< Joshua 8 >

1 And YHWH says to Joshua, “Do not fear, nor be frightened, take with you all the people of war, and rise, go up to Ai; see, I have given into your hand the king of Ai, and his people, and his city, and his land,
Tada reče Jahve Jošui: “Ne boj se i ne strahuj! Uzmi sa sobom sve ratnike, ustani i navali na Aj. Gle, predajem ti u ruke ajskoga kralja, njegov narod, grad i zemlju njegovu.
2 and you have done to Ai and to her king as you have done to Jericho and to her king; only spoil its spoil and its livestock for yourselves; for you set an ambush for the city at its rear.”
Učini s Ajem i s njegovim kraljem kao što si učinio s Jerihonom i njegovim kraljem; ali vam je slobodno da prigrabite plijen iz njega i njegovu stoku. Postavi gradu zasjedu s leđa.”
3 And Joshua rises, and all the people of war, to go up to Ai, and Joshua chooses thirty thousand men, mighty men of valor, and sends them away by night,
Spremi se Jošua da navali na Aj i svi ratnici s njime. Izabrao je trideset tisuća junaka i poslao ih noću;
4 and commands them, saying, “See, you are ones lying in wait against the city, at the rear of the city, you do not go very far off from the city, and all of you have been prepared,
dade im zapovijed: “Pazite! Poći ćete u zasjedu gradu s leđa, ali da ne budete predaleko od grada i budite svi spremni.
5 and I and all the people who [are] with me draw near to the city, and it has come to pass, when they come out to meet us as at the first, and we have fled before them,
A ja i sav narod koji me prati primaknut ćemo se gradu; i kada ljudi iz Aja izađu pred nas, mi ćemo kao i prije pobjeći ispred njih.
6 and they have come out after us until we have drawn them out of the city, for they say, They are fleeing before us as at the first, and we have fled before them,
Oni će onda navaliti za nama dok ih ne odvedemo od grada jer će misliti: 'Bježe ispred nas kao i prije.'
7 and you rise from the ambush, and have occupied the city, and your God YHWH has given it into your hand;
Tada provalite iz zasjede i zauzmite grad: Jahve, Bog vaš, predat će vam ga u ruke.
8 and it has been, when you capture the city, you burn the city with fire, you do according to the word of YHWH, see, I have commanded you.”
Kad jednom osvojite grad, spalite ga ognjem. Učinite to po Jahvinoj zapovijedi. Pazite, to vam zapovjedih.”
9 And Joshua sends them away, and they go to the ambush, and abide between Bethel and Ai, on the west of Ai; and Joshua lodges on that night in the midst of the people.
Jošua ih posla i oni odoše u zasjedu te se smjestiše između Betela i Aja, gradu sa zapada. A Jošua provede noć među narodom.
10 And Joshua rises early in the morning, and inspects the people, and goes up, he and [the] elderly of Israel, before the people to Ai;
Uranivši, Jošua ujutro prebroja narod i pođe sa starješinama Izraelovim pred narodom na Aj.
11 and all the people of war who [are] with him have gone up, and draw near and come in before the city, and encamp on the north of Ai; and the valley [is] between him and Ai.
Svi ratnici krenu s njim i kad se primaknu gradu, utabore se Aju sa sjevera, tako da je između njih i mjesta bila ravnica.
12 And he takes about five thousand men, and sets them [for] an ambush between Bethel and Ai, on the west of the city;
Jošua uze oko pet tisuća ljudi i namjesti zasjedu između Betela i Aja, gradu sa zapadne strane.
13 and they set the people, all the camp which [is] on the north of the city, and its rear on the west of the city, and that night Joshua goes on into the midst of the valley.
A narod se smjesti u tabor, koji je bio na sjeveru grada, dok je njegova zalaznica bila na zapadu grada. Jošua opet provede noć usred naroda.
14 And it comes to pass, when the king of Ai sees [it], that he hurries, and rises early, and the men of the city go out to meet Israel for battle, he and all his people, at the appointed time, at the front of the plain, and he has not known that an ambush [is] against him, on the rear of the city.
Kad je sve to vidio ajski kralj, požuri se te izađe on i sav njegov narod niz obronak prema Arabi u boj protiv Izraela. A nisu ni slutili da je iza grada namještena zasjeda.
15 And Joshua and all Israel [seem] struck before them, and flee the way of the wilderness,
Tada Jošua i sav Izrael nagnu bježati kao da su ih pobijedili. I bježali su putem prema pustinji.
16 and all the people who [are] in the city are called to pursue after them, and they pursue after Joshua, and are drawn away out of the city,
Ajani nato pozvaše sve iz grada i dadoše se za njima u potjeru te, goneći Jošuu, odvoje se od grada.
17 and there has not been a man left in Ai and Bethel who has not gone out after Israel, and they leave the city open, and pursue after Israel.
I ne ostade nitko u Aju i Betelu da nije pošao za Izraelcima. Ostavili su grad otvoren i gonili Izraelce.
18 And YHWH says to Joshua, “Stretch out with the javelin which [is] in your hand toward Ai, for I give it into your hand”; and Joshua stretches out with the javelin which [is] in his hand toward the city,
Tada reče Jahve Jošui: “Zamahni kopljem što ti je u ruci prema Aju: predajem ti ga u ruke.” I podiže Jošua koplje što mu bješe u ruci i zamahnu prema gradu.
19 and the ambush has risen [with] haste, out of its place, and they run at the stretching out of his hand, and go into the city, and capture it, and hurry, and burn the city with fire.
