< Isaiah 35 >

1 They rejoice from the wilderness and dry place, And the desert rejoices, And flourishes as the rose,
Khosoek neh rhamrhae loh ngaingaih bitni. kolken khaw omngaih vetih rhaimoei bangla muem ni.
2 Flourishing it flourishes, and rejoices, Indeed, [with] joy and singing, The glory of Lebanon has been given to it, The beauty of Carmel and Sharon, They see the glory of YHWH, The majesty of our God.
Phuelh rhoe phuelh vetih omngaih ni. Lebanon kah omngaihnah neh thangpomnah a tamhoe puei ni. Karmel kah rhuepomnah a taengah a paek vetih Sharon loh, BOEIPA kah a thangpomnah neh mamih Pathen kah a rhuepomnah khaw a hmuh uh ni.
3 Strengthen the feeble hands, Indeed, strengthen the stumbling knees.
Kut kha te talong uh lamtah khuklu aka tangdawt khaw duel uh.
4 Say to the hurried of heart, “Be strong, Do not fear, behold, your God; vengeance comes, The repayment of God, He Himself comes and saves you.”
Lungbuei aka loe te, “Namning sak, rhih boeh, nangmih kah Pathen tah phulohnah neh ha pawk pawn ni ke. Pathen amah neh a tiing la ha pawk vetih nangmih n'khang ni.
5 Then eyes of the blind are opened, And ears of the deaf are unstopped,
Te vaengah mikdael khaw a mik tueng vetih hnapang rhoek khaw a hna khui ni.
6 Then the lame leap as a deer, And the tongue of the mute sings, For waters have been broken up in a wilderness, And streams in a desert.
Rhangrhaeh khokhaem bangla a poe vetih olmueh khaw a ol neh tamhoe ni. Khosoek ah tui phuet vetih kolken ah soklong la om ni.
7 And the mirage has become a pond, And the thirsty land—fountains of waters, In the habitation of dragons, Its place of lying down, A court for reed and rush.
Unghae te tuibap la, tuihang te tuisih tui la poeh ni. Pongui tolkhoeng kah a kolhmuen ah capu neh talik yueng la sulrham poe ni.
8 And a highway has been there, and a way, And it is called the “Way of Holiness.” The unclean do not pass over it, And He Himself [is] by them, Whoever is going in the way—even fools do not err.
Te vaengah longpuei pahoi om vetih longpuei te khaw Longpuei Cim la a khue ni. Hlang rhalawt tah te lam te cet mahpawh. Tedae amah te longpuei la a pongpa vaengah tah aka ang pataeng khohmang uh mahpawh.
9 No lion is there, Indeed, a destructive beast does not ascend it, It is not found there, And the redeemed have walked,
Sathueng khaw om mahpawh, mulhing dingca khaw pongpa mahpawh. A muei khaw hmu voel pawt vetih a tlan rhoek ni a pongpa pawn eh.
10 And the ransomed of YHWH return, And have entered Zion with singing, And [with] continuous joy on their head, They attain joy and gladness, And sorrow and sighing have fled away!
BOEIPA kah a lat rhoek tah mael uh vetih tamlung neh a lu dongkah kumhal kohoenah neh Zion la kun uh ni. Omngaihnah neh kohoenah loh a kae vetih kothae neh hueinah tah rhaelrham ni.

< Isaiah 35 >