< Leviticus 7 >

1 “And this [is] a law of the guilt-offering: it [is] most holy;
Esta es la Ley de la ofrenda por la culpa. Es cosa santísima.
2 in the place where they slaughter the burnt-offering they slaughter the guilt-offering, and he sprinkles its blood on the altar all around,
En el lugar donde se degüella el holocausto degollarán la ofrenda por la culpa, y el sacerdote rociará la sangre sobre el altar por todos los lados.
3 and he brings near all its fat from it, the fat tail, and the fat which is covering the innards,
Luego ofrecerá toda su grasa: la cola gorda, la grasa que cubre los intestinos,
4 and the two kidneys, and the fat which [is] on them, which [is] on the flanks, and the redundance on the liver above the kidneys—he turns it aside;
los dos riñones y la grasa que los cubre y sobre los ijares, y juntamente con los riñones sacará la grasa del hígado.
5 and the priest has made them an incense on the altar, a fire-offering to YHWH; it [is] a guilt-offering.
Luego el sacerdote lo quemará sobre el altar como ofrenda quemada a Yavé. Es sacrificio por la culpa.
6 Every male among the priests eats it; it is eaten in a holy place—it [is] most holy;
Todo varón de entre los sacerdotes la comerá en un lugar santo. Es cosa santísima.
7 as [is] a sin-offering, so [is] a guilt-offering; one law [is] for them; the priest who makes atonement by it—it is his.
El sacrificio por el pecado es como el sacrificio por la culpa. Tienen una misma ley. Será de aquel sacerdote que haga con él el sacrificio que apacigua.
8 And the priest who is bringing any man’s burnt-offering near, the skin of the burnt-offering which he has brought near, it is the priest’s, his own;
El sacerdote que presente el holocausto de alguno, tendrá para él mismo la piel del holocausto que presentó.
9 and every present which is baked in an oven, and all done in a frying-pan, and on a griddle, [is] the priest’s who is bringing it near; it is his;
Toda ofrenda vegetal que sea horneada y todo lo cocinado en cazuela o en sartén será del sacerdote que la presentó.
10 and every present, mixed with oil or dry, is for all the sons of Aaron—one as another.
Pero toda ofrenda vegetal amasada con aceite, o seca, será para todos los hijos de Aarón por igual.
11 And this [is] a law of the sacrifice of the peace-offerings which [one] brings near to YHWH:
Esta es la Ley del sacrificio de paz que se presentará a Yavé:
12 if he brings it near for a thank-offering, then he has brought near with the sacrifice of thank-offering unleavened cakes mixed with oil, and thin unleavened cakes anointed with oil, and of stirred flour cakes mixed with oil;
Si lo presenta en acción de gracias, entonces, junto con el sacrificio de acción de gracias, presentará tortas sin levadura amasadas con aceite, hojaldres sin levadura untados con aceite y tortas fritas de flor de harina amasadas con aceite.
13 besides the cakes, he brings fermented bread near [with] his offering, besides the sacrifice of thank-offering of his peace-offerings;
Además del sacrificio de sus ofrendas de paz en acción de gracias, presentará su ofrenda con tortas de pan leudado.
14 and he has brought near from it one [cake] from every offering [as] a raised-offering to YHWH for the priest who is sprinkling the blood of the peace-offerings; it is for him;
De esta ofrenda se presentará una parte de cada sacrificio como ofrenda alzada a Yavé, y será del sacerdote que roció la sangre del sacrificio de paz.
15 as for the flesh of the sacrifice of the thank-offering of his peace-offerings, it is eaten in the day of his offering; he does not leave of it until morning.
La carne del sacrificio de paz en acción de gracias se comerá el día de su ofrecimiento. Nada se dejará para la mañana siguiente.
16 And if the sacrifice of his offering [is] a vow or free-will offering, it is eaten in the day of his bringing his sacrifice near; and on the next day the remnant of it is also eaten;
Pero si el sacrificio de la ofrenda es por un voto o una ofrenda voluntaria, se comerá el día cuando se presente el sacrificio y su sobrante podrá comerse al día siguiente.
17 and the remnant of the flesh of the sacrifice is burned with fire on the third day;
Pero si queda parte de la carne del sacrificio sobrante para el tercer día, se quemará en el fuego,
18 and if any of the flesh of the sacrifice of his peace-offerings is eaten at all on the third day, it is not pleasing; it is not reckoned for him who is bringing it near; it is an abomination, and the person who is eating of it bears his iniquity.
pues si la carne del sacrificio de paz se come el tercer día, ciertamente no será aceptado ni tomado en cuenta. Será cosa repugnante, y la persona que coma de él cargará su pecado.
19 And the flesh which comes against any unclean thing is not eaten; it is burned with fire; as for the flesh, every clean one eats of the flesh;
La carne que toque alguna cosa impura no se comerá. Será quemada en fuego. En cuanto a la otra carne, todo el que esté limpio puede comer tal carne.
