< Leviticus 20 >

1 And YHWH speaks to Moses, saying,
Ubangiji ya ce wa Musa,
2 “And you say to the sons of Israel: Any man of the sons of Israel, and of the sojourners who is sojourning in Israel, who gives to the Molech from his seed, is certainly put to death; the people of the land stone him with stone;
“Faɗa wa Isra’ilawa cewa, ‘Duk wani mutumin Isra’ila ko baƙon da yake zama a cikin Isra’ila da ya miƙa wani daga cikin’ya’yansa wa Molek, dole sa kashe shi. Mutanen ƙasar za su jajjefe shi.
3 and I set My face against that man, and have cut him off from the midst of his people, for he has given to the Molech from his seed, so as to defile My sanctuary, and to defile My holy Name.
Zan yi gāba da wannan mutum, zan kuma raba shi da mutanensa; gama ta wurin miƙa’ya’yansa ga Molek, ya ƙazantar da wuri mai tsarkina, ya kuma ƙazantar da sunana mai tsarki.
4 And if the people of the land really hide their eyes from that man, in his giving to the Molech from his seed, so as not to put him to death,
In mutanen ƙasar suka kau da idanunsu sa’ad da wannan mutum ya miƙa’ya’yansa ga Molek, suka kāsa kashe shi,
5 then I have set My face against that man and against his family, and have cut him off, and all who are going whoring after him, even going whoring after the Molech, from the midst of their people.
zan yi gāba da wannan mutum da iyalinsa, zan raba shi da kuma duk waɗanda suka bi shi cikin karuwanci ga Molek daga mutanensu.
6 And the person who turns to those having familiar spirits, and to the wizards, to go whoring after them, I have even set My face against that person, and cut him off from the midst of his people.
“‘Zan yi gāba da mutumin da ya juyo ga masu duba da bokaye, don yă yi karuwanci ta wurin bin su, zan kuma raba shi daga mutanensa.
7 And you have sanctified yourselves, and you have been holy, for I [am] your God YHWH;
“‘Ku tsarkake kanku, ku kuma zama da tsarki, gama Ni ne Ubangiji Allahnku.
8 and you have kept My statutes and have done them; I [am] YHWH, sanctifying you.
Ku kiyaye farillaina, ku kuma bi su. Ni ne Ubangiji, wanda ya mai da ku masu tsarki.
9 For any man who reviles his father and his mother is certainly put to death; he has reviled his father and his mother: his blood [is] on him.
“‘In wani ya zagi mahaifinsa ko mahaifiyarsa, dole a kashe shi. Domin ya zagi mahaifinsa ko mahaifiyarsa, alhakin jininsa zai zauna a kansa.
10 And a man who commits adultery with a man’s wife—who commits adultery with the wife of his neighbor—the adulterer and the adulteress are surely put to death.
“‘In mutum ya yi zina da matar wani, da matar maƙwabcinsa, dole a kashe su biyu da suka yi zinan.
11 And a man who lies with his father’s wife—he has uncovered the nakedness of his father—both of them are certainly put to death; their blood [is] on them.
“‘In mutum ya kwana da matar mahaifinsa, ya ƙasƙantar da mahaifinsa. Dole a kashe shi da macen, alhakin jininsu zai zauna a kansu.
12 And a man who lies with his daughter-in-law—both of them are certainly put to death; they have done perversion; their blood [is] on them.
“‘In mutum ya kwana da matar ɗansa, dole a kashe su biyun. Abin da suka yi haram ne; alhakin jininsu zai zauna a kansu.
13 And a man who lies with a male as one lies with a woman—both of them have done an abomination; they are certainly put to death; their blood [is] on them.
“‘In mutum ya kwana da mutum kamar yadda ake kwana da mace, su biyun sun yi abin ƙyama. Dole a kashe su, alhakin jininsu zai zauna a kansu.
14 And a man who takes the woman and her mother—it [is] wickedness; they burn him and them with fire, and there is no wickedness in your midst.
“‘In mutum ya auri’ya da mahaifiyarta, mugun abu ne. Da shi da su, dole a ƙone su da wuta, saboda kada mugun abu yă kasance a cikinku.
15 And a man who commits his intercourse with a beast is certainly put to death, and you slay the beast.
“‘In mutum ya yi jima’i da dabba, dole a kashe shi, dole kuma ku kashe dabbar.
