< Isaiah 57 >
1 The righteous has perished, And there is none laying [it] to heart, And men of kindness are gathered, Without any considering that from the face of evil The righteous one is gathered.
Pravednik mre, i niko ne mari; i pobožni se ljudi uzimaju, a niko se ne sjeæa da se pred zlo uzima pravednik;
2 He enters into peace, they rest on their beds, [Each] is going straightforward.
Dolazi u mir i poèiva na postelji svojoj ko god hodi pravijem putem.
3 “And you, come near here, O sons of a sorceress, seed of an adulterer, Even you commit whoredom.
A vi sinovi vraèarini, rode kurvarski, koji se kurvate, pristupite ovamo.
4 Against whom do you sport yourselves? Against whom do you enlarge the mouth [And] prolong the tongue? Are you not children of transgression? A false seed?
Kim se rugate? na koga razvaljujete usta i plazite jezik? nijeste li sinovi prestupnièki, sjeme lažno?
5 Who are inflamed among oaks, under every green tree, Slaughtering the children in valleys, Under clefts of the rocks.
Koji se upaljujete za lugovima, pod svakim zelenijem drvetom, koljete sinove svoje u potocima, pod vrletima kamenijem.
6 Your portion [is] among the smooth things of a brook, They [are] your lot, You have also poured out an oblation to them, You have caused a present to ascend, Am I comforted in these things?
Dio ti je meðu glatkim kamenjem potoènim; to je, to je tvoj dio; njemu ljevaš naljev svoj, prinosiš dar; tijem li æu se umiriti?
7 On a mountain, high and exalted, You have set your bed, You have also gone up there to make a sacrifice.
Na gori visokoj i uzvišenoj meæeš postelju svoju; i onamo izlaziš da prineseš žrtvu.
8 And behind the door, and the post, You have set up your memorial, For you have removed from Me, and go up, You have enlarged your bed, And cut [a covenant] with them, You have loved their bed, the station you saw,
I iza vrata i iza dovrataka meæeš spomen svoj; otstupivši od mene otkrivaš se, i izašavši gore širiš odar svoj, ugovaraš s njima, mila ti je postelja njihova, gdje ugledaš mjesto.
9 And go joyfully to the king in ointment, And multiply your perfumes, And send your ambassadors far off, And humble yourself to Sheol. (Sheol )
Ideš k caru s uljem, s mnogim mirisima svojim; šalješ poslanike svoje daleko i ponizuješ se do groba. (Sheol )
10 You have labored in the greatness of your way, You have not said, It is desperate. You have found the life of your hand, Therefore you have not been sick.
Od daljnoga puta svoga umorna ne kažeš: zaludu. Nalaziš život ruci svojoj, zato ne sustaješ.
11 And of whom have you been afraid, and fear, That you lie, and have not remembered Me? You have not laid [it] to your heart, Am I not silent, even from of old? And you do not fear Me?
I od koga si se uplašila i koga si se pobojala, te si slagala i nijesi se mene opominjala niti si marila? što ja muèah odavna, zato li me se ne bojiš?
12 I declare your righteousness, and your works, And they do not profit you.
Ja æu objaviti tvoju pravdu i tvoja djela; ali ti neæe pomoæi.
13 When you cry, let your gatherings deliver you, And wind carries all of them away, Vanity takes away, And whoever is trusting in Me inherits the land, And possesses My holy mountain.”
Kad staneš vikati, neka te izbave oni koje si sabrala; ali æe ih sve vjetar odnijeti, i uzeæe ih taština. Ali ko se u me uzda, naslijediæe zemlju i dobiæe svetu goru moju.
14 And He has said, “Raise up, raise up, prepare a way, Lift a stumbling-block out of the way of My people.”
I reæi æe se: poravnite, poravnite, pripravite put, uklonite smetnje s puta naroda mojega.
15 For thus said the high and exalted One, Inhabiting eternity, and His Name [is] holy: “I dwell in the high and holy place, And with the bruised and humble of spirit, To revive the spirit of the humble, And to revive the heart of bruised ones,
Jer ovako govori visoki i uzvišeni, koji živi u vjeènosti, kojemu je ime sveti: na visini i u svetinji stanujem i s onijem ko je skrušena srca i smjerna duha oživljujuæi duh smjernijeh i oživljujuæi srce skrušenijeh.
16 For I do not strive for all time, nor am I angry forever, For the spirit is feeble before Me, And the souls I have made.
Jer se neæu jednako preti niti æu se dovijeka gnjeviti, jer bi išèeznuo preda mnom duh i duše koje sam stvorio.
17 For the iniquity of his dishonest gain, I have been angry, and I strike him, Hiding—and am angry, And he goes on turning back in the way of his heart.
Za bezakonje lakomosti njegove razgnjevih se, i udarih ga, sakrih se i razgnjevih se, jer odmetnuvši se otide putem srca svojega.
18 I have seen his ways, and I heal him, indeed, I lead him, And repay comforts to him and to his mourning ones.
Vidim putove njegove, ali æu ga iscijeliti, vodiæu ga i daæu opet utjehu njemu i njegovijem koji tuže.
19 Producing the fruit of the lips, Peace, peace, to the far off, and to the near, And I have healed him,” said YHWH.
Ja stvaram plod usnama: mir, mir onomu ko je daleko i ko je blizu, veli Gospod, i iscijeliæu ga.
20 And the wicked [are] as the driven out sea, For it is not able to rest, And its waters cast out filth and mire.
A bezbožnici su kao more uskolebano, koje se ne može umiriti i voda njegova izmeæe neèistotu i blato.
21 “There is no peace,” said my God, “for the wicked!”
Nema mira bezbožnicima, veli Bog moj.