< Isaiah 44 >

1 “And now, hear, O Jacob, My servant, And Israel, whom I have fixed on—
Bet nu klausies, mans kalps Jēkab, un Israēl, ko esmu izredzējis.
2 Thus said YHWH, your Maker, and your Former, From the womb He helps you: Do not fear, My servant Jacob, And Yeshurun, whom I have fixed on.
Tā saka Tas Kungs, kas tevi radījis un taisījis no mātes miesām, kas tev palīdz: Nebīsties, Mans kalps Jēkab, un tu Ješurun, ko Es esmu izredzējis.
3 For I pour waters on a thirsty one, And floods on a dry land, I pour My Spirit on your seed, And My blessing on your offspring.
Jo Es liešu ūdeni uz iztvīkušiem un straumes uz izkaltušiem. Es izliešu Savu Garu uz tavu dzimumu un Savu svētību uz taviem bērnu bērniem,
4 And they have sprung up as among grass, As willows by conduits of water.
Ka tie zaļos kā zāle, kā vītoli pie ūdens strautiem.
5 This [one] says, For I [am] YHWH’s, And this calls [himself] by the name of Jacob, And this [one] writes [with] his hand, For YHWH, And surnames himself by the name of Israel.”
Šis sacīs: Es piederu Tam Kungam! Un cits sauks Jēkaba vārdu, un trešais rakstīs ar savu roku: Es padodos Tam Kungam! Un godās Israēla vārdu.
6 Thus said YHWH, King of Israel, And his Redeemer, YHWH of Hosts: “I [am] the first, and I [am] the last, And besides Me there is no God.
Tā saka Tas Kungs, Israēla ķēniņš un viņa Pestītājs, Tas Kungs Cebaot: Es esmu tas pirmais un Es esmu tas pēdīgais, un cita Dieva nav, kā Es vien.
7 And who [is] as I, call and declare it, And arrange it for Me, Since My placing the people of antiquity, And things that are coming, And those that come, they declare to them.
Un kas tā var sludināt kā Es, lai saka un lai liek Man priekšā, kamēr Es esmu licis pirmos ļaudis pasaulē. Lai tie jel stāsta tās nākamās lietas un kas notiks.
8 Do not fear, nor be afraid, Have I not caused you to hear from that time, and declared? And you [are] My witnesses, Is there a God besides Me? Indeed, there is none, I have not known another Rock.”
Neizbaiļojaties un nebīstaties, - vai Es to sen jau tev neesmu darījis zināmu un stāstījis? Un jūs esat Mani liecinieki, vai ir cits Dievs nekā Es vien? Tiešām, nav cita akmens kalna, Es nezinu neviena.
9 Framers of a carved image, all of them [are] emptiness, And their desirable things do not profit, And they [are] their own witnesses, They do not see, nor know, that they may be ashamed.
Elku taisītāji visi nav nekas, un viņu mīlulīši neder nekam, un paši ir viņu liecinieki, ka tie neredz un nesaprot; tādēļ tie paliks kaunā.
10 Who has formed a god, And poured out a molten image—not profitable?
Kas ir dievu taisījis un elku lējis, kas nekam neder?
11 Behold, all his companions are ashamed, As for artisans—they [are] of men, All of them gather together, they stand up, They fear, they are ashamed together.
Redzi, visi viņu biedri paliks kaunā, jo tie taisītāji ir cilvēki. Tad lai tie visi gan sapulcinājas un ceļas, tomēr tie izbīsies un kopā paliks kaunā.
12 He has worked iron [with] an axe, And has worked with coals, And forms it with hammers, And works it by his powerful arm, Indeed, he is hungry, and there is no power, He does not drink water, and he is wearied.
Kalējs taisa cirvi un strādā svelmē un to pataisa ar veseriem un to izstrādā ar sava elkoņa stiprumu; viņš cieš arī badu, ka paliek bez spēka, viņš nedzer ūdeni, ka paliek gurdens.
13 He has worked [with] wood, He has stretched out a rule, He marks it out with a line, He makes it with carving tools, And he marks it out with a compass, And makes it according to the form of a man, According to the beauty of a man, To remain in the house.
Kas koka darbu strādā, izvelk mēra auklu, nozīmē to ar sarkanu krītu, aptēš to ar cirvjiem un apraksta to ar cirkuli un dara to pēc vīra ģīmja, kā skaistu cilvēku, lai stāv namā.
14 Cutting down cedars for himself, He also takes a cypress, and an oak, And he strengthens [it] for himself Among the trees of a forest, He has planted an ash, and the shower nourishes [it].
Viņš sev cērt ciedru kokus, ņem kļavu vai ozolu, un izlasās kādu starp meža kokiem; osi viņš dēstījis un lietus to ir uzaudzinājis.
15 And it has been for man to burn, And he takes of them, and becomes warm, Indeed, he kindles [it], and has baked bread, Indeed, he makes a god, and bows himself, He has made it a carved image, And he falls down to it.
