< Isaiah 6 >

1 In the year of the death of King Uzziah—I see the Lord, sitting on a throne, high and lifted up, and His train is filling the temple.
One godine kad umrije kralj Uzija, vidjeh Gospoda gdje sjedi na prijestolju visoku i uzvišenu. Skuti njegova plašta ispunjahu Svetište.
2 Seraphim are standing above it: each one has six wings; with two [each] covers its face, and with two [each] covers its feet, and with two [each] flies.
Iznad njega stajahu serafi; svaki je imao po šest krila: dva krila da zakloni lice, dva da zakrije noge, a dvama je krilima letio.
3 And this one has called to that, and has said: “HOLY, HOLY, HOLY, [is] YHWH of Hosts, The fullness of all the earth [is] His glory!”
I klicahu jedan drugome: “Svet! Svet! Svet Jahve nad Vojskama! Puna je sva zemlja Slave njegove!”
4 And the posts of the thresholds are moved by the voice of him who is calling, and the house is full of smoke.
Od gromka glasa onih koji klicahu stresoše se dovraci na pragovima, a Dom se napuni dimom.
5 And I say, “Woe to me, for I have been silent, For I [am] a man of unclean lips, And I am dwelling in [the] midst of a people of unclean lips, Because the King, YHWH of Hosts, my eyes have seen.”
Rekoh: “Jao meni, propadoh, jer čovjek sam nečistih usana, u narodu nečistih usana prebivam, a oči mi vidješe Kralja, Jahvu nad Vojskama!”
6 And one of the seraphim flees to me, and in his hand—a burning coal (with tongs he has taken [it] from off the altar),
Jedan od serafa doletje k meni: u ruci mu žerava koju uze kliještima sa žrtvenika;
7 and he strikes against my mouth and says: “Behold, this has struck against your lips, And your iniquity is turned aside, And your sin is covered.”
dotače se njome mojih usta i reče: “Evo, usne je tvoje dotaklo, krivica ti je skinuta i grijeh oprošten.”
8 And I hear the voice of the Lord, saying, “Whom do I send? And who goes for Us?” And I say, “Here I [am], send me.”
Tad čuh glas Gospodnji: “Koga da pošaljem? I tko će nam poći?” Ja rekoh: “Evo me, mene pošalji!”
9 And He says, “Go, and you have said to this people, Hearing you hear, and you do not understand, And seeing you see, and you do not know.
On odgovori: “Idi i reci tom narodu: 'Slušajte dobro, al' nećete razumjeti, gledajte dobro, al' nećete spoznati.'
10 Declare the heart of this people fat, And declare its ears heavy, And declare its eyes dazzled, Lest it see with its eyes, And hear with its ears, and consider with its heart, And it has turned back, and has health.”
Otežaj salom srce tom narodu, ogluši mu uši, zaslijepi oči, da očima ne vidi, da ušima ne čuje i srcem da ne razumije kako bi se obratio i ozdravio.”
11 And I say, “Until when, O Lord?” And He says, “Surely until cities have been ruined without inhabitant, And houses without man, And the ground is ruined—a desolation,
Ja rekoh: “Dokle, o Gospode?” On mi odgovori: “Dok gradovi ne opuste i ne ostanu bez žitelja, dok kuće ne budu bez ikoga živa, i zemlja ne postane pustoš,
12 And YHWH has put man far off, And the forsaken part [is] great in the heart of the land.
dok Jahve daleko ne protjera ljude. Haranje veliko pogodit će zemlju,
13 And yet a tenth in it, and it has turned, And has been for a burning, As a teil-tree, and as an oak, that in falling, Has substance in them, The holy seed [is] its substance!”
i ostane li u njoj još desetina, i ona će biti zatrta poput duba kad ga do panja posijeku. Panj će njihov biti sveto sjeme.”

< Isaiah 6 >