< Isaiah 55 >

1 “Behold, every thirsty one, Come to the waters, And he who has no money, Come, buy and eat, Indeed, come, buy wine and milk Without money and without price.
“O svi vi koji ste žedni, dođite na vodu; ako novaca i nemate, dođite. Bez novaca i bez naplate kupite vina i mlijeka!
2 Why do you weigh money for that which is not bread? And your labor for that which is not for satiety? Listen diligently to Me, and eat good, And your soul delights itself in fatness.
Zašto da trošite novac na ono što kruh nije i nadnicu svoju na ono što ne siti? Mene poslušajte, i dobro ćete jesti i sočna ćete uživati jela.
3 Incline your ear, and come to Me, Hear, and your soul lives, And I make a perpetual covenant for you, The kind blessings of David that are steadfast.
Priklonite uho i k meni dođite, poslušajte, i duša će vam živjeti. Sklopit ću s vama Savez vječan, Savez milosti Davidu obećanih.”
4 Behold, I have given him [as] a witness to peoples, A leader and commander to peoples.
Evo, učinih te svjedokom pucima, knezom i zapovjednikom narodima.
5 Behold, a nation you do not know, you call, And a nation who does not know you runs to you, For the sake of your God YHWH, And for the Holy One of Israel, Because He has beautified you.”
Evo, pozvat ćeš narod koji ne poznaješ, i narod koji te ne zna dohrlit će k tebi radi Jahve, Boga tvojega, i Sveca Izraelova, jer on te proslavio.
6 Seek YHWH while He may be found, Call Him while He is near,
Tražite Jahvu dok se može naći, zovite ga dok je blizu!
7 Let the wicked forsake his way, And the man of iniquity his thoughts, And he returns to YHWH, And He pities him, And to our God, For He multiplies to pardon.
Nek' bezbožnik put svoj ostavi, a zlikovac naume svoje. Nek' se vrati Gospodu, koji će mu se smilovati, k Bogu našem jer je velikodušan u praštanju.
8 “For My thoughts [are] not your thoughts, Nor your ways My ways,” A declaration of YHWH,
“Jer misli vaše nisu moje misli i puti moji nisu vaši puti,” riječ je Jahvina.
9 “For [as] high [as] the heavens have been above the earth, So high have been My ways above your ways, And My thoughts above your thoughts.
“Visoko je iznad zemlje nebo, tako su puti moji iznad vaših putova, i misli moje iznad vaših misli.”
10 For as the shower comes down, And the snow from the heavens, And does not return there, But has watered the earth, And has caused it to yield, and to spring up, And has given seed to the sower, and bread to the eater,
“Kao što daždi i sniježi s neba bez prestanka dok se zemlja ne natopi, oplodi i ozeleni da bi dala sjeme sijaču i kruha za jelo,
11 So is My word that goes out of My mouth, It does not return to Me empty, But has done that which I desired, And prosperously effected that [for] which I sent it.
tako se riječ koja iz mojih usta izlazi ne vraća k meni bez ploda, nego čini ono što sam htio i obistinjuje ono zbog čega je poslah.”
12 For you go forth with joy, And you are brought in with peace, The mountains and the hills Break forth before you [with] singing, And all trees of the field clap the hand.
Da, s radošću ćete otići i u miru ćete biti vođeni. Gore će i brda klicati od radosti pred vama i sva će stabla u polju pljeskati.
13 Instead of the thorn comes up fir, Instead of the brier comes up myrtle, And it has been to YHWH for a name, For a perpetual sign—it is not cut off!”
Umjesto trnja rast će čempresi, umjesto koprive mirta će nicati. I bit će to Jahvi na slavu, kao znak vječan, neprolazan.

< Isaiah 55 >