< Joshua 5 >

1 And it comes to pass, when all the kings of the Amorite which [are] beyond the Jordan, toward the sea, and all the kings of the Canaanite which [are] by the sea, hear how that YHWH has dried up the waters of the Jordan at the presence of the sons of Israel until their passing over, that their heart is melted, and there has not been anymore spirit in them because of the presence of the sons of Israel.
Pošto su čuli svi kraljevi amorejski na zapadnoj strani Jordana i svi kraljevi kanaanski koji bijahu uz more da je Jahve osušio Jordan pred Izraelcima dok ne prijeđoše, zastade im srce i nestade im junaštva pred Izraelcima.
2 At that time YHWH said to Joshua, “Make knives of flint for yourself, and return, circumcise the sons of Israel a second time”;
U to vrijeme Jahve reče Jošui: “Načini sebi kamene noževe i ponovo obreži Izraelce.”
3 and Joshua makes knives of flint for himself, and circumcises the sons of Israel at the height of the foreskins.
Jošua načini sebi kamene noževe i obreza Izraelce na brežuljku Aralotu.
4 And this [is] the thing [for] which Joshua circumcises [them]: all the people who are coming out of Egypt, who are males, all the men of war have died in the wilderness, in the way, in their coming out of Egypt,
A evo zašto ih je Jošua obrezao: sve ljudstvo što je izišlo iz Egipta, sve što mogaše nositi oružje, pomrlo je na putu kroz pustinju.
5 for all the people who are coming out were circumcised, and all the people who [are] born in the wilderness, in the way, in their coming out from Egypt, they have not circumcised;
Svi oni bijahu obrezani, ali nije bio obrezan nitko koji se rodio na putu kroz pustinju, poslije izlaska iz Egipta,
6 for forty years the sons of Israel have gone in the wilderness, until all the nation of the men of war who are coming out of Egypt, who did not listen to the voice of YHWH, to whom YHWH has sworn not to show them the land which YHWH swore to their fathers to give to us, a land flowing with milk and honey, are consumed;
jer su četrdeset godina Izraelci lutali pustinjom dok ne pomriješe svi za oružje sposobni koji bijahu izišli iz Egipta; nisu slušali glasa Jahvina te im se Jahve zakleo da njihove oči neće vidjeti zemlju koju je obećao njihovim ocima - zemlju u kojoj teče mlijeko i med.
7 and He raised up their sons in their stead, Joshua has circumcised them, for they have been uncircumcised, for they have not circumcised them in the way.
Na njihovo je mjesto podigao sinove njihove i njih je Jošua obrezao: nisu bili obrezani jer se na putu nije obrezivalo.
8 And it comes to pass, when all the nation has completed to be circumcised, that they abide in their places in the camp until their recovering;
Kad je bio obrezan sav narod, počivali su u taboru sve dok nisu ozdravili.
9 and YHWH says to Joshua, “Today I have rolled the reproach of Egypt from off you”; and [one] calls the name of that place Gilgal to this day.
Tada reče Jahve Jošui: “Danas skidoh s vas sramotu egipatsku.” I prozva se ono mjesto Gilgal sve do naših dana.
10 And the sons of Israel encamp in Gilgal, and make the Passover on the fourteenth day of the month, at evening, in the plains of Jericho;
Izraelci se, dakle, utaboriše u Gilgalu i ondje na Jerihonskim poljanama proslaviše Pashu uvečer četrnaestoga dana u mjesecu.
11 and they eat of the old grain of the land on the next day of the Passover, unleavened things and roasted [grain], on this very same day;
A sutradan poslije Pashe, upravo toga dana, blagovali su od uroda one zemlje: beskvasna kruha i pržena zrnja.
12 and the manna ceases on the next day in their eating of the old grain of the land, and there has been no more manna for [the] sons of Israel, and they eat of the increase of the land of Canaan in that year.
I mÓana je prestala padati čim su počeli jesti plodove zemlje. Tako Izraelci nisu više imali mane, nego su se te godine hranili plodovima zemlje kanaanske.
13 And it comes to pass in Joshua’s being by Jericho, that he lifts up his eyes, and looks, and behold, [there is] one standing in front of him, and his drawn sword [is] in his hand, and Joshua goes to him, and says to him, “Are you for us or for our adversaries?”
Kad se Jošua približio gradu Jerihonu, podiže oči i ugleda čovjeka kako pred njim stoji s isukanim mačem u ruci. Jošua mu pristupi i upita ga: “Jesi li ti s nama ili s našim neprijateljima?”
14 And He says, “No, for I [am] Prince of YHWH’s host; now I have come”; and Joshua falls on his face to the earth, and pays respect, and says to Him, “What is my Lord speaking to His servant?”
A on odgovori: “Ne, ja sam vođa vojske Jahvine i upravo sam došao ...” Tada Jošua pade ničice, pokloni mu se i reče: “Što zapovijedaš Gospodaru, sluzi svome?”
15 And the Prince of YHWH’s host says to Joshua, “Cast off your shoe from off your foot, for the place on which you are standing is holy”; and Joshua does so.
A vođa vojske Jahvine odgovori Jošui: “Skini obuću s nogu svojih, jer je sveto mjesto na kojem stojiš.” I Jošua učini tako.

< Joshua 5 >