< John 10 >

1 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who is not entering through the door to the fold of the sheep, but is going up from another side, that one is a thief and a robber;
“Yesu kawagambira, yoseri yakingira ndiri mulizizi lya kondolu kwa kupitira mlyangu, ira mulupenu na kwingira kwa njira yimonga, ayu ndo mwivi na mkwepula.
2 and he who is entering through the door is shepherd of the sheep;
Muntu yakingira kwa kupitira pamulyangu, ayu ndo mweni mlolera gwa kondolu.
3 the doorkeeper opens to this one, and the sheep hear his voice, and his own sheep he calls by name, and leads them forth;
Mlolera mlyangu kamvugulira yomberi, kondolu wapikinira liziwu lyakuwi, nayomberi kawashema kondolu wakuwi kila yumu litawu lyakuwi na kuwalonguziya kunja.
4 and when he may put forth his own sheep, he goes on before them, and the sheep follow him, because they have known his voice;
Pakawalavia kunja kawalongulera palongolu, nawomberi kondolu wamfata, kwani walimana liziwu lyakuwi.
5 and they will not follow a stranger, but will flee from him, because they have not known the voice of strangers.”
Kondolu awa hapeni wawezi kumfata muntu gwingi, ira watuga toziya walimana ndiri liziwu lyakuwi.”
6 Jesus spoke this allegory to them, and they did not know what the things were that He was speaking to them;
Yesu kawagambiriti mfanu agu, kumbiti womberi wavimana ndiri shakafiriti kuwagambira.
7 Jesus therefore said again to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, I AM the door of the sheep;
Su, Yesu katakula kayi, “Nakaka nuwagambireni, neni ndo mlyangu gwa kondolu.
8 all, as many as came before Me, are thieves and robbers, but the sheep did not hear them;
Wamonga woseri walii wiziti pamberi pa neni ndo wivi na wakwepula, kumbiti kondolu wawapikinira ndiri.
9 I AM the door, if anyone may come in through Me, he will be saved, and he will come in, and go out, and find pasture.
Neni ndo mlyangu. Yakingira kupitira neni hakalopoziwi, hakingiri na kulawa na hakapati maliziwu.
10 The thief does not come, except that he may steal, and kill, and destroy; I came that they may have life, and may have [it] abundantly.
Mwivi kizaga su kiwi na kalagi na kahalabisiyi. Neni niza mpati kuwera na ukomu, ukomu ukamilika.
11 I AM the good shepherd; the good shepherd lays His life down for the sheep;
“Neni ndo mlolera muheri. Mlolera muheri kalaviyaga ukomu wakuwi kwa kondolu wakuwi.
12 and the hired worker, and not being a shepherd, whose own the sheep are not, beholds the wolf coming, and leaves the sheep, and flees; and the wolf snatches them, and scatters the sheep;
Muntu gwa shibenamgongu, yomberi mlolera ndiri na wala kondolu wakuwi ndiri, pakamuwona liminyi kankwiza, kaleka kondolu na kutuga, liminyi kawabata wakondolu na kuwapalasiyanga.
13 and the hired worker flees because he is a hired worker, and is not caring for the sheep.
Muntu gwa shibenamgongu katuga toziya yomberi gwa shibenamgongu hera, hapeni kawaloleri wakondolu.
14 I AM the good shepherd, and I know My [sheep], and am known by Mine,
Neni ndo mlolera muheri. Nuwamana wakondolu wangu nawomberi wamana neni,
15 according as the Father knows Me, and I know the Father, and My life I lay down for the sheep,
gambira Tati ntambu yakamana neni, naneni ntambu yanummana Tati. Neni ndaviya ukomu wangu kwajili ya womberi.
16 and other sheep I have that are not of this fold, these also it is necessary for Me to bring, and My voice they will hear, and there will become one flock—one shepherd.
Nana wakondolu wamonga yawaweriti ndiri mulizizi ali. Inazimu kuwajega viraa, womberi hawalipikiniri liziwu lya neni, na hakuweri shipinga shimu na mlolera yumu.
17 Because of this the Father loves Me, because I lay down My life, that again I may take it;
“Tati kanfira neni toziya ndaviya ukomu wangu, su mpati kuwuwanka kayi.
18 no one takes it from Me, but I lay it down of Myself; authority I have to lay it down, and authority I have again to take it; this command I received from My Father.”
Kwahera muntu yakampoka ukomu wangu, neni nuwulaviya mweni. Nana uwezu wa kuwulaviya na kuwutola kayi. Hangu ndo Tati kandagaliriti ntendi.”
19 Therefore, again, there came a division among the Jews, because of these words,
Kuwera kayi na malekaniru pakati pa Wayawudi toziya ya visoweru avi.
20 and many of them said, “He has a demon, and is mad, why do you hear Him?”
Wantu wavuwa watakuliti, “Kana shamshera, kayi kanalukwali! Gwa shishi kumpikinira?”
21 Others said, “These sayings are not those of a demoniac; is a demon able to open blind men’s eyes?”
Wamonga walonga, “Shisoweru ashi sha muntu kana shamshera ndiri. Hashi, shamshera kaweza ashi kuponiziya muntu kana lwisi?”
