< Leviticus 23 >

1 And YHWH speaks to Moses, saying,
Gospod je spregovoril Mojzesu, rekoč:
2 “Speak to the sons of Israel, and you have said to them: Appointed times of YHWH, which you proclaim [as] holy convocations, these [are] My appointed times.
»Govori Izraelovim otrokom in jim reci: › Glede Gospodovih praznovanj, ki jih boste razglašali, da bodo sveti sklici, torej ta so moja praznovanja.
3 [For] six days work is done, and in the seventh day [is] a Sabbath of rest, a holy convocation; you do no work; it [is] a Sabbath to YHWH in all your dwellings.
Šest dni naj bo delo opravljeno, toda sedmi dan je šabatni počitek, sveti sklic. Nanj ne boste opravljali nobenega dela. To je šabat Gospodu v vseh vaših prebivališčih.
4 These [are] appointed times of YHWH, holy convocations, which you proclaim in their appointed times:
To so Gospodova praznovanja, torej sveti sklici, ki jih boste razglašali v določenih časih.
5 in the first month, on the fourteenth of the month, between the evenings, [is] the Passover to YHWH;
Na štirinajsti dan prvega meseca zvečer je Gospodova pasha.
6 and on the fifteenth day of this month [is] the Celebration of Unleavened Things to YHWH; [for] seven days you eat unleavened things;
Na petnajsti dan istega meseca je praznik nekvašenega kruha Gospodu. Sedem dni morate jesti nekvašen kruh.
7 on the first day you have a holy convocation, you do no servile work;
Na prvi dan boste imeli sveti sklic. Nobenega hlapčevskega dela ne boste opravljali.
8 and you have brought a fire-offering near to YHWH [for] seven days; in the seventh day [is] a holy convocation; you do no servile work.”
Temveč boste sedem dni darovali ognjeno daritev Gospodu. Na sedmi dan je sveti sklic; nobenega hlapčevskega dela ne boste opravljali.‹«
9 And YHWH speaks to Moses, saying,
Gospod je spregovoril Mojzesu, rekoč:
10 “Speak to the sons of Israel, and you have said to them: When you come into the land which I am giving to you, and have reaped its harvest, and have brought in the sheaf, the beginning of your harvest to the priest,
»Govori Izraelovim otrokom in jim reci: ›Ko boste prišli v deželo, ki vam jo dam in boste poželi njeno žetev, potem boste prinesli snop prvih sadov svoje žetve duhovniku.
11 then he has waved the sheaf before YHWH for your acceptance; on the next day of the Sabbath the priest waves it.
Ta bo snop majal pred Gospodom, da bo sprejet za vas. Duhovnik ga bo majal naslednji dan po šabatu.
12 And you have prepared a lamb, a perfect one, a son of a year, in the day of your waving the sheaf for a burnt-offering to YHWH,
Ta dan, ko boste majali snop, boste darovali jagnje brez pomanjkljivosti, prvega leta, za žgalno daritev Gospodu.
13 and its present [is] two-tenth parts of flour mixed with oil, a fire-offering to YHWH, a refreshing fragrance, and its drink-offering [is] a fourth of the hin of wine.
Jedilna daritev od tega bo dve desetinki fine moke, umešane z oljem, ognjena daritev v prijeten vonj Gospodu in jedilna daritev od tega bo četrtina vrča vina.
14 And you do not eat bread and roasted grain and full ears until this very day, until your bringing in the offering of your God—a continuous statute throughout your generations, in all your dwellings.
Vi pa ne boste jedli niti kruha niti popraženega zrnja niti zelenega žitnega klasja, do prav istega dne, ko svojemu Bogu prinesete dar. To bo zakon na veke skozi vaše rodove v vseh vaših prebivališčih.
15 And you have numbered for yourselves from the day after the Sabbath, from the day of your bringing in the sheaf of the wave-offering: they are seven perfect Sabbaths;
Šteli si boste od naslednjega dne po šabatu, od dneva, ko ste prinesli snop majalne daritve; sedem šabat bo celota.
16 you number fifty days to the day after the seventh Sabbath, and you have brought a new present near to YHWH;
Torej do naslednjega dne po sedmem šabatu boste šteli petdeset dni in darovali boste novo jedilno daritev Gospodu.
