< Joshua 7 >

1 And the sons of Israel commit a trespass in the devoted thing, and Achan, son of Carmi, son of Zabdi, son of Zerah, of the tribe of Judah, takes from the devoted thing, and the anger of YHWH burns against the sons of Israel.
Ali se sinovi Izraelovi teško ogriješiše o “herem”, jer je Akan, sin Karmija, sina Zabdijeva, sina Zerahova, od plemena Judina, uzeo od ukletih stvari, i Jahve se razgnjevi na sinove Izraelove.
2 And Joshua sends men from Jericho to Ai, which [is] near Beth-Aven, on the east of Bethel, and speaks to them, saying, “Go up and spy out the land”; and the men go up and spy Ai,
Jošua pak posla ljude iz Jerihona u Aj, koji leži istočno od Betela, i reče im: “Uziđite onamo, izvidite kraj!” Ljudi odoše te izvidješe Aj.
3 and they return to Joshua, and say to him, “Do not let all the people go up; let about two thousand men, or about three thousand men, go up, and they strike Ai; do not cause all the people to labor there; for they [are] few.”
Vrativši se k Jošui, rekoše mu: “Ne treba da onamo uzlazi sav narod; dvije do tri tisuće ljudi neka idu da osvoje Aj. Ne muči onamo sav narod, jer je ondje malo svijeta.”
4 So about three thousand men of the people go up from there, and they flee before the men of Ai,
Pođe onamo oko tri tisuće ljudi od svega naroda, ali su morali pobjeći pred onima iz Aja.
5 and the men of Ai strike about thirty-six men from them, and pursue them before the gate to Shebarim, and they strike them in Morad; and the heart of the people is melted, and becomes water.
Ajani pobiše oko trideset i šest ljudi i tjerali su ih ispred svojih vrata do Šebarima: pobili su ih na strmini. Klonu tada srce narodu kao da mu je voda u žilama.
6 And Joshua tears his garments, and falls on his face to the earth before the Ark of YHWH until the evening, he and [the] elderly of Israel, and they cause dust to go up on their head.
Razdrije Jošua haljine svoje i baci se ničice pred Kovčegom Jahvinim, i ostade tako do večeri, on i starješine u Izraelu, posuvši glave pepelom.
7 And Joshua says, “Aah! Lord YHWH, why have You caused this people to pass over the Jordan at all, to give us into the hand of the Amorite to destroy us? And oh that we had been willing—and we dwell beyond the Jordan!
Tada reče Jošua: “Jao, Gospode Jahve, zašto si preveo ovaj narod preko Jordana? Da nas predaš u ruke Amorejaca da nas pobiju? Kamo sreće da smo stali s onu stranu Jordana!
8 Oh, Lord, what do I say, after that Israel has turned the neck before its enemies?
Oprosti, Gospode! Što drugo da rečem kad je Izrael okrenuo leđa pred svojim neprijateljima?
9 And the Canaanite and all the inhabitants of the land hear, and have come around against us, and cut off our name from the earth; and what do You do for Your great Name?”
Ako to čuju Kanaanci i ostali žitelji zemlje, udružit će se protiv nas da zbrišu ime naše sa zemlje. Što ćeš, dakle, učiniti za veliko ime svoje?”
10 And YHWH says to Joshua, “Rise, for you—why this—[that] you [are] falling on your face?
A Jahve odgovori Jošui: “Ustani! Zašto si pao ničice?
11 Israel has sinned, and they have also transgressed My covenant which I commanded them, and also taken of the devoted thing, and also stolen, and also deceived, and also put [it] among their vessels,
Izrael je sagriješio: prekršili su Savez kojim sam ih vezao. Zaista, uzeše ukleto, porobiše, posakrivaše i prisvojiše.
12 and the sons of Israel have not been able to stand before their enemies; they turn the neck before their enemies, for they have become a devoted thing; I do not add to be with you—if you do not destroy the devoted thing from your midst.
I zato Izraelci ne mogu izdržati pred svojim neprijateljima, okreću leđa pred protivnicima jer su postali ukleti. Ja ne mogu više biti s vama ako iz svoje sredine ne maknete proklete.
13 Rise, sanctify the people, and you have said, Sanctify yourselves for tomorrow; for thus said YHWH, God of Israel: A devoted thing [is] in your midst, O Israel, you are not able to stand before your enemies until your turning aside the devoted thing from your midst;
Ustani! Sazovi narod na posvećenje i reci mu: Posvetite se za sutra, jer ovako govori Jahve, Bog Izraelov: 'Kletva je u tebi, Izraele; i nećeš izdržati pred svojim neprijateljima sve dok ne odstranite kletvu iz svoje sredine.'
