< Job 40 >

1 And YHWH answers Job and says:
Korero mai ano a Ihowa ki a Hopa, i mea,
2 “Is the striver with the Mighty instructed? The reprover of God, let him answer it.”
E tohe ana ranei ki te Kaha Rawa te tangata whakatohutohu? Ma te tangata e whakatupehupehu ana ki te Atua, mana e korero mai.
3 And Job answers YHWH and says:
Ano ra ko Hopa ki a Ihowa; i mea ia,
4 “Behold, I have been vile, What do I return to You? I have placed my hand on my mouth.
Nana, ehara noa iho ahau. Ko te aha taku e whakahoki atu ai ki a koe? Ka kopania toku ringa ki toku mangai.
5 I have spoken once, and I do not answer, And twice, and I do not add.”
Kua kotahi taku koreotanga, a e kore ahau e whakahoki kupu atu; a tuarua rawa, otira kahore atu aku.
6 And YHWH answers Job out of the whirlwind and says:
Katahi ka whakahokia mai e Ihowa ki a Hopa i roto i te tukauati, ka mea,
7 “Now gird your loins as a man, I ask you, and you cause Me to know.
Tena ra, whakatane, whitikiria tou hope, a ka ui atu ahau ki a koe, mau ano e whakaatu mai ki ahau.
8 Do you also make My judgment void? Do you condemn Me, That you may be righteous?
Me whakakahore ano ranei e koe taku whakawa? Me whakahe ki ahau kia whakatikaia ai tau?
9 And do you have an arm like God? And do you thunder with a voice like His?
He ringa pera ranei tou i to te Atua? He reo whatitiri ranei tou, he pera i tona?
10 Now put on excellence and loftiness, Indeed, put on splendor and beauty.
Tena ra, rakai i a koe inaianei ki te rangatiratanga, ki te kororia; tatai i a koe ki te honore, ki te mana.
11 Scatter abroad the wrath of your anger, And see every proud one, and make him low.
Ringihia atu te puhaketanga o tou riri; tirohia atu nga mea whakakake katoa, whakaititia iho.
12 See every proud one—humble him, And tread down the wicked in their place.
Titiro atu ki nga mea whakakake katoa, whakapikoa iho; takahia iho ano hoki te hunga kino i te wahi e tu na ratou.
13 Hide them in the dust together, Bind their faces in secret.
Huihuia atu ratou, huna ki te puehu, herea o ratou mata ki te wahi ngaro.
14 And even I praise you, For your right hand gives salvation to you.
Na ko reira ahau whakaae ai ki a koe, ma tou ringa matau ano koe e whakaora.
15 Now behold, behemoth, That I made with you: He eats grass as an ox.
Na whakaaroa a Pehemoto, he mea hanga ngatahi korua naku; e kai ra i te tarutaru, ano he kau.
16 Now behold, his power [is] in his loins, And his strength in the muscles of his belly.
Nana, ko tona kaha kei tona hope, ko tona pakaritanga kei nga uaua o tona kopu.
17 He bends his tail as a cedar, The sinews of his thighs are wrapped together,
Ko tona hiawero, ano he hita e tawhiria ana e ia: powhiwhiwhi tonu nga uaua o tona huha.
18 His bones [are] tubes of bronze, His bones [are] as a bar of iron.
Ko ona wheua, ano he korere parahi; ko ona rara, he poro rino.
19 He [is] a beginning of the ways of God, His Maker [alone] brings His sword near;
Ko ia te tino mea nui o nga ara o te Atua: ko tona kaihanga anake hei whakapa i tana hoari ki a ia.
20 For mountains bear food for him, And all the beasts of the field play there.
He pono ko nga maunga hei homai kai mana; kei reira ano e takaro ana nga kirehe katoa o te parae.
21 He lies down under shades, In a secret place of reed and marsh.
Ko tona takotoranga ko raro i nga rakau kouru nui, i te rake kakaho, i te repo.
22 Shades cover him, [with] their shadow, Willows of the brook cover him.
Hei taupoki mona te whakamarumaru o nga rakau kouru nui, kei tetahi taha ona, kei tetahi taha, nga wirou o te awa.
23 Behold, a flood oppresses—he does not hurry, He is confident though Jordan Comes forth to his mouth.
Nana, ki te aki mai te waipuke, e kore ia e tuiri; u tonu tona whakaaro, ahakoa kokiri noa mai a Horano ki tona mangai.
24 Does [one] take him by his eyes? Does [one] pierce the nose with snares?”
E hopukia ranei ia e tetahi i a ia e mataara ana, e poka ranei i tona ihu ki te rore, puta noa?

< Job 40 >