< John 12 >
1 Jesus, therefore, six days before the Passover, came to Bethany, where Lazarus was, who had died, whom He raised out of the dead;
Peesaxıle yixhılle yiğna ögil I'sa Bet-Anyeeqa, Vuce hapt'ıynbışde yı'q'neençe üç'ür qı'ına Lazar eyxhene cigeeqa qarayle.
2 they made, therefore, a dinner to Him there, and Martha was ministering, and Lazarus was one of those reclining together with Him;
Maa'ad I'saynemee otxhuniy hele ıxha. Marteeyid sufranılqa otxhanan haqqa ıxha. Lazarır I'sayka sacigee sufrayne hiqiy-allanbışde yı'q'nee eyxhe.
3 Mary, therefore, having taken a pound of ointment of spikenard, of great price, anointed the feet of Jesus and wiped His feet with her hair, and the house was filled from the fragrance of the ointment.
Mayramee mane gahıl sura litralqa ələən, geed gıranın, yugun evanan q'ış alyaat'u, I'sayne g'elybışilqa k'ya'a. Qiyğa məng'ee cene ç'ərbışika Mang'un g'elybı mətta'a. Xavcad q'ışşıne evayn alyaat'a.
4 Therefore one of His disciples—Judas Iscariot, of Simon, who is about to deliver Him up—says,
I'sayne telebabışde sang'vee, Mana merıng'une xılyaqa qelesde Kariotğançena Yahudee eyhen:
5 “Why was this ointment not sold for three hundred denarii, and given to the poor?”
– Nya'a man q'ış xhebıd vəş dinarıs massa huvu, kar deşinbışis bit'al hidi'ı?
6 And he said this, not because he was caring for the poor, but because he was a thief, and had the bag, and what things were put in he was carrying.
Mang'vee man cuvab kar deşinbışda haa'ava deş eyhe, sixnariy ıxhayke eyhe. Mang'usqa pılnana q'utye quvu vooxhe, mang'veeyid cus ıkkanne karas mançe pıl alyaat'a ıxha.
7 Jesus, therefore, said, “Permit her; she has kept it for the day of My embalming,
I'see eyhen: – Mana ı'ğiykar himee'e! Məng'ee man q'ış g'iyniyne yiğıs havacı ıxha. Məxür məng'ee Zı k'eyxhas ixhesın xhinnee qı'ı.
8 for you always have the poor with yourselves, and you do not always have Me.”
Kar deşinbı gırgıne gahbışilycab şoka vuxhes, Zımee gırgıne gahbışil şoka ixhes deş.
9 Therefore, a great multitude of the Jews knew that He is there, and they came, not only because of Jesus, but that they may also see Lazarus, whom He raised out of the dead;
Gellesde Yahudeeşik'le I'sa maa'ar ıxhay ats'axhxhe. Manbı maqa I'sa g'acesvacar deş, Vucee hapt'ıynbışde yı'q'neençe üç'ür qı'ına Lazar g'aces abı.
10 and the chief priests took counsel, that they may also kill Lazarus,
Lazarır-alla gellesde Yahudeeşe hapk'ın, I'says inyam hı'ı. Mançil-alla kaahinaaşin ç'ak'ınbışis Lazar gik'as ıkkiykan.
11 because on account of him many of the Jews were going away, and were believing in Jesus.
12 On the next day, a great multitude that came to the celebration, having heard that Jesus comes to Jerusalem,
Qinne yiğıl bayrameeqa abıyne gellesde insanaaşik'le I'sa İyerusalimeeqa ayresva g'ayxhı.
13 took the branches of the palms, and went forth to meet Him, and were crying, “Hosanna! Blessed [is] He who is coming in the Name of the LORD—the King of Israel”;
Manbışe xurmayn bıtağbı alyaat'u ts'irbı ha'a, Mang'une ögilqa qığeebaç'e. Manbışe eyhen: – Hosanna! Rəbbine doyuka Qarıyng'us şukur vuxhena! İzrailyne Paççahıs şukur vuxhena!
14 and Jesus having found a young donkey sat on it, according as it is written,
I'see q'udux t'abal hav'u, çil ilexa. Mane karbışde hək'ee Muq'addasne Otk'unee inəxüd otk'un:
15 “Do not fear, daughter of Zion, behold, your King comes, sitting on a colt of a donkey.”
«Sionna yiş, qimeeqən! İleeke, yiğna Paççah sa q'uduxul alixı vor qöö!»
16 And His disciples did not know these things at first, but when Jesus was glorified, then they remembered that these things were having been written about Him, and these things they did to Him.
Ts'etta telebabışilqa vuççud hiyxhar deş. Allahee I'sa axtı qı'iyle qiyğa, Mang'une vuk'lelqa qadıynbı, telebabışe yik'el qalya'a. Mançine hək'ee ögilycadniy Muq'addasne Otk'uniybışee otk'un.
