< John 3 >
1 And there was a man of the Pharisees, his name Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews;
nikadimanāmā yihūdīyānām adhipatiḥ phirūśī kṣaṇadāyāṁ
2 this one came to Him by night and said to Him, “Rabbi, we have known that You have come from God—a teacher, for no one is able to do these signs that You do, if God may not be with him.”
yīśaurabhyarṇam āvrajya vyāhārṣīt, he guro bhavān īśvarād āgat eka upadeṣṭā, etad asmābhirjñāyate; yato bhavatā yānyāścaryyakarmmāṇi kriyante parameśvarasya sāhāyyaṁ vinā kenāpi tattatkarmmāṇi karttuṁ na śakyante|
3 Jesus answered and said to him, “Truly, truly, I say to you, if anyone may not be born from above, he is not able to see the Kingdom of God”;
tadā yīśuruttaraṁ dattavān tavāhaṁ yathārthataraṁ vyāharāmi punarjanmani na sati kopi mānava īśvarasya rājyaṁ draṣṭuṁ na śaknoti|
4 Nicodemus says to Him, “How is a man able to be born, being old? Is he able to enter into the womb of his mother a second time, and to be born?”
tato nikadīmaḥ pratyavocat manujo vṛddho bhūtvā kathaṁ janiṣyate? sa kiṁ puna rmātṛrjaṭharaṁ praviśya janituṁ śaknoti?
5 Jesus answered, “Truly, truly, I say to you, if anyone may not be born of water and the Spirit, he is not able to enter into the Kingdom of God;
yīśuravādīd yathārthataram ahaṁ kathayāmi manuje toyātmabhyāṁ puna rna jāte sa īśvarasya rājyaṁ praveṣṭuṁ na śaknoti|
6 that which has been born of the flesh is flesh, and that which has been born of the Spirit is spirit.
māṁsād yat jāyate tan māṁsameva tathātmano yo jāyate sa ātmaiva|
7 You may not wonder that I said to you, It is required for you to be born from above;
yuṣmābhiḥ puna rjanitavyaṁ mamaitasyāṁ kathāyām āścaryaṁ mā maṁsthāḥ|
8 the Spirit blows where [that] One wills, and you hear [that] One’s voice, but you have not known from where [that] One comes, and to where [that] One goes; thus is everyone who has been born of the Spirit.”
sadāgatiryāṁ diśamicchati tasyāmeva diśi vāti, tvaṁ tasya svanaṁ śuṇoṣi kintu sa kuta āyāti kutra yāti vā kimapi na jānāsi tadvād ātmanaḥ sakāśāt sarvveṣāṁ manujānāṁ janma bhavati|
9 Nicodemus answered and said to Him, “How are these things able to happen?”
tadā nikadīmaḥ pṛṣṭavān etat kathaṁ bhavituṁ śaknoti?
10 Jesus answered and said to him, “You are the teacher of Israel and you do not know these things?
yīśuḥ pratyaktavān tvamisrāyelo gururbhūtvāpi kimetāṁ kathāṁ na vetsi?
11 Truly, truly, I say to you, what We have known We speak, and what We have seen We testify, and you do not receive Our testimony;
tubhyaṁ yathārthaṁ kathayāmi, vayaṁ yad vidmastad vacmaḥ yaṁcca paśyāmastasyaiva sākṣyaṁ dadmaḥ kintu yuṣmābhirasmākaṁ sākṣitvaṁ na gṛhyate|
12 if I spoke to you of the earthly things, and you do not believe, how, if I will speak to you of the heavenly things, will you believe?
etasya saṁsārasya kathāyāṁ kathitāyāṁ yadi yūyaṁ na viśvasitha tarhi svargīyāyāṁ kathāyāṁ kathaṁ viśvasiṣyatha?
13 And no one has gone up to Heaven, except He who came down out of Heaven—the Son of Man who is in Heaven.
yaḥ svarge'sti yaṁ ca svargād avārohat taṁ mānavatanayaṁ vinā kopi svargaṁ nārohat|
14 And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so it is necessary for the Son of Man to be lifted up,
aparañca mūsā yathā prāntare sarpaṁ protthāpitavān manuṣyaputro'pi tathaivotthāpitavyaḥ;
15 that everyone who is believing in Him may not perish, but may have continuous life, (aiōnios )
tasmād yaḥ kaścit tasmin viśvasiṣyati so'vināśyaḥ san anantāyuḥ prāpsyati| (aiōnios )
16 for God so loved the world that He gave the only begotten Son, that everyone who is believing in Him may not perish, but may have continuous life. (aiōnios )
īśvara itthaṁ jagadadayata yat svamadvitīyaṁ tanayaṁ prādadāt tato yaḥ kaścit tasmin viśvasiṣyati so'vināśyaḥ san anantāyuḥ prāpsyati| (aiōnios )
17 For God did not send His Son into the world that He may judge the world, but that the world may be saved through Him;
īśvaro jagato lokān daṇḍayituṁ svaputraṁ na preṣya tān paritrātuṁ preṣitavān|
18 he who is believing in Him is not judged, but he who is not believing has been judged already, because he has not believed in the Name of the only begotten Son of God.
