< Job 20 >

1 And Zophar the Naamathite answers and says:
Sai Zofar mutumin Na’ama ya amsa,
2 “Therefore my thoughts cause me to answer, And because of my sensations in me.
“Tunanin da ya dame ni ya sa dole in amsa domin abin ya dame ni sosai.
3 I hear the discipline of my shame, And the spirit of my understanding causes me to answer:
Na ji wani zargin da ka yi mini na reni, kuma yadda na gane, shi ya sa zan ba da amsa.
4 Have you known this from antiquity? Since the placing of man on earth?
“Ba shakka ka san yadda abin yake tuntuni, tun da aka sa mutum cikin duniya,
5 That the singing of the wicked [is] short, And the joy of the profane for a moment,
mugun mutum bai taɓa daɗewa ba, farin cikin mutum na ɗan gajeren lokaci ne.
6 Though his excellence goes up to the heavens, He strikes his head against a cloud—
Ko da ya ƙasaita ya kai sararin sama, kansa kuma yana taɓa gizagizai.
7 He perishes as his own dung forever, His beholders say, Where [is] he?
Zai hallaka har abada, kamar bayan gidansa; waɗanda suka gan shi za su ce, ‘Ina yake?’
8 He flees as a dream, and they do not find him, And he is driven away as a vision of the night,
Kamar mafarki haka zai ɓace, ba za a ƙara ganinsa ba zai ɓace kamar wahayi da dare.
9 The eye has not seen him, and does not add. And his place does not behold him again.
Idon da ya gan shi ba zai ƙara ganinsa ba; wurin zamansa ba zai sāke ganinsa ba.
10 His sons oppress the poor, And his hands give back his wealth.
Dole’ya’yansa su mayar wa matalauta abin da ya kamata; dole hannuwansa su mayar da dukiyarsa.
11 His bones have been full of his youth, and it lies down with him on the dust.
Jin ƙarfi da ya cika ƙasusuwansa zai kwantar da shi a cikin ƙura.
12 Though he sweetens evil in his mouth, hides it under his tongue,
“Ko da yake mugunta tana da daɗi a bakinsa kuma yana ɓoye ta a harshensa,
13 has pity on it, and does not forsake it, and keeps it back in the midst of his palate,
ko da yake ba zai iya rabuwa da ita ba, yana kuma ajiye ta a bakinsa,
14 his food is turned in his bowels, the bitterness of cobras [is] in his heart.
duk da haka abincin da ya ci zai zama da tsami a cikin cikinsa; zai zama kamar dafin maciji a cikinsa.
15 He has swallowed wealth, and vomits it. God drives it out from his belly.
Zai haras da dukiyar da ya haɗiye; Allah zai sa cikinsa yă haras da su.
16 He sucks [the] gall of cobras, the tongue of a viper slays him.
Zai sha dafin maciji; sarar maciji mai dafi za tă tashe shi.
17 He does not look on streams, Flowing of brooks of honey and butter.
Ba zai ji daɗin koguna da rafuffuka masu kwarara da zuma da madara ba.
18 He is giving back [what] he labored for, and does not consume [it]; As a bulwark [is] his exchange, and he does not exult.
Dole yă ba da abin da ya yi gumi kafin yă samu, ba zai ci ba; ba zai ji daɗin ribar da ya samu daga kasuwancinsa ba.
19 For he oppressed—he forsook the poor, He has taken a house away violently, And he does not build it.
Gama ya ci zalin talakawa ya bar su cikin wahala; ya ƙwace gidajen da ba shi ya gina ba.
20 For he has not known ease in his belly. With his desirable thing he does not deliver himself.
“Ba shakka ba zai samu abin da yake ƙoƙarin samu ba, dukiyarsa ba za tă cece shi ba.
21 There is not a remnant to his food, Therefore his good does not stay.
Ba abin da ya ragu da zai ɗauka; arzikinsa ba zai dawwama ba.
22 In the fullness of his sufficiency he is constricted. Every perverse hand meets him.
Yana cikin samun arziki, ɓacin rai zai auka masa; ƙunci mai ƙarfi zai zo masa.
23 It comes to pass, at the filling of his belly, He sends forth against him The fierceness of His anger, Indeed, He rains on him in his eating.
Lokacin da ya cika cikinsa, Allah zai zuba fushinsa a kansa, zai daddaka shi.
24 He flees from an iron weapon, A bow of bronze passes through him.
Ko da yake yana guje wa makamin ƙarfe, kibiya mai bakin tagulla za tă huda shi.
25 One has drawn, And it comes out from the body, And a glittering weapon proceeds from his gall. Terrors [are] on him.
Zai zāre ta daga bayansa, tsinin zai fita daga hantarsa; tsoro zai cika shi;
26 All darkness is hid for his treasures, A fire not blown consumes him, The remnant is broken in his tent.
duhu kawai yake jiran dukiyarsa. Wutar da ba a fifita ba za tă cinye shi ta kuma ƙona duk abin da ya rage a tentinsa.
27 The heavens reveal his iniquity, And earth is raising itself against him.
Sammai za su fallasa laifinsa; duniya za tă yi gāba da shi.
28 The increase of his house is removed, Poured forth in a day of His anger.
Ambaliyar ruwa za tă tafi da gidansa, ruwaye masu gudu a ranar fushin Allah.
29 This [is] the portion of a wicked man from God. And an inheritance appointed him by God.”
Abin da Allah zai sa yă faru da mugu ke nan, gādon da Allah ya ba shi ke nan.”

< Job 20 >