< Judges 7 >
1 And Jerubba‘al (he [is] Gideon) rises early, and all the people who [are] with him, and they encamp by the well of Harod, and the camp of Midian has been on the south of him, on the height of Moreh, in the valley.
Næste Morgen tidlig brød Jerubba'al, det er Gideon, op med alle sine Folk og lejrede sig ved Harodkilden, medens Midjaniternes Lejr var nedenfor paa Sletten, norden for Morehøjen.
2 And YHWH says to Gideon, “The people who [are] with you [are] too many for My giving Midian into their hand, lest Israel beautify itself against Me, saying, My hand has given salvation to me;
Da sagde HERREN til Gideon: »Du har for mange Folk hos dig, til at jeg kan give Midjaniterne i deres Haand; gjorde jeg det, vilde Israel gøre sig stor over for mig og sige: Min egen Kraft skaffede mig Sejr!
3 and now, please call in the ears of the people, saying, Whoever [is] afraid and trembling, let him turn back and go early from Mount Gilead”; and there return twenty-two thousand of the people, and ten thousand have been left.
Lad derfor udraabe for Folket: Enhver, som er ræd og angst, skal vende hjem!« Gideon sigtede dem da, og 22 000 Mand af Folket vendte hjem, medens 10 000 blev tilbage.
4 And YHWH says to Gideon, “The people [are] yet too many; bring them down to the water, and I refine him for you there; and it has been, he of whom I say to you, This goes with you—he goes with you; and any of whom I say to you, This does not go with you—he does not go.”
Men HERREN sagde til Gideon: »Endnu er der for mange Folk; før dem ned til Vandet, der vil jeg sigte dem for dig. Den, jeg siger skal gaa med dig, han skal gaa med; men enhver, om hvem jeg siger til dig: denne skal ikke gaa med dig, han skal ikke gaa!«
5 And he brings the people down to the water, and YHWH says to Gideon, “Everyone who laps of the water with his tongue as the dog laps—you set him apart; also everyone who bows on his knees to drink.”
Da han havde ført Folket ned til Vandet, sagde HERREN til Gideon: »Alle dem, der laber Vandet med Tungen som Hunde, skal du stille for sig; ligesaa alle dem, der lægger sig paa Knæ for at drikke!«
6 And the number of those lapping with their hand to their mouth is three hundred men, and all the rest of the people have bowed down on their knees to drink water.
Og Tallet paa dem, der labede, var 300; derimod lagde Resten af Folket sig paa Knæ for at drikke af Vandet, idet de førte det til Munden med Haanden.
7 And YHWH says to Gideon, “I save you by the three hundred men who are lapping, and have given Midian into your hand, and all the people go, each to his place.”
Da sagde HERREN til Gideon: »Med de 300 Mand, som labede, vil jeg frelse eder og give Midjaniterne i din Haand; men Resten af Folket skal drage hver til sit!«
8 And the people take the provision in their hand, and their horns, and he has sent every man of Israel away, each to his tents; and he has kept hold on the three hundred men, and the camp of Midian has been by him at the lower part of the valley.
Derpaa tog han Folkets Krukker og deres Horn fra dem; og alle Israeliterne lod han drage hjem, hver til sit, men de 300 Mand beholdt han hos sig. Og Midjaniternes Lejr var nede paa Sletten.
9 And it comes to pass, on that night, that YHWH says to him, “Rise, go down into the camp, for I have given it into your hand;
Samme Nat sagde HERREN til ham: »Staa op og drag ned imod Lejren, thi jeg har givet den i din Haand!
10 and if you are afraid to go down—go down, you and your young man Phurah, to the camp,
Men er du bange for at drage derned, saa begiv dig med din Tjener Pura ned til Lejren
11 and you have heard what they speak, and afterward your hands are strengthened, and you have gone down against the camp.” And he goes down, he and his young man Phurah, to the extremity of the fifties who [are] in the camp;
og hør, hvad de siger der; saa vil du faa Mod til at drage ned imod Lejren!« Han gik da med sin Tjener Pura ned til Lejrens Forposter.
12 and Midian, and Amalek, and all the sons of the east are lying in the valley, as the locust for multitude, and of their camels there is no number, as sand which [is] on the seashore for multitude.
Midjaniterne, Amalekiterne og alle Østens Stammer havde lejret sig paa Sletten mangfoldige som Græshopper, og deres Kameler var utallige, mangfoldige som Sandet ved Havets Bred.
13 And Gideon comes in, and behold, a man is recounting a dream to his companion, and says, “Behold, I have dreamed a dream, and behold, a cake of barley-bread is turning itself over into the camp of Midian, and it comes to the tent, and strikes it, and it falls, and turns it upwards, and the tent has fallen.”
