< Isaiah 30 >

1 Woe [to] apostate sons, A declaration of YHWH! To do counsel, and not from Me, And to spread out a covering, and not of My Spirit, So as to add sin to sin.
Anunae a cilsuep te saii hamla BOEIPA kah olphong soah thinthah camoe rhoek aih. Tedae kai lamkah neh mueirhoi a hloe moenih. Ka mueihla kah bal moenih. Te dongah tholh te tholh neh a khoengvoep.
2 Who are walking to go down to Egypt, And have not asked My mouth, To be strong in the strength of Pharaoh, And to trust in the shadow of Egypt.
Pharaoh kah lunghim khuiah bakuep ham neh Egypt kah hlipkhup ah ying hamla Egypt aka suntlak thil tih aka cet rhoek loh kai kah olka he a dawt uh moenih.
3 And the strength of Pharaoh Has been to you for shame, And the trust in the shadow of Egypt confusion,
Tedae Pharaoh kah lunghim te nangmih ham yahpohnah la, Egypt hlipkhup ah yingnah te khaw mingthae la poeh ni.
4 For his princes were in Zoan, And his messengers reach Hanes.
A mangpa rhoek loh Zoan ah om uh tih a puencawn rhoek loh Hanes ham ben uh cakhaw,
5 He made all ashamed of a people that do not profit, Not for help, and not for profit, But for shame, and also for reproach!
pilnam te a hoeikhang pah voel pawt tih bomkung la a om pawt neh a hoeikhang pawt dongah boeih a borhim vetih yah a bai ni. Te dongah yahpohnah neh kokhahnah la om bal ni.
6 The burden of the beasts of the south. Into a land of adversity and distress, Of young lion and of old lion, From where [are] viper and flying, burning serpent, They carry their wealth on the shoulder of donkeys, And their treasures on the hump of camels, To a people not profitable.
Citcai khohmuen kah tuithim rhamsa ham olrhuh, sathuengnu a la neh sathueng lamkah, rhulthae neh minyuk aka ding kongah khobing coeng. A khuehtawn te laak kah a nam ah, a thakvoh te kalauk phuu dongah aka phuei rhoek he pilnam ham a hoeikhang moenih.
7 Indeed, Egyptians [are] vanity, and help in vain, Therefore I have cried concerning this: “Their strength [is] to sit still.”
Egypt long khaw a honghi neh a poeyoek lam ni a bom. Te dongah amih te, “Hoeng hoep Rahab,” la ka khue coeng.
8 No, go in, write it on a tablet with them, And inscribe it on a scroll, And it is for a latter day, for a witness for all time,
Paan laeh, amih ham te cabael dongah daek lamtah, a cabu dongah tarhit pah laeh. Te daengah ni hmailong khohnin ham khaw, kumhal duela a om yoeyah eh.
9 That this [is] a people of rebellion, sons—liars, Sons not willing to hear the Law of YHWH.
Laithae koca rhoek kah a ca rhoek, boekoek pilnam aih he, BOEIPA kah olkhueng tah hnatun ham huem uh pawh.
10 Who have said to seers, “Do not see,” And to prophets, “Do not prophesy to us straightforward things, Speak to us smooth things, prophesy deceits,
Khohmu taengah, “Na hmuh pawt nim?” Tonghma rhoek taengah khaw kaimih ham oldueng na hmuh pawt nim?, phoknah na hmuh uh akhaw kaimih ham a hnal la thui uh.
11 Turn aside from the way, Decline from the path, Cause the Holy One of Israel To cease from before us.”
Longpuei lamloh nong uh, caehlong lamloh khoe uh. Israel kah a Cim te mamih mikhmuh lamloh kangkuen saeh,” a ti uh.
12 Therefore, thus said the Holy One of Israel: “Because of your kicking against this word, And you trust in oppression, And perverseness, and rely on it,
Te dongah Israel kah a cim loh, “Hekah olka he na sit uh. Hnaemtaeknah dongah na pangtung uh tih khohmang neh a soah na pangnal uh.
