< Joel 3 >

1 “For behold, in those days, and in that time, When I turn back [to] the captivity of Judah and Jerusalem,
“Jer, gle, u one dane i u ono vrijeme, kad okrenem udes Judeji i Jeruzalemu,
2 Then I have gathered all the nations, And caused them to go down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat, And I have been in judgment with them there, Concerning My people and My inheritance—Israel, Whom they scattered among nations, And My land they have apportioned.
sakupit ću sve narode i povesti ih u dolinu Jošafat. Ondje ću im suditi zbog Izraela, naroda mog i moje baštine, koju rastjeraše među narode i razdijeliše moju zemlju među se.
3 And for My people they cast a lot, And they give the young man for a harlot, And have sold the young woman for wine, That they may drink.
Baciše ždrijeb za moj narod; davali su dječake za bludnice, djevojke prodavali za vino i pili.”
4 And also, what [are] you to Me, O Tyre and Sidon, And all circuits of Philistia? Are you rendering repayment to Me? And if you are giving repayment to Me, Swiftly, quickly, I return your repayment on your head.
“I vi, Tire i Sidone, što hoćete od mene? I vi, filistejski kraljevi? Želite li mi se osvetiti? Ako se budete svetili meni, osveta će brzo na vaše glave.
5 In that My silver and My gold you took, And My desirable things that are good, You have brought into your temples.
Na vas što mi oteste srebro i zlato, što odnesoste bogate mi riznice u svoje hramove,
6 And sons of Judah, and sons of Jerusalem, You have sold to the sons of Javan, To put them far off from their border.
na vas koji prodavaste Grcima sinove Jude i Jeruzalema da biste ih otjerali od domovine njihove.
7 Behold, I am stirring them up out of the place To where you have sold them, And I have turned back your repayment on your head,
Gle, ja ih kanim dići s mjesta gdje god ih prodaste, i učinit ću da vam zločin vaš padne na glave.
8 And have sold your sons and your daughters Into the hand of the sons of Judah, And they have sold them to Sabeans, To a nation far off, for YHWH has spoken.”
Prodat ću vaše sinove i kćeri sinovima Judinim, a oni će ih prodat' Sabejcima, daleku narodu. Jer Jahve reče!”
9 Proclaim this among nations, Sanctify a war, stir up the mighty ones, Come near, come up, let all the men of war.
Razglasite ovo među narodima! Posvetite se za rat! Dižite junake! Naprijed, navalite, svi ratnici!
10 Beat your plowshares to swords, And your pruning-hooks to javelins, Let the weak say, “I [am] mighty.”
Prekujte raonike u mačeve, kosire u koplja, nek' slabić kaže: “Junak sam!”
11 Hurry, and come in, all you nations around, And be gathered together, There cause to come down, O YHWH, Your mighty ones.
Pohitajte i dođite, svi okolni narodi, i ondje se saberite! (Jahve, onamo pošalji svoje junake!)
12 “Let the nations wake and come up to the Valley of Jehoshaphat, For there I sit to judge all the nations around.
“Budite se, narodi, stupajte u Dolinu Jošafat, jer ću ondje sjesti da sudim svim okolnim narodima.
13 Send forth a sickle, For harvest has ripened, Come in, come down, for the press has been filled, Winepresses have overflowed, For great [is] their wickedness.”
Hvatajte se srpa: ljetina je zrela. Ustanite, siđite: tijesak je pun, prelijevaju se kace, jer je velika zloća njihova.”
14 Multitudes, multitudes [are] in the Valley of Decision, For near [is] the Day of YHWH in the Valley of Decision.
Mnoštvo, mnoštvo u Dolini Odluke! Da, blizu je dan Jahvin u Dolini Odluke!
15 Sun and moon have been black, And stars have gathered up their shining.
Sunce i mjesec pomrčaše, zvijezde potamnješe.
16 And YHWH roars from Zion, And gives forth His voice from Jerusalem, And the heavens and earth have shaken, And YHWH [is] a refuge to His people, And a stronghold to sons of Israel.
Jahve grmi sa Siona, glas diže iz Jeruzalema; nebo se i zemlja tresu. Ali je Jahve utočište svome narodu i zaštita sinovima Izraela.
17 “And you have known that I [am] your God YHWH, Dwelling in Zion, My holy mountain, And Jerusalem has been holy, And strangers do not pass over into it again.”
“Znat ćete tada da sam ja Jahve vaš Bog što stoluje na Sionu, svetoj gori svojoj. Jeruzalem će biti svetište, tuđinac više neće kroza nj proći.”
18 And it has come to pass in that day, The mountains drop down juice, And the hills flow [with] milk, And all streams of Judah go [with] water, And a fountain from the house of YHWH goes forth, And has watered the Valley of Shittim.
Kad dođe taj dan, kapat će gore moštom, iz bregova će brizgati mlijeko, kroza sva korita riječna u Judeji voda će proteći. Vrelo će šiknuti iz kuće Jahvine da natopi Dolinu sitimsku.
19 “Egypt becomes a desolation, And Edom becomes a desolation, a wilderness, For violence [to] sons of Judah, Whose innocent blood they shed in their land.
Egipat će opustjeti, Edom će postati beživotna pustinja zbog nasilja učinjena sinovima Judinim, jer proliše krv nevinu u njihovoj zemlji.
20 And Judah dwells for all time, And Jerusalem to generation and generation.
Judeja će dovijek biti naseljena i Jeruzalem u sva koljena.
21 And I have declared their blood innocent, [That] I did not declare innocent, And YHWH is dwelling in Zion!”
“Osvetit ću krv njihovu za koju se nisam još osvetio.” Jahve će dići Dom svoj na Sionu.

< Joel 3 >