< Job 27 >
1 And Job adds to lift up his allegory and says:
addidit quoque Iob adsumens parabolam suam et dixit
2 “God lives! He turned aside my judgment, And the Mighty—He made my soul bitter.
vivit Deus qui abstulit iudicium meum et Omnipotens qui ad amaritudinem adduxit animam meam
3 For all the while my breath [is] in me, And the wind of God in my nostrils.
quia donec superest halitus in me et spiritus Dei in naribus meis
4 My lips do not speak perverseness, And my tongue does not utter deceit.
non loquentur labia mea iniquitatem nec lingua mea meditabitur mendacium
5 Defilement to me—if I justify you, Until I expire I do not turn aside my integrity from me.
absit a me ut iustos vos esse iudicem donec deficiam non recedam ab innocentia mea
6 On my righteousness I have laid hold, And I do not let it go, My heart does not reproach me while I live.
iustificationem meam quam coepi tenere non deseram nec enim reprehendit me cor meum in omni vita mea
7 My enemy is as the wicked, And my withstander as the perverse.
sit ut impius inimicus meus et adversarius meus quasi iniquus
8 For what [is] the hope of the profane, When He cuts off? When God casts off his soul?
quae enim spes est hypocritae si avare rapiat et non liberet Deus animam eius
9 [Does] God hear his cry, When distress comes on him?
numquid clamorem eius Deus audiet cum venerit super illum angustia
10 Does he delight himself on the Mighty? Call God at all times?
aut poterit in Omnipotente delectari et invocare Deum in omni tempore
11 I show you by the hand of God, That which [is] with the Mighty I do not hide.
docebo vos per manum Dei quae Omnipotens habeat nec abscondam
12 Behold, you—all of you—have seen, And why [is] this—you are altogether vain?
ecce vos omnes nostis et quid sine causa vana loquimini
13 This [is] the portion of wicked man with God, And the inheritance of terrible ones They receive from the Mighty.
haec est pars hominis impii apud Deum et hereditas violentorum quam ab Omnipotente suscipient
14 If his sons multiply—a sword [is] for them. And his offspring [are] not satisfied [with] bread.
si multiplicati fuerint filii eius in gladio erunt et nepotes eius non saturabuntur pane
15 His remnant are buried in death, And his widows do not weep.
qui reliqui fuerint ex eo sepelientur in interitu et viduae illius non plorabunt
16 If he heaps up silver as dust, And prepares clothing as clay,
si conportaverit quasi terram argentum et sicut lutum praeparaverit vestimenta
17 He prepares—and the righteous puts [it] on, And the innocent apportions the silver.
praeparabit quidem sed iustus vestietur illis et argentum innocens dividet
18 He has built his house as a moth, And as a shelter a watchman has made.
aedificavit sicut tinea domum suam et sicut custos fecit umbraculum
19 He lies down rich, and he is not gathered, He has opened his eyes, and he is not.
dives cum dormierit nihil secum auferet aperit oculos suos et nihil inveniet
20 Terrors overtake him as waters, By night a whirlwind has stolen him away.
adprehendit eum quasi aqua inopia nocte opprimet eum tempestas
21 An east wind takes him up, and he goes, And it frightens him from his place,
tollet eum ventus urens et auferet et velut turbo rapiet eum de loco suo
22 And it casts at him, and does not spare, He diligently flees from its hand.
et mittet super eum et non parcet de manu eius fugiens fugiet
23 It claps its hands at him, And it hisses at him from his place.”
stringet super eum manus suas et sibilabit super illum intuens locum eius