13 Therefore this iniquity is to you as a breach falling, Swelled out in a wall set on high, Whose destruction comes suddenly, in an instant.
Te dongah nangmih taengah tathaesainah he khaw vongtung dongah a puut loh a yam tih a cungku bangla ha om ni. Aka pomdoep uh khaw a pocinah lam ni buengrhuet a om pahoi mai.
14 And He has broken it As the breaking of the potters’ bottle, Beaten down—He does not spare, Nor is there found, in its beating down, A potsherd to take fire from the burning, And to draw out waters from a ditch.”
Amsai loh tuitang kaek a dae banghui la rhek vetih lungma ti mahpawh. Hmai rhong dongkah hmai soh ham neh kangueng lamkah tui bak nah ham kangna khaw paikaek kah a kaek te hmu mahpawh.
15 For thus said Lord YHWH, The Holy One of Israel: “In returning and rest you are saved, In keeping quiet and in confidence is your might,” And you have not been willing.
Te dongah ni Israel kah a cim ka Boeipa Yahovah loh he ni a thui. Maelnah neh mongnah dongah a mong la n'khang coeng tih ueppangnah dongah na thayung thamal khaw om dae ta na ngaih uh pawh.
16 And you say, “No, for we flee on a horse,” Therefore you flee, And, “We ride on the swift!” Therefore your pursuers are swift.
Te phoeiah, “Moenih, te ham te marhang dongah ka rhaelrham uh bitni,” na ti uh. Na rhaelrham uh vaengah, “Yanghoep la n'ngol uh,” na ti uh dongah nangmih aka hloem rhoek khaw yanghoep uh van ni.
17 One thousand [flee] because of the rebuke of one, Because of the rebuke of five you flee, Until you have surely been left as a pole On the top of the mountain, And as an ensign on the height.
Tlang lu kah cungkui bangla, som sokah rholik bangla na cul uh hil pakhat kah tluungnah dongah, panga kah tluungnah dongah khaw thawng khat la na rhaelrham uh ni.
18 And therefore YHWH waits to favor you, And therefore He is exalted to pity you, For YHWH [is] a God of judgment, O the blessedness of all waiting for Him.
Tedae BOEIPA loh nangmih rhen ham n'rhingda tangloeng tih nangmih aka haidam la pomsang uh tangkhuet. Tiktamnah Pathen Yahovah amah te aka rhingda boeih tah a yoethen.
19 For the people in Zion dwell in Jerusalem, Do not weep—weeping, Pitying, He pities you at the voice of your cry, When He hears He answers you.
Jerusalem kah khosa Zion pilnam aw na rhap rhoe na rhap voel mahpawh. Na pang ol te a yaak vaengah n'rhen rhoe, n'rhen vetih nang te n'doo ni.
20 And the Lord has given to you bread of adversity, And water of oppression. And your teachers remove no longer, And your eyes have seen your teachers,
Boeipa loh nang te rhal kah buh neh hnaemtaeknah tui m'pae cakhaw na saya rhoek te khaw khoe mahpawh. Tedae na saya aka hmu rhoek te na mik ah om bitni.
21 And your ear hears a word behind you, saying, “This [is] the way, go in it,” When you turn to the right, And when you turn to the left.
Na hnuk lamkah ol loh, “Longpuei he bantang ah khaw, banvoei ah khaw cet mailai,” a ti te na hna loh a yaak bitni.
22 And you have defiled the covering of Your carved images of silver, And the ephod of your molten image of gold, You scatter them as a sickening thing, “Go out,” you say to it.
Na cak ben mueidaep neh, na sui mueihloe pholip khaw na poeih ni. Te rhoek te na pumthim hainak bangla thaek uh vetih, “Acih hoeih,” na ti ni.
23 And He has given rain [for] your seed, With which you sow the ground, And bread, the increase of the ground, And it has been fat and plentiful, Your livestock enjoy an enlarged pasture in that day.
