< Job 36 >

1 And Elihu adds and says:
Elihu ya ci gaba,
2 “Honor me a little, and I show you, That yet for God [are] words.
“Ka ɗan ƙara haƙuri da ni kaɗan, zan kuma nuna maka cewa akwai sauran abubuwan da zan faɗa a madadin Allah.
3 I lift up my knowledge from afar, And I ascribe righteousness to my Maker.
Daga nesa na sami sanina; zan nuna cewa Mahaliccina shi mai gaskiya ne.
4 For my words [are] truly not false, The perfect in knowledge [is] with you.
Abin da zan gaya maka ba ƙarya ba ne; mai cikakken sani yana tare da kai.
5 Behold, God [is] mighty, and does not despise, Mighty [in] power [and] heart.
“Allah mai iko ne, amma ba ya rena mutane; shi mai girma ne cikin manufarsa.
6 He does not revive the wicked, And appoints the judgment of the poor;
Ba ya barin mugaye da rai sai dai yana ba waɗanda ake tsanantawa hakkinsu.
7 He does not withdraw His eyes from the righteous, And [from] kings on the throne, And causes them to sit forever, and they are high,
Ba ya fasa duban masu adalci; yana sa su tare da sarakuna yana ɗaukaka su har abada.
8 And if prisoners in chains They are captured with cords of affliction,
Amma in mutane suna daure da sarƙoƙi, ƙunci kuma ya daure su,
9 Then He declares to them their work, And their transgressions, Because they have become mighty,
yana gaya musu abin da suka yi, cewa sun yi zunubi da girman kai.
10 And He uncovers their ear for instruction, And commands that they turn back from iniquity.
Yana sa su saurari gyara yă kuma umarce su su tuba daga muguntarsu.
11 If they hear and serve, They complete their days in good, And their years in pleasantness.
In sun yi biyayya suka bauta masa, za su yi rayuwa dukan kwanakinsu cikin wadata shekarunsu kuma cikin kwanciyar zuciya.
12 And if they do not listen, They pass away by the dart, And expire without knowledge.
Amma in ba su saurara ba, za su hallaka da takobi kuma za su mutu ba ilimi.
13 And the profane in heart set the face, They do not cry when He has bound them.
“Waɗanda ba su da Allah a zuciyarsu su ne suke riƙe fushi; ko sa’ad da ya ba su horo, ba su neman taimakonsa.
14 Their soul dies in youth, And their life among the defiled.
Suna mutuwa tun suna matasa, cikin ƙazamar rayuwar karuwanci.
15 He draws out the afflicted in his affliction, And uncovers their ear in oppression.
Amma yana kuɓutar da masu wahala; yana magana da su cikin wahalarsu.
16 And He also moved you from a narrow place [To] a broad place—no constriction under it, And the sitting beyond of your table has been full of fatness.
“Yana so yă rinjaye ka daga haƙoran ƙunci, zuwa wuri mai sauƙi inda ba matsi zuwa teburinka cike da abincin da kake so.
17 And you have fulfilled the judgment of the wicked, Judgment and justice are upheld because of fury,
Amma yanzu an cika ka da hukuncin da ya kamata a yi wa mugaye; shari’a da kuma gaskiya sun kama ka.
18 Lest He move you with a stroke, And the abundance of an atonement not turn you aside.
Ka yi hankali kada wani yă ruɗe ka da arziki; kada ka bar toshiya ta sa ka juya.
19 Does He value your riches? He has gold, and all the forces of power.
Dukiyarka ko dukan yawan ƙoƙarinka sun isa su riƙe ka su hana ka shan ƙunci?
20 Do not desire the night, For the going up of peoples in their stead.
Kada ka yi marmari dare yă yi, don a fitar da mutane daga gidajensu.
21 Take heed—do not turn to iniquity, For you have fixed on this Rather than [on] affliction.
Ka kula kada ka juya ga mugunta, abin da ka fi so fiye da wahala.
22 Behold, God sits on high by His power, Who [is] like Him—a teacher?
“An ɗaukaka Allah cikin ikonsa. Wane ne malami kamar sa?
23 Who has appointed to Him His way? And who said, You have done iniquity?
Wane ne ya nuna masa hanyar da zai bi, ko kuma wane ne ya ce masa, ‘Ba ka yi daidai ba?’
24 Remember that you magnify His work That men have beheld.
Ka tuna ka ɗaukaka aikinsa, waɗanda mutane suka yaba a cikin waƙa.
25 All men have looked on it, Man looks attentively from afar.
Dukan’yan adam sun gani; mutane sun hanga daga nesa.
26 Behold, God [is] high, And we do not know the number of His years, Indeed, there [is] no searching.
Allah mai girma ne, ya wuce ganewarmu! Yawan shekarunsa ba su bincikuwa.
27 When He diminishes droppings of the waters, They refine rain according to its vapor,
“Yana sa ruwa yă zama tururi yă zubo daga sama.
28 Which clouds drop, They distill on man abundantly.
Gizagizai suna zubo da raɓarsu kuma ruwan sama yana zubowa’yan adam a wadace.
29 Indeed, do [any] understand The spreadings out of a cloud? The noises of His dwelling place?
Wane ne zai iya gane yadda ya shimfiɗa gizagizai yadda yake tsawa daga wurin zamansa?
30 Behold, He has spread His light over it, And He has covered the roots of the sea,
Dubi yadda ya baza walƙiyarsa kewaye da shi, tana haskaka zurfin teku.
31 For He judges peoples by them, He gives food in abundance.
Haka yake mulkin al’ummai yana kuma tanada abinci a wadace.
32 By two palms He has covered the light, And lays a charge over it in meeting,
Yana cika hannuwansa da walƙiya kuma yana ba ta umarni tă fāɗi a inda ya yi nufi.
33 His shout shows it, The livestock also, the rising [storm].”
Tsawarsa tana nuna cewa babbar iska da ruwa suna zuwa; ko shanu sun san da zuwansa.

< Job 36 >