I tek što je podigao ruku, dignu se ljudi iz zasjede i potrče prema gradu, osvoje ga i umah ga ognjem zapale.
20 And the men of Ai look behind them, and see, and behold, the smoke of the city has gone up to the heavens, and there has not been power in them to flee here and there—and the people who are fleeing to the wilderness have turned against the pursuer—
Kada se oni iz Aja obazreše, imadoše što vidjeti: dim se dizao iz grada prema nebu. I nitko od njih nije imao kuda uteći ni tamo ni amo. Tada se narod koji je bježao prema pustinji okrenuo prema progoniteljima.
21 and Joshua and all Israel have seen that the ambush has captured the city, and that the smoke of the city has gone up, and they turn back and strike the men of Ai;
Vidjevši Jošua i sav Izrael da je zasjeda zauzela grad i da se diže dim iz grada, vrate se i udare na ljude iz Aja.
22 and these have come out from the city to meet them, and they are in the midst of Israel, some on this [side], and some on that [side], and they strike them until he has not left a remnant and escaped one to them;
Njihovi su im izašli u susret iz grada, i tako se oni iz Aja nađoše posred Izraelaca, opkoljeni i s jedne i s druge strane: biše pobijeni tako te ni jedan ne ostade živ niti uteče.
23 and they have caught the king of Ai alive, and bring him near to Joshua.
A kralja Aja uhvatiše živa i dovedoše ga Jošui.
24 And it comes to pass, at Israel’s finishing to slay all the inhabitants of Ai in the field, in the wilderness in which they pursued them (and all of them fall by the mouth of the sword until their consumption), that all of Israel turns back to Ai, and strikes it by the mouth of the sword;
Kad su Izraelci pobili sve stanovnike Aja na otvorenu polju i u pustinji, kuda su ih gonili, i kada svi padoše od mača, vratiše se Izraelci u Aj i sasjekoše mačem sve što bješe u njemu.
25 and all who fall during the day, of men and of women, are twelve thousand—all men of Ai.
Bilo je dvanaest tisuća onih koji su izginuli toga dana, ljudi i žena - sav Aj.
26 And Joshua has not brought back his hand which he stretched out with the javelin until he has devoted all the inhabitants of Ai;
Jošua nije spuštao ruke kojom bijaše zamahnuo kopljem sve dok nisu poubijani svi stanovnici Aja.
27 only the livestock and the spoil of that city has Israel spoiled for themselves, according to the word of YHWH which He commanded Joshua.
Samo stoku i plijen iz onoga grada razdijele među sobom Izraelci, kao što je Jahve zapovjedio Jošui.
28 And Joshua burns Ai, and makes it a continuous heap—a desolation to this day;
Jošua spali Aj i učini ga za sve vijeke ruševinom, pustim mjestom do danas.
29 and he has hanged the king of Ai on the tree until evening, and at the going in of the sun Joshua has commanded, and they take down his carcass from the tree, and cast it to the opening of the gate of the city, and raise a great heap of stones over it until this day.
Kralja ajskoga objesi o drvo do večeri. O zapadu sunčanom zapovjedi Jošua te skinuše truplo s drveta, baciše ga pred gradska vrata i nabacaše na nj veliku gomilu kamenja, koja stoji i danas.
30 Then Joshua builds an altar to YHWH, God of Israel, in Mount Ebal,
Tada podiže Jošua žrtvenik Jahvi, Bogu Izraelovu, na gori Ebalu,
31 as Moses, servant of YHWH, commanded the sons of Israel, as it is written in the Scroll of the Law of Moses—an altar of whole stones, over which he has not waved iron—and they cause burnt-offerings to go up on it to YHWH, and sacrifice peace-offerings;
kao što je zapovjedio Mojsije, sluga Jahvin, svim sinovima Izraelovim i kako je napisano u Mojsijevoj knjizi Zakona: žrtvenik od grubog kamena, neklesanog željezom. Na njemu bi prinesena Jahvi žrtva paljenica i pričesnica.
32 and he writes there on the stones a copy of the Law of Moses, which he has written in the presence of the sons of Israel.
Tu na kamenju Jošua prepiše Zakon Mojsijev koji bješe napisan za sinove Izraelove.
33 And all Israel, and its elderly, and authorities, and his judges, are standing on this [side] and on that [side] of the Ark, before the priests, the Levites, carrying the Ark of the Covenant of YHWH, the sojourner as well as the native, half of them in front of Mount Gerizim, and the half of them in front of Mount Ebal, as Moses servant of YHWH had commanded to bless the people of Israel at the first.
I sav Izrael i njegove starješine, glavari narodni i suci, došljaci i domaći, stanu s obje strane Kovčega prema svećenicima i levitima koji su nosili Kovčeg saveza Jahvina - polovina prema gori Gerizimu, a polovina prema gori Ebalu - da bi se blagoslovio puk Izraelov prema obredu koji zapovjedi Mojsije.
34 And afterward he has proclaimed all the words of the Law, the blessing and the reviling, according to all that is written in the Scroll of the Law;
Tada pročita Jošua svaku riječ Zakona, blagoslov i prokletstvo, sve kako je napisano u knjizi Zakona.
35 there has not been a thing of all that Moses commanded which Joshua has not proclaimed before all the assembly of Israel, and the women, and the infants, and the sojourner who is going in their midst.
Nije Jošua propustio nijedne Mojsijeve naredbe, nego ih je sve pročitao pred saborom svih Izraelaca, pred ženama, djecom i došljacima koji su išli s njima.

< Joshua 8 >