< John 2 >
1 And [on] the third day a wedding happened in Cana of Galilee, and the mother of Jesus was there,
anantara. m trutiiyadivase gaaliil prade"siye kaannaanaamni nagare vivaaha aasiit tatra ca yii"sormaataa ti. s.that|
2 and also Jesus was called, and His disciples, to the wedding;
tasmai vivaahaaya yii"sustasya "si. syaa"sca nimantritaa aasan|
3 and wine having failed, the mother of Jesus says to Him, “They have no wine”;
tadanantara. m draak. saarasasya nyuunatvaad yii"sormaataa tamavadat ete. saa. m draak. saaraso naasti|
4 Jesus says to her, “What [is that] to Me and to you, woman? My hour is not yet come.”
tadaa sa taamavocat he naari mayaa saha tava ki. m kaaryya. m? mama samaya idaanii. m nopati. s.thati|
5 His mother says to the servants, “Whatever He may say to you—do.”
tatastasya maataa daasaanavocad aya. m yad vadati tadeva kuruta|
6 And there were six water-jugs of stone there, placed according to the purifying of the Jews, holding each two or three measures.
tasmin sthaane yihuudiiyaanaa. m "sucitvakara. navyavahaaraanusaare. naa. dhakaikajaladharaa. ni paa. saa. namayaani. sa. dv. rhatpaatraa. niaasan|
7 Jesus says to them, “Fill the water-jugs with water”; and they filled them—to the brim;
tadaa yii"sustaan sarvvakala"saan jalai. h puurayitu. m taanaaj naapayat, tataste sarvvaan kumbhaanaakar. na. m jalai. h paryyapuurayan|
8 and He says to them, “Draw out, now, and carry to the headwaiter”; and they bore.
atha tebhya. h ki nciduttaaryya bhojyaadhipaate. hsamiipa. m netu. m sa taanaadi"sat, te tadanayan|
9 And as the headwaiter tasted the water become wine, and did not know where it is from (but the servants knew, who have drawn the water), the headwaiter calls the bridegroom,
apara nca tajjala. m katha. m draak. saaraso. abhavat tajjalavaahakaadaasaa j naatu. m "saktaa. h kintu tadbhojyaadhipo j naatu. m naa"saknot tadavalihya vara. m sa. mmbodyaavadata,
10 and says to him, “Every man, at first, sets forth the good wine; and when they may have drunk freely, then the inferior; you kept the good wine until now.”
lokaa. h prathama. m uttamadraak. saarasa. m dadati ta. su yathe. s.ta. m pitavatsu tasmaa ki ncidanuttama nca dadati kintu tvamidaanii. m yaavat uttamadraak. saarasa. m sthaapayasi|
11 This [is the] beginning of the signs Jesus did in Cana of Galilee, and revealed His glory, and His disciples believed in Him;
ittha. m yii"surgaaliilaprade"se aa"scaryyakaarmma praarambha nijamahimaana. m praakaa"sayat tata. h "si. syaastasmin vya"svasan|
12 after this He went down to Capernaum, He, and His mother, and His brothers, and His disciples; and they did not remain there many days.
tata. h param sa nijamaatrubhraatrus"si. syai. h saarddh. m kapharnaahuumam aagamat kintu tatra bahuudinaani aati. s.that|
13 And the Passover of the Jews was near, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem,
tadanantara. m yihuudiyaanaa. m nistaarotsave nika. tamaagate yii"su ryiruu"saalam nagaram aagacchat|
14 and He found in the temple those selling oxen, and sheep, and doves, and the money-changers sitting,
tato mandirasya madhye gome. sapaaraavatavikrayi. no vaa. nijak. scopavi. s.taan vilokya
15 and having made a whip of small cords, He put all forth out of the temple, also the sheep, and the oxen; and He poured out the coins of the money-changers, and He overthrew the tables,
rajjubhi. h ka"saa. m nirmmaaya sarvvagome. saadibhi. h saarddha. m taan mandiraad duuriik. rtavaan|
16 and He said to those selling the doves, “Take these things from here; do not make the house of My Father a house of merchandise.”
va. nijaa. m mudraadi vikiiryya aasanaani nyuubjiik. rtya paaraavatavikrayibhyo. akathayad asmaat sthaanaat sarvaa. nyetaani nayata, mama pitug. rha. m vaa. nijyag. rha. m maa kaar. s.ta|
17 And His disciples remembered that it is written: “The zeal of Your house ate Me up”;
tasmaat tanmandiraartha udyogo yastu sa grasatiiva maam| imaa. m "saastriiyalipi. m "si. syaa. hsamasmaran|
18 the Jews then answered and said to Him, “What sign do You show to us—that You do these things?”
tata. h param yihuudiiyalokaa yii. simavadan tavamid. r"sakarmmakara. naat ki. m cihnamasmaan dar"sayasi?
19 Jesus answered and said to them, “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.”
tato yii"sustaanavocad yu. smaabhire tasmin mandire naa"site dinatrayamadhye. aha. m tad utthaapayi. syaami|
20 The Jews, therefore, said, “This temple was built [in] forty-six years, and will You raise it up in three days?”
tadaa yihuudiyaa vyaahaar. su. h, etasya mandirasa nirmmaa. nena. sa. tcatvaari. m"sad vatsaraa gataa. h, tva. m ki. m dinatrayamadhye tad utthaapayi. syasi?
21 But He spoke concerning the temple of His body;
kintu sa nijadeharuupamandire kathaamimaa. m kathitavaan|
22 when, then, He was raised out of the dead, His disciples remembered that He said this to them, and they believed the Writing, and the word that Jesus said.
sa yadetaad. r"sa. m gaditavaan tacchi. syaa. h "sma"saanaat tadiiyotthaane sati sm. rtvaa dharmmagranthe yii"sunoktakathaayaa. m ca vya"svasi. su. h|
23 And as He was in Jerusalem, in the Passover, in the celebration, many believed in His Name, beholding His signs that He was doing;
anantara. m nistaarotsavasya bhojyasamaye yiruu"saalam nagare tatkrutaa"scaryyakarmmaa. ni vilokya bahubhistasya naamani vi"svasita. m|
24 and Jesus Himself was not trusting Himself to them, because of His knowing all [men],
kintu sa te. saa. m kare. su sva. m na samarpayat, yata. h sa sarvvaanavait|
25 and because He had no need that any should testify concerning man, for He Himself was knowing what was in man.
sa maanave. su kasyacit pramaa. na. m naapek. sata yato manujaanaa. m madhye yadyadasti tattat sojaanaat|