14 and you have been brought near in the morning by your tribes, and it has been [that] the tribe which YHWH captures draws near by families, and the family which YHWH captures draws near by households, and the household which YHWH captures draws near by men;
Zato sutra zorom pristupite pleme za plemenom; iz plemena koje odredi Jahve prići će rod za rodom, a onda iz roda koji označi Jahve pristupit će obitelj po obitelj, a iz obitelji koju označi Jahve pristupit će čovjek za čovjekom.
15 and it has been, he who is captured with the devoted thing is burned with fire, he and all that he has, because he has transgressed the covenant of YHWH, and because he has done folly in Israel.”
I tko se tada nađe s ukletom stvari, neka se spali on i sve što mu pripada, jer je prekršio Savez Jahvin i osramotio Izraela.”
16 And Joshua rises early in the morning, and brings Israel near by its tribes, and the tribe of Judah is captured;
Urani Jošua ujutro i pozva Izraela po plemenima; pristupiše i otkri se pleme Judino.
17 and he brings the family of Judah near, and he captures the family of the Zerahite; and he brings the family of the Zerahite near by men, and Zabdi is captured;
Potom pristupi rod za rodom iz plemena Judina i pronađe se rod Zerahov. Pristupiše obitelji roda Zerahova, domaćin jedan za drugim, i pronađoše obitelj Zabdijevu.
18 and he brings his household near by men, and Achan—son of Carmi, son of Zabdi, son of Zerah, of the tribe of Judah—is captured.
Naposljetku naredi Jošua da pristupi obitelj Zabdijeva, muškarac jedan za drugim, i pronašao se Akan, sin Karmija, sina Zabdijeva, sina Zerahova, od plemena Judina.
19 And Joshua says to Achan, “My son, please give glory to YHWH, God of Israel, and give thanks to Him, and now declare to me what you have done—do not hide [it] from me.”
Tada reče Jošua Akanu: “Sine moj, daj slavu Jahvi, Bogu Izraelovu, i priznaj mu što si učinio; objasni što si učinio i nemoj mi ništa tajiti.”
20 And Achan answers Joshua and says, “Truly I have sinned against YHWH, God of Israel, and I have done thus and thus;
Akan reče Jošui: “Zaista, ja sagriješih Jahvi, Bogu Izraelovu, i evo što sam učinio:
21 and I see among the spoil a good robe of Shinar, and two hundred shekels of silver, and one wedge of gold, whose weight [is] fifty shekels, and I desire them, and take them; and behold, they [are] hid in the earth, in the midst of my tent, and the silver [is] under it.”
vidjeh u plijenu lijep šinearski plašt, dvije stotine srebrnjaka i zlatnu šipku vrijednu pedeset srebrnjaka, pa se polakomih i uzeh sebi. Eno je sve zakopano usred moga šatora, a srebro je odozdo.”
22 And Joshua sends messengers, and they run to the tent, and behold, it is hidden in his tent, and the silver [is] under it;
Tada uputi Jošua poslanike, koji otrčaše u šator. I gle, sve bijaše zakopano u šatoru, a odozdo srebro.
23 and they take them out of the midst of the tent, and bring them to Joshua, and to all the sons of Israel, and pour them out before YHWH.
Uzmu sve iz šatora i donesu Jošui i starješinama Izraelovim i prostriješe sve pred Jahvu.
24 And Joshua takes Achan son of Zerah, and the silver, and the robe, and the wedge of gold, and his sons, and his daughters, and his ox, and his donkey, and his flock, and his tent, and all that he has, and all Israel with him, and they brought them up [to] the Valley of Achor.
Tada uze Jošua Akana, sina Zerahova, i srebro, plašt i zlatnu šipku, i sve sinove i kćeri njegove, volove njegove i magarad, i ovce, šator njegov i sve što bijaše njegovo te ga izvede u dolinu Akor. Pratio ih sav Izrael.
25 And Joshua says, “Why have you troubled us? YHWH troubles you this day!” And all Israel cast stone at him, and they burn them with fire, and they stone them with stones,
Reče Jošua: “Kako si ti nas unesrećio, tako danas tebe unesrećio Jahve!” I kamenova ga sav Izrael.
26 and they raise up a great heap of stones over him to this day, and YHWH turns back from the heat of His anger, therefore [one] has called the name of that place “Valley of Achor” until this day.
Potom navališe na njega gomilu kamenja, koje stoji do danas. Tako se Jahve ublaži od svoga žestoka gnjeva. Zbog toga se događaja prozva ono mjesto dolina Akor i tako se zove do danas.

< Joshua 7 >