22 And the Dedication in Jerusalem came, and it was winter,
Aku Yerusalemu kuweriti na msambu gwa kumlavilira Mlungu Numba nkulu ya Mlungu, shipindi ashi shiweriti sha mpepu.
23 and Jesus was walking in the temple, in the porch of Solomon,
Yesu kaweriti kankugendagenda Mnumba nkulu ya Mlungu pahala wapashemiti Mdamu gwa Selemani.
24 the Jews, therefore, came around Him and said to Him, “Until when do You hold our soul in suspense? If You are the Christ, tell us freely.”
Su, Wayawudi wamzyengeta Yesu, wamkosiya, “Hagutuleki pota na nakaka mpaka ndii? Gutugambiri nakaka pota kufifa, Hashi, gwenga ndo Kristu?”
25 Jesus answered them, “I told you, and you do not believe; the works that I do in the Name of My Father, these testify concerning Me;
Yesu kawankula, “Nuwagambireni kala, kumbiti mnjimira ndiri. Lihengu lyantenda neni kwa uwezu wa Tati gwangu wakuntakuziya.
26 but you do not believe, for you are not of My sheep,
Kumbiti mwenga mnjimira ndiri toziya mwenga mwa kondolu wa neni ndiri.
27 according as I said to you: My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me,
Wakondolu wangu wapikinira liziwu lyangu, neni nuwamana, nawomberi wanfati.
28 and I give continuous life to them, and they will not perish—throughout the age, and no one will snatch them out of My hand; (aiōn g165, aiōnios g166)
Neni nuwayupa ukomu wa mashaka goseri, nawomberi hapeni wahowi. Kwahera muntu yakaweza kuwawusiya mmawoku mwangu (aiōn g165, aiōnios g166)
29 My Father, who has given to Me, is greater than all, and no one is able to snatch out of the hand of My Father;
Tati gwangu ndo mweni yakanupiti hawa nayomberi ndo mkulu kuliku woseri. Kwahera yakaweza kuwawusiya mmawoku mwakuwi.
30 I and the Father are one.”
Neni na Tati, twayumu.”
31 Therefore, again, the Jews took up stones that they may stone Him;
Su, Wayawudi watola mabuwi wamgumi.
32 Jesus answered them, “I showed you many good works from My Father; because of which work of them do you stone Me?”
Yesu kawagambira, “Nuwalanguziyeni mahengu gavuwa kulawa kwa Tati. Nuwatendera shishi shamfira kung'uma na mabuwi?”
33 The Jews answered Him, saying, “We do not stone You for a good work, but for slander, and because You, being a man, make Yourself God.”
Wayawudi wamwankula, “Hapeni tukugumi kwajili ya matendu maheri, kumbiti kwa kumwigilanga Mlungu! Gwenga ndo muntu hera kumbiti mweni gwenga gulitenda kuwera Mlungu.”
34 Jesus answered them, “Is it not having been written in your law: I said, you are gods?
Yesu kawankula, “Walembiti Mumalagaliru genu, Neni nonga, ‘mwenga ndo milungu?’
35 If He called them gods to whom the word of God came (and the Writing is not able to be broken),
Mlungu kawashemiti milungu walii wawapanana ujumbi wakuwi, natwenga tuvimana handa Malembu Mananagala gatakula nakaka mashaka goseri.
36 of Him whom the Father sanctified and sent into the world, do you say—You slander, because I said, I am [the] Son of God?
Kumbiti neni, Tati ndo kansyaguliti na kantumiti pasipanu. Iwera ashi mung'ambira neni nigilanga toziya ntakuliti ‘Neni Namwana gwa Mlungu?’
37 If I do not do the works of My Father, do not believe Me;
Namunjimira neni, pamwona ntenda ndiri vitwatira vya Tati gwangu.
38 and if I do, even if you may not believe Me, believe the works, that you may know and may believe that the Father [is] in Me, and I in Him.”
Kumbiti pantenda vitwatira avi, ata pamunjimira ndiri neni, muvijimiri ata vitwatira vyantenda, su mpati kuvimana nakaka kulonga Tati ka mngati mwangu na neni namngati mwa Tati.”
39 Therefore they were seeking again to seize Him, and He went forth out of their hand,
Wajeriti kayi kumbata Yesu kumbiti kawukiti pakati pawu.
40 and went away again to the other side of the Jordan, to the place where John was at first immersing, and remained there,
Yesu kagenda kayi kumwambu ku lushemba Yoridani, pahala Yohani pakaweriti kankubatiza, kalikaliti aku.
41 and many came to Him and said, “John, indeed, did no sign, and all things, as many as John said about this One were true”;
Wantu wavuwa wamgenderiti pawalonga, “Yohani katenda ndiri liuzauza lyoseri, ira goseri Yohani gakatakuliti kuusu muntu ayu ndo nakaka.”
42 and many believed in Him there.
Na wantu wavuwa pahala palii wamjimira.

< John 10 >