< Isaiah 33 >

1 Woe, spoiler! And you not spoiled, And treacherous! And they did not deal treacherously with you, When you finish, O spoiler, you are spoiled, When you finish dealing treacherously, They deal treacherously with you.
I özüng bulang-talang qilinmighan, bashqilarni bulang-talang qilghuchi, Bashqilar sanga asiyliq qilmighan, Özüng asiyliq qilghuchi, Séning halinggha way! Sen bulang-talangni boldi qilishing bilen, Özüng bulang-talang qilinisen; Sen asiyliqni boldi qilishing bilen, Özüng asiyliqqa uchraysen;
2 O YHWH, favor us, We have waited for You, Be their arm, in the mornings, Indeed, our salvation in time of adversity.
I Perwerdigar, bizge méhir-shepqet körsetkeysen; Biz Séni ümid bilen kütüp kelduq; Ötünimizki, Sen her seher [Israilgha] küchlük bilek-qol, Qiyinchiliq peytliride nijatimiz bolghaysen.
3 From the voice of a multitude peoples have fled, From Your exaltation nations have been scattered.
Top-top ademlerning ghowgha-chuqanliridin xelqler beder qachidu; Sen [Xuda] qeddingni tik qilishing bilen eller pitirap kétidu;
4 And Your spoil has been gathered, A gathering of the caterpillar, As a running to and fro of locusts He is running on it.
Chéketke lichinkiliri ot-köklerni yighip yewalghandek, Silerge békitip bérilgen olja yighiwélinidu; Chéketkiler uyan-buyan yügürgendek ademler olja üstide uyan-buyan yügürüshidu.
5 YHWH is set on high, for He is dwelling on high, He filled Zion [with] judgment and righteousness,
Perwerdigar üstün turidu, Berheq, Uning turalghusi yuqirididur; U Zion’gha adalet we heqqaniyliq toldurdi;
6 And has been the steadfastness of your times, The strength of salvation, wisdom, and knowledge, Fear of YHWH—it [is] His treasure.
U bolsa künliringlarning tinch-amanliqi, nijatliq, danaliq we bilimning bayliqliri bolidu; Perwerdigardin qorqush Uning üchün göherdur.
7 Behold, “Their Ariel,” they have cried outside, Messengers of peace weep bitterly.
Mana, ularning palwanliri sirtta turup nale-peryad kötüridu; Sülh-ehde tüzgen elchiler qattiq yighlishidu;
8 Highways have been desolated, He who passes along the path has ceased, He has broken covenant, He has despised enemies, He has not esteemed a man.
Yollar ademsiz qaldi; Ötkünchi yolchilar yoq boldi; U ehdini buzup tashlidi; Sheherlerni közige ilmaydu, Ademlerni héch etiwarlimaydu.
9 The land has mourned, languished, Lebanon has been confounded, Sharon has been withered as a wilderness, And Bashan and Carmel are shaking.
Zémin matem tutidu, zeiplishidu; Liwan xijalettin solishidu; Sharon chöl-bayawan’gha aylandi; Bashan we Karmel bolsa qirip tashlandi.
10 Now I arise, says YHWH, Now I am exalted, now I am lifted up.
Mana hazir ornumdin turimen, — deydu Perwerdigar, — Hazir Özümni üstün körsitimen, Hazir qeddimni kötürimen.
11 You conceive chaff, you bear stubble; Your spirit—a fire [that] devours you.
— Silerning boyunglarda quruq ot-chöpla bar, Paxal tughisiler; Öz nepesliringlar ot bolup özünglarni yutuwétidu;
12 And peoples have been [as] burnings of lime, Thorns, as sweepings, they burn with fire.
Eller bolsa hak köydürülgendek köydürilidu; Orulghan jighan-tikenlerdek otta köydürüwétilidu.
13 Hear, you far off, that which I have done, And know, you near ones, My might.
— I yiraqtikiler, Méning qilghanlirimni anglanglar; Yéqindikiler, Méning küch-qudritimni tonup yétinglar.
14 Sinners have been afraid in Zion, Trembling has seized the profane: Who dwells for us—consuming fire, Who dwells for us—burnings of the age?