17 The multitude, therefore, who are with Him, were testifying that He called Lazarus out of the tomb, and raised him out of the dead;
I'see Lazar nyuq'vneençe qort'ul hapt'ıynbışde yı'q'neençe üç'ür qı'iyne gahıl, Mang'une hiqiy-alla sadıyne milletın mançina gaf haa'a.
18 because of this the multitude also met Him, because they heard of His having done this sign,
Milletık'le I'see man əlaamat haguva g'ayxhı ıxha, mançil-allad millet Mang'une ögilqa adayle.
19 therefore the Pharisees said among themselves, “You see that you do not gain anything, behold, the world went after Him.”
Mançil-alla Fariseyaaşe sana-sang'uk'le eyhen: – Vuççud yişde xılençe qöö deş. Gırgınbı Mang'uqab qihna əlyhəə!
20 And there were certain Greeks out of those coming up that they may worship in the celebration,
Bayramıs İyerusalimqa ı'bəədatısva abıynbışde yı'q'nee Yunanarıb vuxhaynbı.
21 these then came near to Philip, who [is] from Bethsaida of Galilee, and were asking him, saying, “Lord, we wish to see Jesus”;
Manbı Galileyayne Bet-Tsayda şahareençe eyxhene Filippne k'anyaqa hapk'ın, miz k'yaa'a: – Xərna, şak'le I'sa g'aces ıkkan.
22 Philip comes and tells Andrew, and again Andrew and Philip tell Jesus.
Filipp arı, Andreyk'le eyhen. Andreyir Filippır hapk'ın, mana gaf I'says haa'a.
23 And Jesus responded to them, saying, “The hour has come that the Son of Man may be glorified;
I'see alidghıniy qele: – İnsanne Duxayna axtı qexhena gah qabı.
24 truly, truly, I say to you, if the grain of the wheat, having fallen to the earth, may not die, itself remains alone; and if it may die, it bears much fruit;
Zı şok'le hək'en eyhe, sa suk ç'iyelqa g'a'aypxhı qidevk'eene, vuccab aaxva. Mana qivk'veeme, geed şagav hele.
25 he who is cherishing his life will lose it, and he who is hating his life in this world will keep it to continuous life; (aiōnios )
Cuna ı'mı'r vukkanang'vee, mana avaak'an haa'as. İne dyunyel cune ı'mrena hidyaa'ang'veeme, mana gırgıne gahbışis havaces. (aiōnios )
26 if anyone may minister to Me, let him follow Me, and where I am, there My servant will be also; and if anyone may minister to Me—the Father will honor him.
Şavusiy Zas g'ullux haa'as vukkan, Zaqar qihna qoracen. Zı nyaa ixhee, Yizda nukarır maa'ar ixhes. Şavaayiy Zas g'ullux hav'u, Yizde Dekkeeyib mang'us hı'rmat haa'as.
27 Now My soul has been troubled; and what will I say—Father, save Me from this hour? But because of this I came to this hour;
Həşde Yizın yik' ulyoyk'al vod. Hucoo Zasse eyhes əxəyee? Deşxheene, «Dek, Zı ine gahıke g'attixhan he'evane!» eyhes? Zı ine gahınemeecar qarı.
28 Father, glorify Your Name.” Therefore there came a voice out of Heaven, “I both glorified, and again I will glorify [it]”;
Dek, Yiğın do axtı qe'e! Manke xəənçe ses qayle: – Yizın do axtı qı'iyn, meedıd axtı qa'asın!
29 the multitude, therefore, having stood and heard, were saying that there has been thunder; others said, “A messenger has spoken to Him.”
Maa'ab ulyobzurne sabaranbışe eyhen: – Xəybı g'əhətqı'. Mansanbışed eyhen: – Mang'uka malaaik yuşan hı'ı.
30 Jesus answered and said, “This voice has not come because of Me, but because of you;
I'see manbışis alidghıniy qele: – Man ses Yizdemee deş, vuşdemee qadı.
31 now is a judgment of this world, now will the ruler of this world be cast forth;
İne dyunyeys məhkama alğahasda gah hipxhırna, in dyunye vuk'lek ıkkekkan iblis g'eheşşesda.
32 and I, if I may be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to Myself.”
Zı ooqa qa'amee, Zı gırgınbı Zalqa ts'ıts'a'as.
33 And this He said signifying by what death He was about to die;
I'see mane cuvabıka Vuc nəxüriy qik'asva eyhe.
