< Job 6 >
1 And Job answers and says:
And Job answereth and saith: —
2 “O that my provocation were thoroughly weighed, And my calamity in balances They would lift up together!
O that my provocation were thoroughly weighed, And my calamity in balances They would lift up together!
3 For now it is heavier than the sands of the sea, Therefore my words have been rash.
For now, than the sands of the sea it is heavier, Therefore my words have been rash.
4 For arrows of the Mighty [are] with me, Whose poison is drinking up my spirit. Terrors of God array themselves [for] me!
For arrows of the Mighty [are] with me, Whose poison is drinking up my spirit. Terrors of God array themselves [for] me!
5 Does a wild donkey bray over tender grass? Does an ox low over his provender?
Brayeth a wild ass over tender grass? Loweth an ox over his provender?
6 Is an insipid thing eaten without salt? Is there sense in the drivel of dreams?
Eaten is an insipid thing without salt? Is there sense in the drivel of dreams?
7 My soul is refusing to touch! They [are] as my sickening food.
My soul is refusing to touch! They [are] as my sickening food.
8 O that my request may come, That God may grant my hope!
O that my request may come, That God may grant my hope!
9 That God would please—and bruise me, Loose His hand and cut me off!
That God would please — and bruise me, Loose His hand and cut me off!
10 And yet it is my comfort (And I exult in pain—He does not spare), That I have not hidden The sayings of the Holy One.
And yet it is my comfort, (And I exult in pain — He doth not spare, ) That I have not hidden The sayings of the Holy One.
11 What [is] my power that I should hope? And what [is] my end that I should prolong my life?
What [is] my power that I should hope? And what mine end That I should prolong my life?
12 Is my strength the strength of stones? Is my flesh bronze?
Is my strength the strength of stones? Is my flesh brazen?
13 Is my help not with me, And substance driven from me?
Is not my help with me, And substance driven from me?
14 To a despiser of his friends [is] shame, And the fear of the Mighty he forsakes.
To a despiser of his friends [is] shame, And the fear of the Mighty he forsaketh.
15 My brothers have deceived as a brook, As a stream of brooks they pass away.
My brethren have deceived as a brook, As a stream of brooks they pass away.
16 That are black because of ice, By them snow hides itself.
That are black because of ice, By them doth snow hide itself.
17 By the time they are warm they have been cut off, By its being hot they have been Extinguished from their place.
By the time they are warm they have been cut off, By its being hot they have been Extinguished from their place.
18 The paths turn aside of their way, They ascend into emptiness, and are lost.
Turn aside do the paths of their way, They ascend into emptiness, and are lost.
19 Passengers of Tema looked expectingly, Travelers of Sheba hoped for them.
Passengers of Tema looked expectingly, Travellers of Sheba hoped for them.
20 They were ashamed that one has trusted, They have come to it and are confounded.
They were ashamed that one hath trusted, They have come unto it and are confounded.
21 Surely now you have become the same! You see a downfall, and are afraid.
Surely now ye have become the same! Ye see a downfall, and are afraid.
22 Is it because I said, Give to me? And, By your power bribe for me?
Is it because I said, Give to me? And, By your power bribe for me?
23 And, Deliver me from the hand of an adversary? And, Ransom me from the hand of terrible ones?
And, Deliver me from the hand of an adversary? And, From the hand of terrible ones ransom me?
24 Show me, and I keep silent, And what I have erred, let me understand.
Shew me, and I — I keep silent, And what I have erred, let me understand.
25 How powerful have been upright sayings, And what reproof from you reproves?
How powerful have been upright sayings, And what doth reproof from you reprove?
26 For reproof—do you reckon words? And for wind—sayings of the desperate?
For reproof — do you reckon words? And for wind — sayings of the desperate.
27 You cause anger to fall on the fatherless, And are strange to your friend.
Anger on the fatherless ye cause to fall, And are strange to your friend.
28 And now, please, look on me, Even to your face do I lie?
And, now, please, look upon me, Even to your face do I lie?
29 Please turn back, let it not be perverseness, Indeed, turn back again—my righteousness [is] in it.
Turn back, I pray you, let it not be perverseness, Yea, turn back again — my righteousness [is] in it.
30 Is there perverseness in my tongue? Does my palate not discern calamity?”
Is there in my tongue perverseness? Discerneth not my palate desirable things?