Ziondiki gunahkarlar qorqidu; Wehime iplaslarni bésiwalidu. [Ular]: «Arimizdiki kim menggülük yutqur Ot bilen bille turidu? Kim ebedil’ebed yalqunlar bilen bir makanda bolidu?» — deydu.
15 Whoever is walking righteously, And is speaking uprightly, Kicking against gain of oppressions, Shaking his hands from taking hold on a bribe, Stopping his ear from hearing of blood, And shutting his eyes from looking on evil,
— «Heqqaniyliq yolida mangidighan, Durus-lilla gep qilidighan, Zalimliqtin kelgen haram paydigha nepretlinidighan, Parilarni sun’ghuchilarni qolini pulangshitip ret qilidighan, Qanning gépi bolsila quliqini yopurup anglimaydighan, Peslik-rezillikke qarashni ret qilip, közini qachuridighan;
16 He inhabits high places, Strongholds of rock [are] his high tower, His bread has been given, his waters steadfast.
U yuqirini makan qilidu; Qoram tashlar uning qorghini bolup, Yuqiri uning bashpanahi bolidu; Öz risqi uninggha bérilidu, Uning süyi kapaletlik bolidu».
17 Your eyes see a king in his beauty, They see a far-off land.
— «Közliring Padishahni güzellikide köridu; Közliring uzun’gha sozulghan zémin’gha nezer salidu.
18 Your heart meditates [on] terror, Where [is] he who is counting? Where [is] he who is weighing? Where [is] he who is counting the towers?
Könglüng wehime toghrisida chongqur oygha patidu; Royxetchi beg qéni? Oljini ölcheydighan tarazichi beg qéni? Istihkam-munarlarni sanighuchi beg qéni?
19 You do not see the strong people, A people deeper of lip than to be understood, Of a scorned tongue, there is no understanding.
Qaytidin esheddiy xelqni körmeysen, — Sen angqiralmaydighan, boghuzida sözleydighan, Duduqlap gep qilidighan, gépini chüshinelmeydighan bir xelqni ikkinchi körmeysen.
20 See Zion, the city of our meetings, Your eyes see Jerusalem—a quiet habitation, A tent not taken down, its pins are not removed forever, And none of its cords are broken.
Ibadet héytlirimiz ötküzülidighan sheher Zion’gha qara; Séning közüng Yérusalémning tinch-aman makan bolghanliqini, Qozuqliri hergiz yulunmaydighan, Taniliri hergiz üzülmeydighan, Ikkinchi yötkelmeydighan chédir bolghanliqini köridu;
21 But YHWH [is] mighty for us there, A place of rivers—streams of broad sides, No ship with oars goes into it, And a mighty ship does not pass over it.
Shu yerde Perwerdigarning shan-sheripi bizge körünidu, — U Özi deryalar, keng östengler éqip turidighan bir jay bolidu; Palaqlar bilen heydelgen héchqandaq kéme u jayda qatnimaydu, We yaki héch heywetlik kéme u jaydin ötmeydu;
22 For YHWH, ours who is judging, YHWH our lawgiver, YHWH our King—He saves us.
Chünki Perwerdigar bizning nijatkar-hakimimiz, Perwerdigar bizge qanun Bergüchidur, Perwerdigar — bizning Padishahimiz, U bizni qutquzidu!
23 Your ropes have been left, They do not correctly strengthen their mast, They have not spread out a sail, Then a prey of much spoil has been apportioned, The lame have taken spoil.
Séning tana-arghamchiliring boshighan bolsimu, [Israil] yelken xadisining turumini mustehkem qilalmisimu, Yelkenni yéyip chiqiralmisimu, U chaghda zor bir olja üleshtürülidu; Hetta aqsaq-tokurlarmu oljini alidu.
24 Nor does an inhabitant say, “I was sick”; The people dwelling in it [are] forgiven of [their] iniquity!
Shu chaghda shu yerde turghuchi: «Men késel» démeydu; Shu jayni makan qilghan xelqning gunahliri kechürüm qilinidu.

< Isaiah 33 >