< Jeremiah 52 >

1 Zedekiah [is] a son of twenty-one years in his reigning, and he has reigned eleven years in Jerusalem, and the name of his mother [is] Hamutal daughter of Jeremiah of Libnah.
Sedesyas te gen venteyennan lè li vin wa peyi Jida. Li pase onzan lavil Jerizalèm ap gouvènen peyi a. Manman l' te rele Amoutal. Se te pitit fi Jeremi, moun lavil Libna.
2 And he does evil in the eyes of YHWH, according to all that Jehoiakim has done,
Wa Sedesyas te fè sa ki mal devan Bondye menm jan ak Jojakim.
3 for because of the anger of YHWH, it has been in Jerusalem and Judah until He has cast them from before His face, and Zedekiah rebels against the king of Babylon.
Se konsa, Seyè a te fache ni sou moun lavil Jerizalèm yo, ni sou moun peyi Jida yo, jouk jou li wete yo devan je l'. Sedesyas te pran lezam kont Nèbikadneza, wa Babilòn lan.
4 And it comes to pass, in the ninth year of his reign, in the tenth month, on the tenth of the month, Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon has come—he and all his force—against Jerusalem, and they encamp against it, and build against it a fortification all around;
Se konsa, sou dezyèm jou dizyèm mwa nevyèm lanne depi Sedesyas te wa a, Nèbikadneza, wa Babilòn lan, vin atake lavil Jerizalèm ak tout lame li a. Yo moute kan yo devan miray lavil la, yo mete ranblè nan pye miray yo. Yo sènen l' nèt.
5 and the city comes into siege until the eleventh year of King Zedekiah.
Yo fèmen lavil la depi lè sa a rive sou onzyèm lanne rèy wa Sedeisas la.
6 In the fourth month, on the ninth of the month, when the famine is severe in the city, and there has been no bread for the people of the land,
Sou nevyèm jou katriyèm mwa menm lanne sa a, te gen yon sèl grangou nan lavil la, moun yo pa t' gen anyen pou yo manje ankò.
7 then the city is broken up, and all the men of war flee, and go forth from the city by night, the way of the gate between the two walls that [is] by the king’s garden—and the Chaldeans [are] by the city all around—and they go the way of the plain.
Yo fè yon twou nan miray yo. Atout lame moun Babilòn yo te sènen lavil la nèt, tout sòlda jwif yo met deyò, yo kite lavil la nan mitan lannwit, yo pase nan mitan jaden wa a, yo desann nan wout pòtay la nan mitan de miray yo, yo pran chemen Fon Jouden an pou yo.
8 And the forces of the Chaldeans pursue after the king, and overtake Zedekiah in the plains of Jericho, and all his forces have been scattered from him,
Men, lame moun Babilòn yo rapouswiv wa Sedesyas. Lè yo rive nan plenn bò lavil Jeriko yo, yo mete men sou li. Lè sa a, tout sòlda li yo gaye, yo kouri kite l'.
9 and they capture the king, and bring him up to the king of Babylon at Riblah, in the land of Hamath, and he speaks with him—judgments.
Lènmi yo pran wa a, yo mennen l' bay wa Babilòn lan, ki te lavil Ribla nan peyi Amat la. Se la Nèbikadneza jije li.
10 And the king of Babylon slaughters the sons of Zedekiah before his eyes, and he has also slaughtered all the princes of Judah in Riblah;
Antan yo lavil Ribla, li fè yo koupe kou tout pitit wa Sedesyas yo devan wa a. Li fè koupe kou tout chèf peyi Jida yo tou.
11 and he has blinded the eyes of Zedekiah, and he binds him in bronze chains, and the king of Babylon brings him to Babylon, and puts him in the house of inspection to the day of his death.
Lèfini, li fè yo pete tou de je wa Sedesyas, epi yo mare l' ak de gwo chenn fèt an kwiv. Yo mennen l' lavil Babilòn. Yo mete Sedesyas nan prizon, li rete la jouk li mouri.