Te vaengah khohmuen kah na tuh na cangti te khotlan loh a suep ni. Khohmuen kah cangpai buh neh kuirhang la na om ni. Tekah khohnin ah tah rhamtlim dangka ah na boiva loh pulpulh luem ni.
24 And the oxen and the young donkeys serving the ground, Eat fermented provender, That one is winnowing with shovel and fan.
Diklai kah aka tho aka tat saelhung neh laak pataeng cangcopcung neh, rha neh a hlaih canghlaih, kamvuelh ni a caak eh.
25 And there has been on every high mountain, And on every exalted hill, Streams—conduits of waters, In a day of much slaughter, in the falling of towers.
Tlang sang tom ah khaw, som tom ah khaw ana om saeh. Rhaltoengim a cungku ham vaengkah ngawnnah a len khohnin ah sokca rhahlawn tui loh phul coeng.
26 And the light of the moon has been as the light of the sun, And the light of the sun is sevenfold, As the light of seven days, In the day of YHWH’s binding up the breach of His people, When He heals the stroke of its wound.
Hla kah a vang te khomik kah a vang bangla om ni. Khomik kah a vang khaw khohnin hnin rhih kah a vang bangla a pueh parhih la om ni. BOEIPA long tah a pilnam kah a tlawt te a poi pah tih a hmapuei hmasoe khaw a hoeih sak.
27 Behold, the Name of YHWH is coming from far, His anger is burning, and the flame [is] great, His lips have been full of indignation, And His tongue [is] as a devouring fire.
BOEIPA kah a ming tah khohla bangsang lamkah a thintoek aka ung khui lamkah ha thoeng coeng ke. A hmuilai kah kosi hmaihu te a thah la baetawt tih a ol khaw hmai bangla tak.
28 And His breath [is] as an overflowing stream, It divides to the neck, To sift nations with a sieve of vanity, And a bridle causing to err, [Is] on the jaws of the peoples.
A hil khaw rhawn duela a muelh tih aka yo soklong la, namtom te poeyoek khamyai ah vairhuek la, pilnam kam dongkah a hmaang kamrhui la.
29 Singing is to you as in a night sanctified for a festival, And joy of heart as he who is going with a pipe, To go to the mountain of YHWH, To the rock of Israel.
Laa khaw nangmih taengah tah khotue a ciim hlaem kah bangla om vetih, BOEIPA tlang kah Israel lungpang paan hamla phitphoet neh aka thoeih bangla thinko kah kohoenah khaw om ni.
30 And YHWH has caused The splendor of His voice to be heard, And the coming down of His arm He shows with the raging of anger, And the flame of a consuming fire, Scattering, and inundation, and hailstone.
A ol mueithennah te BOEIPA loh n'yaak sak vetih, hmaihluei aka hlawp rhonam, hlipuei neh rhaelnu lungto, thintoek thinkoeh dongah a ban loh a mong la m'hmuh sak ni.
31 For from the voice of YHWH Asshur [is] broken down, He strikes with a rod.
BOEIPA ol loh Assyria te a rhihyawp sak vetih, mancai neh a ngawn ni.
32 And every passage of the settled staff, That YHWH causes to rest on him, Has been with tambourines and with harps, And in battles of shaking He has fought with it.
BOEIPA loh a ning a hol pah vaengah a pum dongkah kamrhing te khaw, rhotoeng khaw caitueng kah lamkai la boeih a poeh pah. Te vaengah caemtloek kah thueng hmueih loh amih te a vathoh thil ni.
33 For Tophet is arranged from former time, Even it is prepared for the king, He has made deep, He has made large, Its pile [is] fire and much wood, The breath of YHWH, As a stream of brimstone, is burning in it!
Tophet khaw hlaemvai lamkah ni rhong a pai thil coeng. Te khaw manghai ham a soepsoei pah rhoe. A hlanhmai te a dung a ka sak tih hmai te khaw thing muep a hueng thil. BOEIPA kah a hiil loh kat hmai soklong bangla te te a dom.

< Isaiah 30 >