< Isaiah 17 >

1 The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from [being] a city, And it has been a heap—a ruin.
Uthenga wonena za Damasiko: “Taonani, mzinda wa Damasiko sudzakhalanso mzinda, koma udzasanduka bwinja.
2 The cities of Aroer are forsaken, They are for droves, and they have lain down, And there is none troubling.
Mizinda ya Aroeri idzakhala yopanda anthu ndipo idzakhala ya ziweto, zimene zidzagona pansi popanda wina woziopseza.
3 And the fortress has ceased from Ephraim, And the kingdom from Damascus, And the remnant of Aram are as the glory of the sons of Israel, A declaration of YHWH of Hosts!
Ku Efereimu sikudzakhalanso linga, ndipo ku Damasiko sikudzakhalanso ufumu; Otsalira a ku Siriya adzachotsedwa ulemu monga anthu a ku Israeli,” akutero Yehova Wamphamvuzonse.
4 And it has come to pass in that day, The glory of Jacob waxes poor, And the fatness of his flesh waxes lean.
“Tsiku limenelo ulemerero wa Yakobo udzazimirira; ndipo chuma chake chidzasanduka umphawi.
5 And it has come to pass, As the gathering of the standing grain by the reaper, And his arm reaps the ears, And it has come to pass, As the gathering of the ears in the Valley of Rephaim,
Israeli adzakhala ngati munda wa tirigu umene anatsiriza kukolola. Adzakhalanso ngati munda wa mʼchigwa cha Refaimu anthu atatha kukunkha ngala za tirigu.
6 And gleanings have been left in him, As the surrounding of an olive, Two—three berries on the top of a branch, Four—five on the fruitful boughs, A declaration of YHWH, God of Israel!
Komabe Aisraeli ochepa okha ndiwo ati adzatsale monga mʼmene zimatsalira zipatso ziwiri kapena zitatu pa nthambi ya pamwamba penipeni kapena zipatso zisanu pa nthambi za mʼmunsi mwa mtengo wa olivi akawugwedeza,” akutero Yehova, Mulungu wa Israeli.
7 In that day man looks to His Maker, Indeed, his eyes look to the Holy One of Israel,
Tsiku limenelo anthu adzayangʼana Mlengi wawo ndipo adzatembenukira kwa Woyerayo wa Israeli.
8 And he does not look to the altars. The work of his own hands, And that which his own fingers made, He does not see—the Asherim and the images.
Iwo sadzakhulupiriranso maguwa ansembe, ntchito ya manja awo, ndipo sadzadaliranso mitengo ya mafano a Asera, ndiponso maguwa ofukizirapo lubani amene manja awo anapanga.
9 In that day the cities of his strength are As the forsaken thing of the forest, And the branch that they have left, Because of the sons of Israel, It has also been a desolation.
Tsiku limenelo mizinda yawo yamphamvu, imene anasiya chifukwa cha Aisraeli, idzakhala ngati malo osiyidwa kuti awirire ndi kumera ziyangoyango. Ndipo yonse idzakhala mabwinja.
10 Because you have forgotten the God of your salvation, And have not remembered the Rock of your strength, Therefore you plant plants of pleasantness, And sow it with a strange shoot,
Inu mwayiwalatu Mulungu Mpulumutsi wanu; simunakumbukire Thanthwe, linga lanu. Choncho, ngakhale munadzala mbewu zabwino, ndi kuyitanitsa kunja mitengo ya mpesa,
11 You cause your plant to become great in the day, And make your seed to flourish in the morning, The harvest [is] a heap in a day of overflowing, And of mortal pain.
nimuyembekeza kuti zikule tsiku lomwelo ndi kuphukira maluwa mmawa mwake, komabe zimenezi sizidzakupindulirani pa tsiku la mavuto.
12 Woe [to] the multitude of many peoples, They sound as the sounding of seas; And the roaring of nations, As the roaring of mighty waters [that] make a crashing.
Aa, mkokomo wa anthu a mitundu yambiri, akusokosa ngati kukokoma kwa nyanja! Aa, phokoso la anthu a mitundu ina, akusokosa ngati mkokomo wa madzi amphamvu!
13 Nations crash as the roaring of many waters, And He rebuked them, And they fled far off, And were pursued as chaff of hills before wind, And as a rolling thing before a windstorm.
Ngakhale ankhondo a mitundu ina akubwera ndi mkokomo ngati wa madzi ambiri, koma adzathawira kutali Mulungu akadzawadzudzula. Yehova adzawapirikitsa ngati mankhusu owuluka ndi mphepo pa phiri, ndi ngati fumbi la kamvuluvulu asanayambe.
14 At evening, behold, terror, before morning it is not, This [is] the portion of our spoilers, And the lot of our plunderers!
Pofika nthawi yamadzulo zoopsa zidzayamba kuchitika, ndipo zidzakhala zitatha pofika mmawa. Izi ndizo zidzachitikire anthu otilanda zinthu, gawo la amene amatibera zinthu zathu.

< Isaiah 17 >