17 you bring in two [loaves] of bread out of your dwellings [for] a wave-offering; they are of two-tenth parts of flour; they are baked [with] yeast—first-[fruits] to YHWH.
Iz svojih prebivališč boste prinesli dva hleba majanja iz dveh desetink. Ta bosta iz fine moke; spečena bosta s kvasom. To so prvi sadovi Gospodu.
18 And you have brought near, besides the bread, seven lambs, perfect ones, sons of a year, and one bullock, a son of the herd, and two rams; they are a burnt-offering to YHWH, with their present and their drink-offerings, a fire-offering of refreshing fragrance to YHWH.
S kruhom boste darovali sedem enoletnih jagnjet brez pomanjkljivosti in enega mladega bikca in dva ovna. Ti bodo za žgalno daritev Gospodu, z njihovo jedilno daritvijo in njihovimi pitnimi daritvami, torej ognjeno daritvijo prijetnega vonja Gospodu.
19 And you have prepared one kid of the goats for a sin-offering, and two lambs, sons of a year, for a sacrifice of peace-offerings,
Potem boste žrtvovali enega kozlička od koz za daritev za greh in dve jagnjeti prvega leta za žrtvovanje mirovnih daritev.
20 and the priest has waved them, besides the bread of the first-[fruits], [as] a wave-offering before YHWH, besides the two lambs; they are holy to YHWH for the priest;
Duhovnik jih bo majal s kruhom prvih sadov za majalno daritev pred Gospodom z dvema jagnjetoma. Ti bodo sveti Gospodu za duhovnika.
21 and you have proclaimed in this very day [that] it is a holy convocation for yourselves, you do no servile work—a continuous statute in all your dwellings, throughout your generations.
Razglašali boste na prav isti dan, da vam bo to lahko sveti sklic. Nobenega hlapčevskega dela ne boste opravljali ta dan. To bo zakon na veke po vseh vaših prebivališčih skozi vaše rodove.
22 And in your reaping the harvest of your land you do not complete the corner of your field in your reaping, and you do not gather the gleaning of your harvest, you leave them for the poor and for the sojourner; I [am] your God YHWH.”
Ko žanjete žetev svoje dežele, med žetvijo ne boš pobral vsega do robov svojega polja niti ne boš zbiral nobenih paberkovanj svoje žetve. Pustil jih boš revnemu in tujcu. Jaz sem Gospod, vaš Bog.‹«
23 And YHWH speaks to Moses, saying,
Gospod je spregovoril Mojzesu, rekoč:
24 “Speak to the sons of Israel, saying, In the seventh month, on the first of the month, you have a Sabbath, a memorial of shouting, a holy convocation;
»Govori Izraelovim otrokom, rekoč: ›V sedmem mesecu, na prvi dan meseca, boste imeli šabat, spomin trobljenja trobent, sveti sklic.
25 you do no servile work, and you have brought a fire-offering near to YHWH.”
Nobenega hlapčevskega dela ne boste opravljali ta dan, temveč boste darovali ognjeno daritev Gospodu.‹«
26 And YHWH speaks to Moses, saying,
Gospod je spregovoril Mojzesu, rekoč:
27 “Only—on the tenth of this seventh month is the Day of Atonements; you have a holy convocation, and you have humbled yourselves, and have brought a fire-offering near to YHWH;
»Tudi na deseti dan tega sedmega meseca bo tam dan sprave. To vam bo sveti sklic; in ponižali boste svoje duše in darovali ognjeno daritev Gospodu.
28 and you do no work in this very day, for it is a day of atonements, to make atonement for you, before your God YHWH.
Na ta isti dan ne boste delali nobenega dela, kajti to je dan sprave, da opravite spravo za vas pred Gospodom, vašim Bogom.
29 For any person who is not humbled in this very day has even been cut off from his people;
Kajti katerakoli duša bo ta, ki v tem istem dnevu ne bo ponižana, bo iztrebljena izmed svojega ljudstva.
30 and any person who does any work in this very day, I have even destroyed that person from the midst of his people;
Katerakoli duša bo ta, ki na ta isti dan počne kakršnokoli delo, ista duša bo uničena izmed svojega ljudstva.