12 And in the fifth month, on the tenth of the month—it [is] the nineteenth year of King Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon—Nebuzar-Adan, chief of the executioners, has come; he has stood before the king of Babylon in Jerusalem,
Sou dizyèm jou senkyèm mwa nan disnevyèm lanne rèy Nèbikadneza, wa Babilòn lan, Neboucharadan, chèf lagad la, yonn nan konseye li yo, antre lavil Jerizalèm.
13 and he burns the house of YHWH, and the house of the king, and all the houses of Jerusalem—even every great house he has burned with fire,
Li met dife nan kay Bondye a ak nan palè wa a. Li boule dènye kay ki te lavil Jerizalèm, ata kay grannèg yo.
14 and all the forces of the Chaldeans that [are] with the chief of the executioners have broken down all the walls of Jerusalem.
Li bay sòlda ki te avè l' yo lòd demoli tout gwo miray ranpa lavil Jerizalèm yo met atè.
15 And of the poor of the people, and the remnant of the people who are left in the city, and those who are defecting, who have defected to the king of Babylon, and the remnant of the multitude, Nebuzar-Adan, chief of the executioners, has removed;
Lèfini, Neboucharadan, chèf lagad la, pran rès moun yo te kite lavil la, li depòte yo lavil Babilòn ansanm ak tout moun ki te vin rann tèt yo bay wa Babilòn lan ak tout bon bòs atizan ki te rete nan lavil la.
16 and of the poor of the land, Nebuzar-Adan, chief of the executioners, has left for vinedressers and for farmers.
Men, li kite kèk moun nan mas pèp la ki pa t' gen anyen. Li ba yo jaden rezen ak lòt jaden pou yo okipe.
17 And the pillars of bronze that [are] in the house of YHWH, and the bases, and the bronze sea that [is] in the house of YHWH, the Chaldeans have broken, and they carry away all the bronze of them to Babylon;
Moun Babilòn yo pran gwo poto kwiv yo ki te nan tanp Seyè a, ansanm ak sipò yo, gwo basen kwiv yo, yo kraze yo fè ti moso, yo pote kwiv la ale lavil Babilòn.
18 and the pots, and the shovels, and the snuffers, and the bowls, and the spoons, and all the vessels of bronze with which they minister, they have taken away;
Yo pran plat pou resevwa sann yo, pèl yo, kouto yo, gode yo, tas yo ak tout lòt bagay an kwiv yo te konn sèvi nan tanp lan.
19 and the basins, and the fire-pans, and the bowls, and the pots, and the lampstands, and the spoons, and the cups, the gold of that which [is] gold, and the silver of that which [is] silver, the chief of the executioners has taken.
Chèf lagad la pran dènye bagay ki te fèt an lò ak an ajan: kivèt yo, recho yo, gode yo, plat pou resevwa sann yo, lanp sèt branch yo, bòl yo ak tas yo,
20 The two pillars, the one sea, and the twelve bronze oxen that [are] beneath the bases, that King Solomon made for the house of YHWH, there was no weighing of the bronze of all these vessels.
de gwo poto yo, gwo basen lan ak douz estati towo ki te sèvi l' sipò yo, ak kabwèt wa Salomon te fè fè an kwiv pou mete nan tanp lan. Tout bagay sa yo te lou anpil, pesonn pa t' konn pèz yo.
21 As for the pillars, eighteen cubits [is] the height of the one pillar, and a cord of twelve cubits goes around it, and its thickness [is] four fingers hollow.
De poto yo te parèy yonn ak lòt: yo chak te gen vennsèt pye wotè, se yon kòd dizwit pye longè ki pou ta fè wonn yo chak. Poto yo te vid nan mitan. Rebò yo te gen twa pous epesè.
22 And the capital on it [is] of bronze, and the height of the one capital [is] five cubits, and network and pomegranates [are] on the capital all around, the whole [is] of bronze; and like these—the second pillar—and pomegranates.
Sou tèt chak poto te gen yon blòk an kwiv sèt pye edmi wotè. Sou tout wonn tèt poto yo, te gen desen ti chenn makònen yonn ak lòt, ak anpil pòtre grenad plake sou yo. Tout te fèt an kwiv. De poto yo te parèy.