16 And a woman who draws near to any beast to mate with it—you have even slain the woman and the beast; they are certainly put to death; their blood [is] on them.
“‘In mace ta kusaci dabba don tă yi jima’i da ita, ku kashe macen da dabbar. Dole a kashe su; alhakin jininsu zai zauna a kansu.
17 And a man who takes his sister, a daughter of his father or daughter of his mother, and he has seen her nakedness, and she sees his nakedness—it is a shame; and they have been cut off before the eyes of the sons of their people; he has uncovered the nakedness of his sister; he bears his iniquity.
“‘In mutum ya auri’yar’uwarsa, ko’yar mahaifinsa, ko kuwa ta mahaifiyarsa, suka kuma yi jima’i, abin kunya ne. Dole a raba su a idanun mutanensu. Ya ƙasƙantar da’yar’uwarsa kuma za a nemi hakki daga gare shi.
18 And a man who lies with a sick woman and has uncovered her nakedness, her fountain he has made bare, and she has uncovered the fountain of her blood—even both of them have been cut off from the midst of their people.
“‘In mutum ya kwana da mace a lokacin al’adarta, duka biyunsu za a kore su daga cikin jama’arsu, gama sun karya ƙa’idodi a kan rashi tsarki.
19 And you do not uncover the nakedness of your mother’s sister and your father’s sister, because his relation he has made bare; they bear their iniquity.
“‘Kada ka yi jima’i da’yar’uwar mahaifiyarka, ko ta mahaifinka, gama wannan zai ƙasƙantar da dangi na kurkusa, dukanku za ku ɗauki laifin.
20 And a man who lies with his aunt, he has uncovered the nakedness of his uncle; they bear their sin; they die childless.
“‘In mutum ya kwana da bābarsa, ya ƙasƙantar da kawunsa ke nan. Hakkin zai kasance a kansu, za su mutu babu’ya’ya.
21 And a man who takes his brother’s wife—it [is] impurity; he has uncovered the nakedness of his brother; they are childless.
“‘In mutum ya auri matar ɗan’uwansa, aikin rashin tsabta ne, ya ƙasƙantar da ɗan’uwansa ke nan. Za su mutu babu’ya’ya.
22 And you have kept all My statutes and all My judgments, and have done them, and the land does not vomit you out to where I am bringing you in to dwell in it;
“‘Ku kiyaye dukan farillaina da dokokina duka, don kada ƙasar da nake kai ku ta amayar da ku.
23 and you do not walk in the statutes of the nation which I am sending away from before you, for they have done all these, and I am wearied with them.
Kada ku yi zama bisa ga al’adun al’umman da zan kora a gabanku. Domin sun aikata dukan waɗannan abubuwa, na yi ƙyamarsu.
24 And I say to you, You possess their ground, and I give it to you to possess it—a land flowing with milk and honey. I [am] your God YHWH, who has separated you from the peoples.
Amma na faɗa muku, “Za ku mallaki ƙasarsu, zan ba ku ita gādo, ƙasa mai zub da madara da zuma.” Ni ne Ubangiji Allahnku, wanda ya keɓe ku daga al’ummai.
25 And you have made separation between the pure beasts and the unclean, and between the unclean bird and the pure, and you do not make yourselves abominable by beast or by bird, or by anything which creeps [on] the ground which I have separated to you for unclean.
“‘Saboda haka sai ku bambanta tsakanin dabbobi masu tsarki da marasa tsarki, da kuma tsakanin tsuntsaye masu tsarki da marasa tsarki. Kada ku ƙazantar da kanku ta wurin wata dabba, ko tsuntsu, ko wani abin da yake rarrafe a ƙasa, waɗanda na keɓe a matsayi marasa tsarki a gare ku.
26 And you have been holy to Me, for I, YHWH, [am] holy; and I separate you from the peoples to become Mine.
Ku zama tsarkakakke gare ni, gama Ni Ubangiji, mai tsarki ne, na kuma keɓe ku daga al’ummai don ku zama nawa.
27 And a man or woman, when there is a familiar spirit in them, or who [are] wizards, are certainly put to death; they stone them with stone; their blood [is] on them.”
“‘Namiji, ko ta macen da yake mai duba, ko maita a cikinku dole a kashe. Za ku jajjefe su da duwatsu; alhakin jininsu zai zauna a kansu.’”

< Leviticus 20 >