< Job 18 >

1 And Bildad the Shuhite answers and says:
Mgbe ahụ Bildad onye Shua zara sị:
2 “When do you set an end to words? Consider, and afterward we speak.
“Ruo ole mgbe ka ị ga-ekwubi okwu ndị a ị na-ekwu? Nwee ezi uche ka anyị kparịtaa ụka.
3 Why have we been reckoned as livestock? We have been defiled in your eyes!
Gịnị mere i ji were anyị dịka anụ ọhịa, gụọ anyị dịka ndị na-enweghị uche nʼanya gị?
4 He is tearing himself in his anger. Is earth forsaken for your sake? And is a rock removed from its place?
Gị onye na-eji iwe adọkasị onwe gị, a ga-ahapụ ụwa nʼihi gị? Ka a ga-enupu oke nkume nʼọnọdụ ha?
5 Also, the light of the wicked is extinguished. And there does not shine a spark of his fire.
“A na-afụnyụ oriọna nke onye na-emebi iwu; ire ọkụ ya ga-akwụsịkwa inwu enwu,
6 The light has been dark in his tent, And his lamp over him is extinguished.
ìhè nke dị nʼime ụlọ ikwu ya na-abụ ọchịchịrị, oriọna nke dị nʼakụkụ ya na-anyụkwa.
7 The steps of his strength are restricted, And his own counsel casts him down.
Ike agakwaghị adị na nzọ ukwu ya; atụmatụ ya onwe ya ga-atụda ya nʼala.
8 For he is sent into a net by his own feet, And he habitually walks on a snare.
Ụkwụ ya na-eduba ya nʼọnya; ọ na-akpagharị na-adaba nʼime oghere.
9 A trap seizes on the heel, The designing prevails over him.
Ọnya na-ejide ikiri ụkwụ ya, ọnya ahụ na-ejidesi ya ike.
10 His cord is hidden in the earth, And his trap on the path.
E zobere ya ụdọ ọnya igbudu nʼala, ihe e ji ejide ya na-echere ya nʼụzọ ya.
11 Terrors have terrified him all around, And they have scattered him—at his feet.
Ihe egwu na-emenye ya ụjọ nʼakụkụ niile, na-agbasokwa nzọ ụkwụ ya niile.
12 His sorrow is hungry, And calamity is ready at his side.
Ịla nʼiyi na-achọsi ya ike; mbibi nọkwa na njikere na-eche mgbe ọ ga-ada.
13 It consumes the parts of his skin, Death’s firstborn consumes his parts.
Mbibi na-eripịa akụkụ anụ ahụ ya; ọkpara ọnwụ na-eripịa ahụ ya niile.
14 His confidence is drawn from his tent, And it causes him to step to the king of terrors.
Esi na nchekwa nke ụlọ ikwu ya dọpụta ya duru ya jekwuru eze nke ihe egwu niile.
15 It dwells in his tent—out of his provender, Sulfur is scattered over his habitation.
Ọkụ na-ebi nʼime ụlọ ikwu ya; a ga-efesasị nkume na-enwu ọkụ nʼebe obibi ya.
16 From beneath his roots are dried up, And from above his crop is cut off.
Mgbọrọgwụ ya na-akpọ nkụ nʼime ala, alaka ya ga-akpọnwụ nʼelu.
17 His memorial has perished from the land, And he has no name on the street.
A gaghị echeta echiche ya nʼụwa ọzọ, o nweghị onye ọbụla na-echetakwa aha ya.
18 They thrust him from light to darkness, And cast him out from the habitable earth.
A na-esite nʼìhè chụba ya nʼọchịchịrị, otu a kwa, a na-achụpụkwa ya site nʼụwa.
19 He has no continuator, Nor successor among his people, And none is remaining in his dwellings.
O nweghị ụmụ, o nwekwaghị ụmụ ụmụ nʼetiti ndị ya, ọ dịghị onye fọdụrụ nʼebe o bi na mbụ.
20 At this day, those [in the] west have been astonished, And those [in the] east have taken fright.
Ọnọdụ ya na-eju ndị si nʼọdịda anyanwụ anya; oke egwu na-ejidekwa ndị si nʼọwụwa anyanwụ nʼihi ya.
21 Only these [are] dwelling places of the perverse, And this [is] the place God has not known.”
Nʼezie, otu a ka ebe obibi nke onye ajọ omume dị, ee, bụ onye ahụ nke na-amaghị Chineke.”

< Job 18 >