me, until I eat and drink, and after these things you will eat and drink?
varanjca pUrvvaM mama khAdyamAsAdya yAvad bhunjjE pivAmi ca tAvad baddhakaTiH paricara pazcAt tvamapi bhOkSyasE pAsyasi ca kathAmIdRzIM kiM na vakSyati?
9 Does he have favor to that servant because he did the things directed? I think not.
tEna dAsEna prabhOrAjnjAnurUpE karmmaNi kRtE prabhuH kiM tasmin bAdhitO jAtaH? nEtthaM budhyatE mayA|
10 So also you, when you may have done all the things directed you, say, We are unprofitable servants, because that which we owed to do we have done.”
itthaM nirUpitESu sarvvakarmmasu kRtESu satmu yUyamapIdaM vAkyaM vadatha, vayam anupakAriNO dAsA asmAbhiryadyatkarttavyaM tanmAtramEva kRtaM|
11 And it came to pass, in His going on to Jerusalem, that He passed through the midst of Samaria and Galilee,
sa yirUzAlami yAtrAM kurvvan zOmirONgAlIlpradEzamadhyEna gacchati,
12 and He entering into a certain village, there ten leprous men met Him, who stood far off,
Etarhi kutracid grAmE pravEzamAtrE dazakuSThinastaM sAkSAt kRtvA
13 and they lifted up the voice, saying, “Jesus, Master, deal kindly with us”;
dUrE tiSThanata uccai rvaktumArEbhirE, hE prabhO yIzO dayasvAsmAn|
14 and having seen [them], He said to them, “Having gone on, show yourselves to the priests”; and it came to pass, in their going, they were cleansed,
tataH sa tAn dRSTvA jagAda, yUyaM yAjakAnAM samIpE svAn darzayata, tatastE gacchantO rOgAt pariSkRtAH|
15 and one of them having seen that he was healed turned back, glorifying God with a loud voice,
tadA tESAmEkaH svaM svasthaM dRSTvA prOccairIzvaraM dhanyaM vadan vyAghuTyAyAtO yIzO rguNAnanuvadan taccaraNAdhObhUmau papAta;
16 and he fell on [his] face at His feet, giving thanks to Him, and he was a Samaritan.
sa cAsIt zOmirONI|
17 And Jesus answering said, “Were not the ten cleansed, and the nine—where?
tadA yIzuravadat, dazajanAH kiM na pariSkRtAH? tahyanyE navajanAH kutra?
18 There were none found who turned back to give glory to God, except this foreigner”;
IzvaraM dhanyaM vadantam EnaM vidEzinaM vinA kOpyanyO na prApyata|
19 and He said to him, “Having risen, be going on, your faith has saved you.”
tadA sa tamuvAca, tvamutthAya yAhi vizvAsastE tvAM svasthaM kRtavAn|
20 And having been questioned by the Pharisees when the Kingdom of God comes, He answered them and said, “The Kingdom of God does not come with observation;
atha kadEzvarasya rAjatvaM bhaviSyatIti phirUzibhiH pRSTE sa pratyuvAca, Izvarasya rAjatvam aizvaryyadarzanEna na bhaviSyati|
21 nor will they say, Behold, here; or, Behold, there; for behold, the Kingdom of God is within you.”
ata Etasmin pazya tasmin vA pazya, iti vAkyaM lOkA vaktuM na zakSyanti, Izvarasya rAjatvaM yuSmAkam antarEvAstE|
22 And He said to His disciples, “Days will come when you will desire to see one of the days of the Son of Man and you will not behold [it];
tataH sa ziSyAn jagAda, yadA yuSmAbhi rmanujasutasya dinamEkaM draSTum vAnjchiSyatE kintu na darziSyatE, IdRkkAla AyAti|
23 and they will say to you, Behold, here; or, Behold, there; you may not go away, nor follow;
tadAtra pazya vA tatra pazyEti vAkyaM lOkA vakSyanti, kintu tESAM pazcAt mA yAta, mAnugacchata ca|
24 for as the lightning is flashing out of one [part] under the sky [and] shines to the other [part] under the sky, so will the Son of Man also be in His day;
yatastaPid yathAkAzaikadizyudiya tadanyAmapi dizaM vyApya prakAzatE tadvat nijadinE manujasUnuH prakAziSyatE|
25 and first it is necessary for Him to suffer many things, and to be rejected by this generation.
kintu tatpUrvvaM tEnAnEkAni duHkhAni bhOktavyAnyEtadvarttamAnalOkaizca sO'vajnjAtavyaH|
26 And as it came to pass in the days of Noah, so will it also be in the days of the Son of Man;
nOhasya vidyamAnakAlE yathAbhavat manuSyasUnOH kAlEpi tathA bhaviSyati|
27 they were eating, they were drinking, they were marrying, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the Ark, and the flood came, and destroyed all;
yAvatkAlaM nOhO mahApOtaM nArOhad AplAvivAryyEtya sarvvaM nAnAzayacca tAvatkAlaM yathA lOkA abhunjjatApivan vyavahan vyavAhayaMzca;
28 in like manner also, as it came to pass in the days of Lot; they were eating, they were drinking, they were buying, they were selling, they were planting, they were building;
itthaM lOTO varttamAnakAlEpi yathA lOkA bhOjanapAnakrayavikrayarOpaNagRhanirmmANakarmmasu prAvarttanta,
29 and on the day Lot went forth from Sodom, He rained fire and brimstone from the sky, and destroyed all.
kintu yadA lOT sidOmO nirjagAma tadA nabhasaH sagandhakAgnivRSTi rbhUtvA sarvvaM vyanAzayat
30 According to these things it will be, in the day the Son of Man is revealed;
tadvan mAnavaputraprakAzadinEpi bhaviSyati|
31 in that day, he who will be on the housetop, and his vessels in the house, do not let him come down to take them away; and he in the field, in like manner, do not let him turn backward;
tadA yadi kazcid gRhOpari tiSThati tarhi sa gRhamadhyAt kimapi dravyamAnEtum avaruhya naitu; yazca kSEtrE tiSThati sOpi vyAghuTya nAyAtu|
32 remember the wife of Lot.
lOTaH patnIM smarata|
33 Whoever may seek to save his life, will lose it; and whoever may lose it, will preserve it.
yaH prANAn rakSituM cESTiSyatE sa prANAn hArayiSyati yastu prANAn hArayiSyati saEva prANAn rakSiSyati|
34 I say to you, in that night there will be two [men] on one bed: one will be taken, and the other will be left;
yuSmAnahaM vacmi tasyAM rAtrau zayyaikagatayO rlOkayOrEkO dhAriSyatE parastyakSyatE|
35 two [women] will be grinding at the same place together: one will be taken, and the other will be left;
striyau yugapat pESaNIM vyAvarttayiSyatastayOrEkA dhAriSyatE parAtyakSyatE|
36 [[two [men] will be in the field: one will be taken, and the other left.”]]
puruSau kSEtrE sthAsyatastayOrEkO dhAriSyatE parastyakSyatE|
37 And they answering say to Him, “Where, Lord?” And He said to them, “Where the body [is], there the eagles will be gathered together.”
tadA tE papracchuH, hE prabhO kutrEtthaM bhaviSyati? tataH sa uvAca, yatra zavastiSThati tatra gRdhrA milanti|

< Luke 17 >