Just som Gideon kom, var en Mand i Færd med at fortælle en anden noget, han havde drømt, idet han sagde: »Jeg har haft en Drøm! Se, et Bygbrød kom rullende ned mod Midjaniternes Lejr, og da det kom til Teltet, stødte det til det og væltede det over Ende, saa at Teltet faldt.«
14 And his companion answers and says, “This is nothing except the sword of Gideon son of Joash, a man of Israel; God has given Midian and all the camp into his hand.”
Da sagde den anden: »Det kan ikke betyde andet end Israeliten Gideons, Joasj's Søns, Sværd; Gud har givet Midjan og hele Lejren i hans Haand!«
15 And it comes to pass, when Gideon hears the narration of the dream and its interpretation, that he bows himself, and turns back to the camp of Israel, and says, “Rise, for YHWH has given the camp of Midian into your hand.”
Da Gideon hørte Beretningen om Drømmen og dens Tydning, tilbad han og vendte derefter tilbage til Israels Lejr, hvor han sagde: »Staa op, thi HERREN har givet Midjaniternes Lejr i eders Haand!«
16 And he divides the three hundred men [into] three detachments, and puts horns into the hand of all of them, and empty pitchers, and lamps within the pitchers.
Derpaa delte han de 300 Mand i tre Afdelinger og gav dem alle Horn og tomme Krukker med Fakler i;
17 And he says to them, “Look at me, and thus do; and behold, I am coming into the extremity of the camp—and it has been—as I do so you do;
og han sagde til dem: »Giv Agt paa mig og gør som jeg! Naar jeg kommer til Udkanten af Lejren, skal I gøre som jeg;
18 and I have blown with a horn—I and all who [are] with me, and you have blown with horns, even you, around all the camp, and have said, For YHWH and for Gideon!”
naar jeg og alle de, der er hos mig, støder i Hornet, skal I ogsaa støde i Hornene rundt om hele Lejren og raabe: For HERREN og for Gideon!«
19 And Gideon comes—and the hundred men who [are] with him—into the extremity of the camp, [at] the beginning of the middle watch (they had just posted watchmen), and they blow with horns—also dashing in pieces the pitchers which [are] in their hand;
Da nu Gideon og de 100 Mand, der var hos ham, kom hen til Udkanten af Lejren ved Begyndelsen af den midterste Nattevagt, lige som man havde stillet Vagtposterne ud, stødte de i Hornene og slog deres Krukker itu.
20 and the three detachments blow with horns, and break the pitchers, and keep hold with their left hand on the lamps, and with their right hand on the horns to blow, and they cry, “The sword of YHWH and of Gideon!”
Saa blæste de tre Afdelinger i Hornene og slog Krukkerne itu; men de holdt Faklerne i deres venstre Haand og i deres højre Haand Hornene for at blæse i dem, og de raabte: »HERRENS Sværd og Gideons!«
21 And they each stand in his place, around the camp, and all the camp runs, and they shout, and flee;
Og de blev staaende, hvor de stod, rundt om Lejren, hver paa sin Plads. Da vaagnede hele Lejren, og de skreg op og flygtede.
22 and the three hundred blow the horns, and YHWH sets the sword of each against his companion, even through all the camp; and the camp flees to Beth-Shittah, at Zererath, to the border of Abel-Meholah, by Tabbath.
Og da de blæste i de 300 Horn, satte HERREN den enes Sværd mod den andens i hele Lejren, og de flygtede til Bet-Sjitta hen imod Zerera, til Bredden ved Abel-Mehola over for Tabbat.
23 And the men of Israel are called from Naphtali, and from Asher, and from all Manasseh, and pursue after Midian.
Derpaa stævnedes Israeliterne sammen fra Naftali, Aser og hele Manasse, og de satte efter Midjaniterne;
24 And Gideon has sent messengers into all the hill-country of Ephraim, saying, “Come down to meet Midian, and capture the waters from them as far as Beth-Barah, and the Jordan”; and every man of Ephraim is called, and they capture the waters as far as Beth-Barah, and the Jordan,
og Gideon sendte Bud ud i hele Efraims Bjergland og lod kundgøre: »Drag Midjaniterne i Møde og afskær dem Adgangen til Vandet lige til Bet-Bara ved Jordan!« Da stævnedes alle Efraimiterne sammen, og de afskar dem Adgangen til Vandet lige til Bet-Bara ved Jordan
25 and they capture two of the heads of Midian, Oreb and Zeeb, and slay Oreb at the rock of Oreb, and they have slain Zeeb at the wine-vat of Zeeb, and they pursue into Midian; and they have brought the heads of Oreb and Zeeb to Gideon beyond the Jordan.
og tog Midjaniternes to Høvdinger Oreb og Ze'eb til Fange; Oreb dræbte de paa Orebs Klippe, Ze'eb i Ze'ebs Perse; og de forfulgte Midjaniterne og bragte Orebs og Ze'ebs Hoveder til Gideon hinsides Jordan.