23 And the pomegranates are ninety-six on a side, all the pomegranates [are] one hundred on the network all around.
Sou wonn tèt poto yo te gen san grenad antou, men antan ou anba ou te ka wè katrevensèz grenad sèlman.
24 And the chief of the executioners takes Seraiah the head priest, and Zephaniah the second priest, and the three keepers of the threshold,
Lèfini, Neboucharadan, chèf lagad la, pran Seraya, granprèt la, Sefanya, adjwen li an ansanm ak twa lòt chèf ki la pou veye pòtay tanp lan, li fè yo prizonye.
25 and he has taken a certain eunuch out of the city, who has been inspector over the men of war, and seven men of those seeing the king’s face, who have been found in the city, and the head scribe of the host, who musters the people of the land, and sixty men of the people of the land, who are found in the midst of the city;
Nan lavil la, li pran chèf ki te alatèt lame a ansanm ak sèt lòt otorite ki te toujou avèk wa a, ak sekretè kòmandan lame a ki te reskonsab pou pran moun nan lame a, ak swasant lòt grannèg. Tout moun sa yo te nan lavil la toujou.
26 and Nebuzar-Adan, chief of the executioners, takes them, and brings them to the king of Babylon at Riblah,
Neboucharadan pran yo, li mennen yo bay wa Babilòn lan lavil Ribla.
27 and the king of Babylon strikes them, and puts them to death in Riblah, in the land of Hamath, and he removes Judah from off its own ground.
Wa a fè bat yo, lèfini li fè touye yo lavil Ribla nan peyi Amat. Se konsa yo te depòte moun peyi Jida yo byen lwen peyi yo.
28 This [is] the people whom Nebuchadnezzar has removed: in the seventh year, of Jews, three thousand and twenty-three;
Men kantite moun wa Nèbikadneza te depòte: Nan setyèm lanne rèy li a, li depòte twamil venntwa (3.023) moun peyi Jida.
29 in the eighteenth year of Nebuchadnezzar—from Jerusalem—eight hundred thirty-two souls;
Nan dizwityèm lanne rèy li a, li depòte witsantrannde (832) moun lavil Jerizalèm.
30 in the twenty-third year of Nebuchadnezzar, Nebuzar-Adan, chief of the guard, has removed of Jewish souls, seven hundred forty-five; all the souls [are] four thousand and six hundred.
Nan venntwazyèm lanne rèy li a, Neboucharadan, chèf lagad la, te pran sètsankarannsenk (745) moun. Antou sa te fè katmil sisan (4.600) moun yo te depòte.
31 And it comes to pass, in the thirty-seventh year of the expulsion of Jehoiachin king of Judah, in the twelfth month, on the twenty-fifth of the month, Evil-Merodach king of Babylon has lifted up, in the year of his reign, the head of Jehoiachin king of Judah, and brings him out from the house of restraint,
Premye lanne wa Evilmewodak pran pouvwa a lavil Babilòn, li fè pa Jojakim, wa peyi Jida a, li fè l' soti nan prizon. Lè sa a, Jojakim te gen trannsizan onz mwa, vennsenk jou, jou pou jou, depi yo te depòte l'.
32 and speaks good things with him, and sets his throne above the throne of the kings who [are] with him in Babylon,
Evilmewodak te sèvi byen avè l', li ba l' premye plas nan mitan tout lòt wa yo te depòte lavil Babilòn tankou l' yo.
33 and he has changed his prison garments, and he has continually eaten bread before him, all the days of his life.
Li wete rad prizonye ki te sou Jojakim lan, li fè l' vin manje sou menm tab avè l' jouk Jojakim mouri.
34 And his allowance—a continual allowance—has been given to him by the king of Babylon, the matter of a day in its day, until [the] day of his death—all [the] days of his life.
Chak jou, wa a ba li sa li te bezwen pou l' viv, konsa, konsa, jouk li mouri.

< Jeremiah 52 >