31 you do no work—a continuous statute throughout your generations in all your dwellings.
Nobene vrste dela ne boste počeli. To bo zakon na veke skozi vaše rodove v vseh vaših prebivališčih.
32 It [is] a Sabbath of rest for yourselves, and you have humbled yourselves in the ninth of the month at evening; you keep your Sabbath from evening until evening.”
To vam bo šabatni počitek in ponižali boste svoje duše. Na deveti dan meseca zvečer, od večera do večera, boste praznovali svoj šabat.«
33 And YHWH speaks to Moses, saying,
Gospod je spregovoril Mojzesu, rekoč:
34 “Speak to the sons of Israel, saying, In the fifteenth day of this seventh month [is the] Celebration of Shelters [for] seven days to YHWH;
»Govori Izraelovim otrokom, rekoč: ›Petnajsti dan sedmega meseca bo za sedem dni šotorski praznik Gospodu.
35 the first day [is] a holy convocation, you do no servile work;
Na prvi dan bo sveti sklic. Nobenega hlapčevskega dela ne boste opravljali ta dan.
36 [for] seven days you bring a fire-offering near to YHWH, on the eighth day you have a holy convocation, and you have brought a fire-offering near to YHWH; it [is] a restraint, you do no servile work.
Sedem dni boste darovali ognjeno daritev Gospodu. Na osmi dan vam bo sveti sklic in darovali boste ognjeno daritev Gospodu. To je slovesen zbor in nobenega hlapčevskega dela ne boste opravljali ta dan.
37 These [are] appointed times of YHWH, which you proclaim [as] holy convocations, to bring a fire-offering near to YHWH, a burnt-offering, and a present, a sacrifice, and drink-offerings, a thing of a day in its day,
To so Gospodovi prazniki, ki jih boste razglašali, da bodo sveti sklici, da darujete daritev, narejeno z ognjem Gospodu, žgalno daritev in jedilno daritev, žrtvovanje in pitne daritve, vsako stvar na svoj dan,
38 apart from the Sabbaths of YHWH, and apart from your gifts, and apart from all your vows, and apart from all your willing-offerings, which you give to YHWH.
poleg Gospodovih šabat in poleg vaših darov in poleg vseh vaših zaobljub in poleg vseh vaših prostovoljnih daritev, ki jih izročite Gospodu.
39 Only—on the fifteenth day of the seventh month, in your gathering the increase of the land, you keep the celebration of YHWH [for] seven days; on the first day [is] a Sabbath, and on the eighth day a Sabbath;
Tudi na petnajsti dan sedmega meseca, ko se zberete v sadu dežele, boste sedem dni imeli praznovanje Gospodu. Na prvi dan bo šabat in na osmi dan bo šabat.
40 and you have taken for yourselves on the first day the fruit of beautiful trees, branches of palms, and boughs of thick trees, and willows of a brook, and have rejoiced before your God YHWH [for] seven days.
Na prvi dan si boste vzeli veje čednih dreves, mladike palmovih dreves, veje debelih dreves in potočnih vrb; in sedem dni se boste veselili pred Gospodom, svojim Bogom.
41 And you have kept it [as] a celebration to YHWH, seven days in a year—a continuous statute throughout your generations; in the seventh month you keep it [as] a celebration.
Sedem dni na leto boste ohranjali praznovanje Gospodu. To bo zakon na veke v vaših rodovih. To boste proslavljali v sedmem mesecu.
42 You dwell in shelters [for] seven days; all who are natives in Israel dwell in shelters,
Sedem dni boste prebivali v šotorih; vsi, ki so rojeni Izraelci, bodo prebivali v šotorih,
43 so that your generations know that I caused the sons of Israel to dwell in shelters in My bringing them out of the land of Egypt; I [am] your God YHWH.”
da bodo vaši rodovi lahko vedeli, da sem Izraelovim otrokom dal prebivati v šotorih, ko sem jih privedel iz egiptovske dežele. Jaz sem Gospod, vaš Bog.‹«
44 And Moses speaks to the sons of Israel [concerning] the appointed times of YHWH.
In Mojzes je Izraelovim otrokom naznanil praznovanja Gospodu.

< Leviticus 23 >