Tie ir cilvēkam dedzināt, un viņš ņem no tiem un sildās, un iededzina un cep maizi un arī iztaisa dievekli un to pielūdz, dara elku un metās priekš tā ceļos.
16 Half of it he has burned in the fire, By [this] half of it he eats flesh, He roasts a roasting and is satisfied, Indeed, he is warm and says: “Aha, I have become warm, I have enjoyed the light.”
Vienu pusi viņš sadedzina ugunī, no tās puses viņš ēd gaļu, viņš cep cepešus un paēd, pats arī sildās un saka: nu labi, man paliek silti, es samanu uguni.
17 And he has made its remnant for a god—For his carved image, He falls down to it, and worships, And prays to it, and he says, “Deliver me, for you [are] my god.”
Un to, kas atliek, viņš taisa par dievu, sev par elku; priekš tā viņš metās ceļos un klanās un to pielūdz un saka: izpestī mani, jo tu esi mans dievs.
18 They have not known, nor do they understand, For He has coated their eyes from seeing, Their heart from acting wisely.
Tie neatzīst un nesaprot, jo viņu acis aizlipušas, ka tie neredz, un viņu sirdis, ka tie nesaprot.
19 And none turn [it] back to his heart, Nor has knowledge nor understanding to say, “I have burned half of it in the fire, Indeed, I have also baked bread over its coals, I roast flesh and I eat, And I make its remnant for an abomination, I fall down to the stock of a tree.”
Un neviens to neņem pie sirds, un nav ne atzīšanas, ne saprašanas, ka sacītu: vienu pusi es esmu sadedzinājis ar uguni un uz tām oglēm arī maizi cepis, es gaļu pie tā esmu cepis un ēdis, vai nu man to, kas atliek bija darīt par negantību, vai man priekš koka gabala bija ceļos mesties?
20 Feeding on ashes, the heart is deceived, It has turned him aside, And he does not deliver his soul, nor says: “Is there not a lie in my right hand?”
Kam prāts nesās uz pelniem, to apmānītā sirds maldina, un viņš neizglābj savu dvēseli un nesaka: vai nav viltība manā labā rokā?
21 “Remember these, O Jacob, and Israel, For you [are] My servant, I formed you, you [are] a servant to Me, O Israel, you do not forget Me.
Piemini to, Jēkab un Israēl, jo tu esi Mans kalps; Es tevi esmu radījis, tu esi Mans kalps, Israēl, neaizmirsti Mani.
22 I have blotted out, as [by] a thick cloud, Your transgressions, And as [by] a cloud, your sins, Return to Me, for I have redeemed you.”
Es izdeldu tavus pārkāpumus kā miglu un tavus grēkus ka mākoni. Atgriezies pie Manis, jo Es tevi esmu atpestījis.
23 Sing, O heavens, for YHWH has worked, Shout, O lower parts of earth, Break forth, O mountains, with singing, Forest, and every tree in it, For YHWH has redeemed Jacob, And He beautifies Himself in Israel.
Gavilējat, debesis, jo Tas Kungs to ir darījis, sauciet priecīgi, zemes dziļumi, ceļat troksni, kalni, ar prieku dziesmām, meži un visi koki iekš tā; jo Tas Kungs Jēkabu atpestījis un Israēli pagodinājis.
24 Thus said YHWH, your Redeemer, And your Framer from the womb: “I [am] YHWH, doing all things, Stretching out the heavens by Myself, Spreading out the earth—who [is] with Me?
Tā saka Tas Kungs, tavs Pestītājs, kas tevi taisījis no mātes miesām. Es esmu Tas Kungs, kas visu dara, kas debesi izpletis, Es viens pats, un kas zemi izklājis, bez cita neviena,
25 Making void the tokens of devisers, And makes diviners mad, Turning the wise backward, And makes their knowledge foolish.
Kas iznīcina zīlnieku zīmes un zvaigžņu cienītājus dara trakus, kas gudriem liek atpakaļ griezties un viņu gudrību dara par ģeķību.
26 Confirming the word of His servant, He perfects the counsel of His messengers, Who is saying of Jerusalem, She is inhabited, And of cities of Judah, They will be built, and her ruins I raise up,
Kas apstiprina Sava kalpa vārdu un liek izdoties Savu vēstnešu padomam; kas uz Jeruzālemi saka, lai tur atkal ļaudis dzīvo, un uz Jūda pilsētām: Jūs tapsiet atkal uztaisītas, un Es uztaisīšu viņas postītās vietas;
27 Who is saying to the deep, Be dry, and your rivers I cause to dry up,
Kas uz dziļumu saka: Izsīksti! Un tavus strautus Es darīšu sausus;
28 Who is saying of Cyrus, My shepherd, And he perfects all My delight, So as to say of Jerusalem, You are built, And of the temple, You are founded.”
Kas uz Kiru saka: Mans gans! Un viņš izdarīs visu Manu prātu, sacīdams uz Jeruzālemi: topi celta! Un Dieva nams lai top taisīts!

< Isaiah 44 >