< Leviticus 5 >

1 “And when a person sins, and has heard the voice of an oath, and he [is] witness, or has seen, or has known—if he does not declare [it], then he has borne his iniquity.
“‘Si alguien peca, al oír una admonición pública para testificar, siendo él un testigo, si ha visto o sabido, si no lo denuncia, entonces cargará con su iniquidad.
2 Or when a person comes against anything unclean, or against a carcass of an unclean beast, or against a carcass of unclean livestock, or against a carcass of an unclean teeming creature, and it has been hidden from him, then he [is] unclean and guilty;
“‘O si alguien toca algo inmundo, ya sea el cadáver de un animal salvaje, o el cadáver de un animal doméstico, o el cadáver de un reptil inmundo, aunque no se de cuenta de ello, y se contamina, entonces será culpable.
3 or when he comes against [the] uncleanness of man, even any of his uncleanness whereby he is unclean, and it has been hidden from him, and he has known, then he has been guilty.
“‘O si toca la impureza del hombre, cualquiera que sea su impureza con la que esté impuro, pero no se da cuenta; cuando lo sepa, entonces será culpable.
4 Or when a person swears, speaking wrongfully with the lips to do evil, or to do good, even anything which man speaks wrongfully with an oath, and it has been hid from him—when he has known then he has been guilty of one of these;
“‘O si alguno jura sin pensar con sus labios para hacer el mal o para hacer el bien — lo que sea que un hombre pueda decir sin pensar con un juramento, y se le oculta — cuando lo sepa, entonces será culpable de uno de estos.
5 and it has been when he is guilty of one of these, that he has confessed concerning that which he has sinned,
Cuando sea culpable de una de estas cosas, deberá confesar aquello en lo que ha pecado;
6 and has brought in his guilt-offering to YHWH for his sin which he has sinned, a female out of the flock, a lamb, or a kid of the goats, for a sin-offering, and the priest has made atonement for him because of his sin.
y traerá su ofrenda por la culpa a Yahvé por el pecado que ha cometido: una hembra del rebaño, una oveja o una cabra, como ofrenda por el pecado; y el sacerdote hará expiación por él respecto a su pecado.
7 And if his hand does not reach to the sufficiency of a lamb, then he has brought in his guilt-offering—he who has sinned—two turtle-doves or two young pigeons to YHWH, one for a sin-offering and one for a burnt-offering;
“‘Si no puede comprar un cordero, entonces traerá su ofrenda por la culpa en la que ha pecado, dos tórtolas o dos pichones, a Yahvé; uno para la ofrenda por el pecado, y el otro para el holocausto.
8 and he has brought them to the priest, and has brought near that which [is] for a sin-offering first, and has wrung off its head from its neck, and does not separate [it],
Los traerá al sacerdote, quien ofrecerá primero el que es para la ofrenda por el pecado. Le desunirá la cabeza del cuello, pero no la cortará del todo.
9 and he has sprinkled of the blood of the sin-offering on the side of the altar, and that which is left of the blood is wrung out at the foundation of the altar; it [is] a sin-offering.
Rociará una parte de la sangre de la ofrenda por el pecado a un lado del altar, y el resto de la sangre se escurrirá al pie del altar. Es una ofrenda por el pecado.
10 And he makes the second a burnt-offering, according to the ordinance, and the priest has made atonement for him because of his sin which he has sinned, and it has been forgiven him.
Ofrecerá el segundo como holocausto, según la ordenanza; y el sacerdote hará la expiación por su pecado que ha cometido, y será perdonado.
11 And if his hand does not reach to two turtle-doves, or to two young pigeons, then he has brought in his offering—he who has sinned—a tenth of an ephah of flour for a sin-offering; he puts no oil on it, nor does he put frankincense on it, for it [is] a sin-offering,
“‘Pero si no puede pagar dos tórtolas o dos pichones, entonces traerá como ofrenda por aquello en lo que pecó, la décima parte de un efa de harina fina como ofrenda por el pecado. No pondrá aceite ni incienso sobre ella, porque es una ofrenda por el pecado.
12 and he has brought it to the priest, and the priest has taken a handful from it of the fullness of his hand—its memorial—and has made incense on the altar, according to the fire-offerings of YHWH; it [is] a sin-offering.
La traerá al sacerdote, y el sacerdote tomará un puñado de ella como porción conmemorativa, y la quemará sobre el altar, sobre las ofrendas de Yahvé hechas por fuego. Es una ofrenda por el pecado.
13 And the priest has made atonement for him, for his sin which he has sinned against one of these, and it has been forgiven him, and [the remnant] has been for the priest, like the present.”
El sacerdote hará la expiación por su pecado que haya cometido en cualquiera de estas cosas, y será perdonado; y el resto será del sacerdote, como la ofrenda de comida.’”
14 And YHWH speaks to Moses, saying,
Yahvé habló a Moisés, diciendo:
15 “When a person commits a trespass, and has sinned through ignorance against the holy things of YHWH, then he has brought in his guilt-offering to YHWH, a ram, a perfect one, out of the flock, at your valuation [in] silver—shekels by the shekel of the holy place—for a guilt-offering.
“Si alguien comete una infracción y peca involuntariamente con respecto a las cosas santas de Yahvé, entonces traerá su ofrenda por la infracción a Yahvé: un carnero sin defecto del rebaño, según tu estimación en plata por siclos, de acuerdo con el siclo del santuario, como ofrenda por la infracción.
16 And that which he has sinned against the holy thing he repays, and is adding to it its fifth, and has given it to the priest, and the priest makes atonement for him with the ram of the guilt-offering, and it has been forgiven him.
Hará la restitución de lo que haya hecho mal con respecto a la cosa sagrada, y le añadirá una quinta parte, y se la dará al sacerdote; y el sacerdote hará la expiación por él con el carnero de la ofrenda por la culpa, y será perdonado.
17 And when any person sins, and has done [something against] one of all the commands of YHWH [regarding things] which are not to be done, and has not known, then he has been guilty, and has borne his iniquity.
“Si alguno peca, haciendo alguna de las cosas que Yahvé ha mandado no hacer, aunque no lo supiera, sigue siendo culpable, y llevará su iniquidad.
18 Then he has brought in a ram, a perfect one, out of the flock, at your valuation, for a guilt-offering, to the priest; and the priest has made atonement for him, for his ignorance in which he has erred and he has not known, and it has been forgiven him;
Traerá al sacerdote un carnero sin defecto del rebaño, según tu estimación, como ofrenda por la culpa; y el sacerdote hará expiación por él en cuanto a la cosa en que pecó y no lo sabía, y será perdonado.
19 it [is] a guilt-offering; he has certainly been guilty before YHWH.”
Es una ofrenda por la culpa. Ciertamente es culpable ante Yahvé”.

< Leviticus 5 >