34 the multitude answered Him, “We heard that the Christ remains out of the Law—throughout the age; and how do You say that it is required that the Son of Man be lifted up? Who is this—the Son of Man?” (aiōn )
Milletın Mang'us alidghıniy qele: – Şak'le Q'aanune g'ayxhiyn, Masixh gırgıne gahbışis axvas. Nya'a Ğu manke «İnsanna Dix ooqa qa'asva» eyhe? İna İnsanna Dix vuşune? (aiōn )
35 Therefore Jesus said to them, “Yet a short time is the light with you; walk while you have the light, that darkness may not overtake you; and he who is walking in the darkness has not known where he goes;
Manke I'see manbışik'le eyhen: – Sık'ınna gahnad Nur şol oğa ixhes. Nur vodnang'a iviykre, miç'axiyvalin şu uvqumaaqacen. Miç'axiyvalee iykarang'uk'le vuc nyaqa ark'ıniy ats'a eyxhen deş.
36 while you have the light, believe in the light, that you may become sons of light.” Jesus spoke these things, and having gone away, He was hid from them,
Nur vodnang'a Nurus inyam he'e, şu Nurun dixbı vuxhecenva. I'see manva uvhuyle qiyğa, mançe ark'ın dyugulexhena.
37 yet He, having done so many signs before them, they were not believing in Him,
I'see manbışde ögil manimeen əlaamatbı hagveeyid, manbışe Mang'ulqa inyam ha'a deş.
38 that the word of Isaiah the prophet might be fulfilled, which he said, “LORD, who gave credence to our report? And the arm of the LORD—to whom was it revealed?”
Man karbı, Yeşaya peyğambaree uvhiynbı xhinne, eyxhe: «Rəbb, şi uvhuynçilqa şavaane inyam hı'ı? Şavusne Rəbbina guc gyaagu?»
39 Because of this they were not able to believe, that again Isaiah said,
Manbışisse inyam ha'as əxə deşdiy, Yeşaya peyğambaree menne cigee inəxüd uvhuva:
40 “He has blinded their eyes, and hardened their heart, that they might not see with the eyes, and understand with the heart, and turn, and I might heal them”;
«Allahee manbışin uleppı bı'rq' qı'ı, yik'bıd g'ayelqa sak'al hı'ı, uleppışika g'ımececenva, yik'bışisıd haymeexhecenva, Mang'ulqab sivmiyk'alcen manbı yug qee'eva».
41 Isaiah said these things when he saw His glory, and spoke of Him.
Yeşayayk'le I'sayna axtıvalla g'avcuynçil-alla, man cuvab uvhu Mang'une hək'ee yuşan hı'ı.
42 Still, however, out of the rulers many also believed in Him, but because of the Pharisees they were not confessing, that they might not be put out of the synagogue,
Ç'ak'ınbışde geebınbışe I'salqa inyam he'eeyid, man manbışe ats'axhya'a deş. Fariseyaaşe co sinagogeençe g'e'eebaşeva, manbı qəvəyq'ən vooxhe.
43 for they loved the glory of men more than the glory of God.
Manbışis Allahee deş, insanaaşe cos q'iymat huvu vukkiykan.
44 And Jesus cried and said, “He who is believing in Me, does not believe in Me, but in Him who sent Me;
I'see axtıda eyhen: – Zalqa inyam ha'ang'vee Zalqa deş, Zı G'axuvuyng'ulqa inyam ha'a.
45 and He who is beholding Me, beholds Him who sent Me;
Zı g'eceng'uk'le Zı G'axuvuna g'ece.
46 I—light to the world—have come, that everyone who is believing in Me may not remain in the darkness;
Zalqa inyam ha'ana vuşucar miç'axiyvalee ımaxvacenva, Zı dyunyelqa Nur xhinnee qarı.
47 and if anyone may hear My sayings, and not believe, I do not judge him, for I did not come that I might judge the world, but that I might save the world.
Şavuk'leyiy Zı uvhuyn g'ayxhı man hidi'ı, Zı mana muhaakima ha'as deş. Zı dyunye muhaakima ha'asva deş, man g'attixhana'asva qarı.
48 He who is rejecting Me, and not receiving My sayings, has one who is judging him, the word that I spoke, that will judge him in the last day,
Zı əq'əna qı'ına, Yizın cuvab k'ane qıdya'ana sa karan muhaakima ha'as. Manıd Zı uvhuyn cuvab vod. Nekke qiyğiyne yiğıl mana mançin muhaakima ha'as.
49 because I did not speak from Myself, but the Father who sent Me, He gave Me a command, what I may say, and what I may speak,
Zı Zaled-alqa deş uvhu, Zı g'axuvuyne Dekkee hucooyiy eyhesva, nəxüdiy eyhesva Zalqa əmr hav'u.
50 and I have known that His command is continuous life; what, therefore, I speak, according as the Father has said to Me, so I speak.” (aiōnios )
Zak'le ats'an, Mang'una əmr gırgıne gahbışisda ı'mı'r vobna. Mançil-allad Dekkee Zak'le nəxüdiy uvhu, Zı həməxüdıd eyhen. (aiōnios )