20 and the person who eats of the flesh of the sacrifice of the peace-offerings which [are] YHWH’s, and his uncleanness [is] on him, indeed, that person has been cut off from his people.
Pero la persona que esté impura y coma carne del sacrificio de paz que pertenece a Yavé, será cortada de su pueblo.
21 And when a person comes against anything unclean, of the uncleanness of man, or of the uncleanness of beasts, or of any unclean teeming creature, and has eaten of the flesh of the sacrifice of the peace-offerings which [are] YHWH’s, indeed, that person has been cut off from his people.”
Si alguno toca cosa impura, de impureza de hombre o de animal impuro, o de cualquier repugnancia impura, y luego come la carne del sacrificio de paz que pertenece a Yavé, será cortada de su pueblo.
22 And YHWH speaks to Moses, saying,
Yavé habló a Moisés:
23 “Speak to the sons of Israel, saying, You do not eat any fat of ox, and sheep, and goat;
Habla a los hijos de Israel: No comerán grasa de becerro, ni de cordero, ni de cabra.
24 and the fat of a carcass, and the fat of a torn thing, is prepared for any work, but you certainly do not eat it;
La grasa de animal muerto o destrozado podrá servir para cualquier uso, pero ciertamente no la comerán.
25 for whoever eats the fat of the beast, of which [one] brings near [as] a fire-offering to YHWH, indeed, the person who eats [it] has been cut off from his people.
Porque cualquiera que coma la grasa del animal del cual se ofrece sacrificio que apacigua a Yavé será cortada de su pueblo.
26 And you do not eat any blood in all your dwellings, of bird, or of beast;
Además, no comerán sangre ni de aves ni de bestias, en ningún lugar donde vivan.
27 any person who eats any blood, indeed, that person has been cut off from his people.”
Cualquier persona que coma sangre será cortada de su pueblo.
28 And YHWH speaks to Moses, saying,
Yavé habló a Moisés:
29 “Speak to the sons of Israel, saying, He who is bringing the sacrifice of his peace-offerings near to YHWH brings in his offering to YHWH from the sacrifice of his peace-offerings;
Habla a los hijos de Israel: El que presente un sacrificio de paz ante Yavé, conducirá su animal para el sacrificio de paz ante Yavé.
30 his own hands bring in the fire-offerings of YHWH; the fat beside the breast—he brings it in with the breast to wave it [as] a wave-offering before YHWH.
Sus propias manos llevarán el animal que se quemará para Yavé. Presentará la grasa y el pecho. El pecho será ofrecido como ofrenda mecida a Yavé.
31 And the priest has made incense with the fat on the altar, and the breast has been Aaron’s and his sons;
El sacerdote quemará la grasa en el altar, pero el pecho será para Aarón y sus hijos.
32 and you give the right leg to the priest [as] a raised-offering of the sacrifices of your peace-offerings;
También darán el muslo derecho de sus ofrendas de paz al sacerdote como ofrenda mecida.
33 he from the sons of Aaron who is bringing the blood of the peace-offerings and the fat near—the right leg is for a portion for him.
El hijo de Aarón que ofrezca la sangre del sacrificio de paz y la grasa recibirá el muslo derecho como porción suya.
34 For I have taken the breast of the wave-offering and the leg of the raised-offering from the sons of Israel, from the sacrifices of their peace-offerings, and I give them to Aaron the priest, and to his sons, by a continuous statute, from the sons of Israel.”
Porque Yo tomé el pecho que se mece y el muslo que se alza de los sacrificios de paz de los hijos de Israel, y los concedí al sacerdote Aarón y a sus hijos como estatuto perpetuo para los hijos de Israel.
35 This [is] an anointed portion [for] Aaron, and an anointed portion [for] his sons out of the fire-offerings of YHWH, in the day he has brought them near to act as priest of YHWH,
Tal es la porción para Aarón y sus hijos de las ofrendas quemadas a Yavé, desde el día cuando Él los consagró para servir como sacerdotes de Yavé.
36 which YHWH has commanded to give to them from the sons of Israel, in the day of His anointing them—a continuous statute throughout their generations.
Es lo que Yavé ordenó que se les dé como estatuto perpetuo en sus generaciones, desde el día cuando fueron ungidos por los hijos de Israel.
37 This [is] the law for burnt-offering, for present, and for sin-offering, and for guilt-offering, and for consecrations, and for a sacrifice of the peace-offerings,
Tal es la Ley del holocausto, de la ofrenda vegetal, de la ofrenda por el pecado, de la ofrenda por la culpa, de las consagraciones y del sacrificio de las ofrendas de paz
38 which YHWH has commanded Moses in Mount Sinai, in the day of His commanding the sons of Israel to bring their offerings near to YHWH, in the wilderness of Sinai.
que Yavé ordenó a Moisés en la montaña Sinaí el día cuando mandó a los hijos de Israel que presentaran sus ofrendas ante Yavé en el desierto de Sinaí.

< Leviticus 7 >