ataeva yaḥ kaścit tasmin viśvasiti sa daṇḍārho na bhavati kintu yaḥ kaścit tasmin na viśvasiti sa idānīmeva daṇḍārho bhavati, yataḥ sa īśvarasyādvitīyaputrasya nāmani pratyayaṁ na karoti|
19 And this is the judgment, that the light has come into the world, and men loved the darkness rather than the light, for their works were evil;
jagato madhye jyotiḥ prākāśata kintu manuṣyāṇāṁ karmmaṇāṁ dṛṣṭatvāt te jyotiṣopi timire prīyante etadeva daṇḍasya kāraṇāṁ bhavati|
20 for everyone who is doing wicked things hates the light, and does not come into the light, that his works may not be detected;
yaḥ kukarmma karoti tasyācārasya dṛṣṭatvāt sa jyotirṝtīyitvā tannikaṭaṁ nāyāti;
21 but he who is doing the truth comes into the light, that his works may be revealed, that in God they are having been worked.”
kintu yaḥ satkarmma karoti tasya sarvvāṇi karmmāṇīśvareṇa kṛtānīti sathā prakāśate tadabhiprāyeṇa sa jyotiṣaḥ sannidhim āyāti|
22 After these things Jesus and His disciples came into the land of Judea, and there He tarried with them, and was immersing;
tataḥ param yīśuḥ śiṣyaiḥ sārddhaṁ yihūdīyadeśaṁ gatvā tatra sthitvā majjayitum ārabhata|
23 and John was also immersing in Aenon, near to Salem, because there were many waters there, and they were coming and were being immersed—
tadā śālam nagarasya samīpasthāyini ainan grāme bahutaratoyasthitestatra yohan amajjayat tathā ca lokā āgatya tena majjitā abhavan|
24 for John was not yet cast into the prison—
tadā yohan kārāyāṁ na baddhaḥ|
25 there arose then a question from the disciples of John with [some] Jews about purifying,
aparañca śācakarmmaṇi yohānaḥ śiṣyaiḥ saha yihūdīyalokānāṁ vivāde jāte, te yohanaḥ saṁnnidhiṁ gatvākathayan,
26 and they came to John and said to him, “Rabbi, He who was with you beyond the Jordan, to whom you testified, behold, this One is immersing, and all are coming to Him.”
he guro yarddananadyāḥ pāre bhavatā sārddhaṁ ya āsīt yasmiṁśca bhavān sākṣyaṁ pradadāt paśyatu sopi majjayati sarvve tasya samīpaṁ yānti ca|
27 John answered and said, “A man is not able to receive anything if it may not have been given him from Heaven;
tadā yohan pratyavocad īśvareṇa na datte kopi manujaḥ kimapi prāptuṁ na śaknoti|
28 you yourselves testify to me that I said, I am not the Christ, but that I am having been sent before Him;
ahaṁ abhiṣikto na bhavāmi kintu tadagre preṣitosmi yāmimāṁ kathāṁ kathitavānāhaṁ tatra yūyaṁ sarvve sākṣiṇaḥ stha|
29 He who is having the bride is bridegroom, and the friend of the bridegroom, who is standing and hearing Him, rejoices with joy because of the voice of the bridegroom; this, then, my joy has been fulfilled.
yo janaḥ kanyāṁ labhate sa eva varaḥ kintu varasya sannidhau daṇḍāyamānaṁ tasya yanmitraṁ tena varasya śabde śrute'tīvāhlādyate mamāpi tadvad ānandasiddhirjātā|
30 It is necessary [for] Him to increase, and me to become less;
tena kramaśo varddhitavyaṁ kintu mayā hsitavyaṁ|
31 He who is coming from above is above all; he who is from the earth, from the earth he is, and from the earth he speaks; He who is coming from Heaven is above all.
ya ūrdhvādāgacchat sa sarvveṣāṁ mukhyo yaśca saṁsārād udapadyata sa sāṁsārikaḥ saṁsārīyāṁ kathāñca kathayati yastu svargādāgacchat sa sarvveṣāṁ mukhyaḥ|
32 And what He has seen and heard—this He testifies, and none receives His testimony;
sa yadapaśyadaśṛṇocca tasminneva sākṣyaṁ dadāti tathāpi prāyaśaḥ kaścit tasya sākṣyaṁ na gṛhlāti;
33 he who is receiving His testimony sealed that God is true;
kintu yo gṛhlāti sa īśvarasya satyavāditvaṁ mudrāṅgitaṁ karoti|
34 for He whom God sent, He speaks the sayings of God; for God does not give the Spirit by measure;
īśvareṇa yaḥ preritaḥ saeva īśvarīyakathāṁ kathayati yata īśvara ātmānaṁ tasmai aparimitam adadāt|
35 the Father loves the Son, and has given all things into His hand;
pitā putre snehaṁ kṛtvā tasya haste sarvvāṇi samarpitavān|
36 he who is believing in the Son has continuous life; and he who is not believing the Son will not see life, but the wrath of God remains on him.” (aiōnios )
yaḥ kaścit putre viśvasiti sa evānantam paramāyuḥ prāpnoti kintu yaḥ kaścit putre na viśvasiti sa paramāyuṣo darśanaṁ na prāpnoti kintvīśvarasya kopabhājanaṁ bhūtvā tiṣṭhati| (aiōnios )